
78 lines
2.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<div class="controls">
<?= $this->tabs ?>
<div class="content">
<?php if (! $module): ?>
<?= $this->translate('There is no such module installed.') ?>
<?php return; endif ?>
$dependencies = $module->getDependencies();
$restrictions = $module->getProvidedRestrictions();
$permissions = $module->getProvidedPermissions();
$state = $moduleData->enabled ? ($moduleData->loaded ? 'enabled' : 'failed') : 'disabled'
<table class="name-value-table">
<th><?= $this->escape($this->translate('Name')) ?></th>
<td><?= $this->escape($module->getName()) ?></td>
<th><?= $this->translate('State') ?></th>
<td><?= $state ?><?php if ($state === 'enabled'): ?>
<?= $this->qlink(
array('name' => $module->getName()),
array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Disable the %s module'), $module->getName()))
); ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($state === 'disabled'): ?>
<?= $this->qlink(
array('name' => $module->getName()),
array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Enable the %s module'), $module->getName()))
); ?>
<?php endif ?>
<th><?= $this->escape($this->translate('Version')) ?></th>
<td><?= $this->escape($module->getVersion()) ?></td></tr>
<th><?= $this->escape($this->translate('Description')) ?></th>
<td><?= nl2br($this->escape($module->getDescription())) ?></td>
<th><?= $this->escape($this->translate('Dependencies')) ?></th>
if (empty($dependencies)):
echo $this->translate('This module has no dependencies');
else: foreach ($dependencies as $name => $versionString): ?>
<strong><?= $this->escape($name) ?></strong><?php if ($versionString !== true): ?>: <?= $this->escape($versionString) ?><?php endif ?><br />
<?php endforeach; endif ?>
<?php if (! empty($permissions)): ?>
<th><?= $this->escape($this->translate('Permissions')) ?></th>
<?php foreach ($permissions as $permission): ?>
<strong><?= $this->escape($permission->name) ?></strong>: <?= $this->escape($permission->description) ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (! empty($restrictions)): ?>
<th><?= $this->escape($this->translate('Restrictions')) ?></th>
<?php foreach ($restrictions as $restriction): ?>
<strong><?= $this->escape($restriction->name) ?></strong>: <?= $this->escape($restriction->description) ?><br />
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>