2019-10-24 14:37:59 +02:00
/*! Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2019 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */
;(function(Icinga, $) {
'use strict';
Icinga.Behaviors = Icinga.Behaviors || {};
* Behavior for modal dialogs.
* @param icinga {Icinga} The current Icinga Object
var Modal = function(icinga) {
Icinga.EventListener.call(this, icinga);
this.icinga = icinga;
this.$layout = $('#layout');
this.$ghost = $('#modal-ghost');
this.on('submit', '#modal form', this.onFormSubmit, this);
this.on('change', '#modal form select.autosubmit', this.onFormAutoSubmit, this);
this.on('change', '#modal form input.autosubmit', this.onFormAutoSubmit, this);
this.on('click', '[data-icinga-modal]', this.onModalToggleClick, this);
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this.on('mousedown', '#layout > #modal', this.onModalLeave, this);
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this.on('click', '.modal-header > button', this.onModalClose, this);
this.on('keydown', this.onKeyDown, this);
Modal.prototype = new Icinga.EventListener();
* Event handler for toggling modals. Shows the link target in a modal dialog.
* @param event {Event} The `onClick` event triggered by the clicked modal-toggle element
* @returns {boolean}
Modal.prototype.onModalToggleClick = function(event) {
var _this = event.data.self;
var $a = $(event.currentTarget);
var url = $a.attr('href');
var $modal = _this.$ghost.clone();
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var $urlTarget = _this.icinga.loader.getLinkTargetFor($a, false);
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2020-06-03 15:59:53 +02:00
// Add showCompact, we don't want controls in a modal
url = _this.icinga.utils.addUrlFlag(url, 'showCompact');
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// Set the toggle's base target on the modal to use it as redirect target
$modal.data('redirectTarget', $urlTarget);
// Final preparations, the id is required so that it's not `display:none` anymore
$modal.attr('id', 'modal');
var req = _this.icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $modal.find('#modal-content'));
req.addToHistory = false;
req.done(function () {
_this.setTitle($modal, req.$target.data('icingaTitle').replace(/\s::\s.*/, ''));
req.fail(function (req, _, errorThrown) {
if (req.status >= 500) {
// Yes, that's done twice (by us and by the base fail handler),
// but `renderContentToContainer` does too many useful things..
_this.icinga.loader.renderContentToContainer(req.responseText, $urlTarget, req.action);
} else if (req.status > 0) {
var msg = $(req.responseText).find('.error-message').text();
if (msg && msg !== errorThrown) {
errorThrown += ': ' + msg;
_this.icinga.loader.createNotice('error', errorThrown);
return false;
* Event handler for form submits within a modal.
* @param event {Event} The `submit` event triggered by a form within the modal
* @param $autoSubmittedBy {jQuery} The element triggering the auto submit, if any
* @returns {boolean}
Modal.prototype.onFormSubmit = function(event, $autoSubmittedBy) {
var _this = event.data.self;
var $form = $(event.currentTarget).closest('form');
var $modal = $form.closest('#modal');
var req = _this.icinga.loader.submitForm($form, $autoSubmittedBy);
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req.addToHistory = false;
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req.$redirectTarget = $modal.data('redirectTarget');
req.done(function (data, textStatus, req) {
if (req.getResponseHeader('X-Icinga-Redirect')) {
return false;
* Event handler for form auto submits within a modal.
* @param event {Event} The `change` event triggered by a form input within the modal
* @returns {boolean}
Modal.prototype.onFormAutoSubmit = function(event) {
return event.data.self.onFormSubmit(event, $(event.currentTarget));
* Event handler for closing the modal. Closes it when the user clicks on the overlay.
* @param event {Event} The `click` event triggered by clicking on the overlay
Modal.prototype.onModalLeave = function(event) {
var _this = event.data.self;
var $target = $(event.target);
if ($target.is('#modal')) {
* Event handler for closing the modal. Closes it when the user clicks on the close button.
* @param event {Event} The `click` event triggered by clicking on the close button
Modal.prototype.onModalClose = function(event) {
var _this = event.data.self;
* Event handler for closing the modal. Closes it when the user pushed ESC.
* @param event {Event} The `keydown` event triggered by pushing a key
Modal.prototype.onKeyDown = function(event) {
var _this = event.data.self;
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if (! event.isDefaultPrevented() && event.key === 'Escape') {
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* Make final preparations and add the modal to the DOM
* @param $modal {jQuery} The modal element
Modal.prototype.show = function($modal) {
* Set a title for the modal
* @param $modal {jQuery} The modal element
* @param title {string} The title
Modal.prototype.setTitle = function($modal, title) {
$modal.find('.modal-header > h1').html(title);
* Focus the modal
* @param $modal {jQuery} The modal element
Modal.prototype.focus = function($modal) {
* Hide the modal and remove it from the DOM
* @param $modal {jQuery} The modal element
Modal.prototype.hide = function($modal) {
// Using `setTimeout` here to let the transition finish
setTimeout(function () {
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}, 200);
Icinga.Behaviors.Modal = Modal;
})(Icinga, jQuery);