2013-06-03 15:37:30 +02:00
< ? php
// File name : example_006.php
// Begin : 2008-03-04
// Last Update : 2013-03-16
// Description : Example 006 for TCPDF class
// WriteHTML and RTL support
// Author: Nicola Asuni
// (c) Copyright:
// Nicola Asuni
// Tecnick.com LTD
// www.tecnick.com
// info@tecnick.com
* Creates an example PDF TEST document using TCPDF
* @ package com . tecnick . tcpdf
* @ abstract TCPDF - Example : WriteHTML and RTL support
* @ author Nicola Asuni
* @ since 2008 - 03 - 04
require_once ( '../config/lang/eng.php' );
require_once ( '../tcpdf.php' );
// create new PDF document
$pdf = new TCPDF ( PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION , PDF_UNIT , PDF_PAGE_FORMAT , true , 'UTF-8' , false );
// set document information
$pdf -> SetCreator ( PDF_CREATOR );
$pdf -> SetAuthor ( 'Nicola Asuni' );
$pdf -> SetTitle ( 'TCPDF Example 006' );
$pdf -> SetSubject ( 'TCPDF Tutorial' );
$pdf -> SetKeywords ( 'TCPDF, PDF, example, test, guide' );
// set default header data
// set header and footer fonts
$pdf -> setHeaderFont ( Array ( PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN , '' , PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN ));
$pdf -> setFooterFont ( Array ( PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA , '' , PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA ));
// set default monospaced font
$pdf -> SetDefaultMonospacedFont ( PDF_FONT_MONOSPACED );
//set margins
$pdf -> SetHeaderMargin ( PDF_MARGIN_HEADER );
$pdf -> SetFooterMargin ( PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER );
//set auto page breaks
$pdf -> SetAutoPageBreak ( TRUE , PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM );
//set image scale factor
$pdf -> setImageScale ( PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO );
//set some language-dependent strings
$pdf -> setLanguageArray ( $l );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// set font
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'dejavusans' , '' , 10 );
// add a page
$pdf -> AddPage ();
// writeHTML($html, $ln=true, $fill=false, $reseth=false, $cell=false, $align='')
// writeHTMLCell($w, $h, $x, $y, $html='', $border=0, $ln=0, $fill=0, $reseth=true, $align='', $autopadding=true)
// create some HTML content
$html = ' < h1 > HTML Example </ h1 >
Some special characters : & lt ; € & euro ; & #8364; & è è © > \\slash \\\\double-slash \\\\\\triple-slash
< h2 > List </ h2 >
List example :
< ol >
< li >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " alt = " test alt attribute " width = " 30 " height = " 30 " border = " 0 " /> test image </ li >
< li >< b > bold text </ b ></ li >
< li >< i > italic text </ i ></ li >
< li >< u > underlined text </ u ></ li >
< li >< b > b < i > bi < u > biu </ u > bi </ i > b </ b ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://www.tecnick.com " dir = " ltr " > link to http :// www . tecnick . com </ a ></ li >
< li > Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium , totam rem aperiam , eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo .< br /> Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit , sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt .</ li >
< li > SUBLIST
< ol >
< li > row one
< ul >
< li > sublist </ li >
</ ul >
</ li >
< li > row two </ li >
</ ol >
</ li >
< li >< b > T </ b > E < i > S </ i >< u > T </ u > < del > line through </ del ></ li >
< li >< font size = " +3 " > font + 3 </ font ></ li >
< li >< small > small text </ small > normal < small > small text </ small > normal < sub > subscript </ sub > normal < sup > superscript </ sup > normal </ li >
</ ol >
< dl >
< dt > Coffee </ dt >
< dd > Black hot drink </ dd >
< dt > Milk </ dt >
< dd > White cold drink </ dd >
</ dl >
< div style = " text-align:center " > IMAGES < br />
< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " alt = " test alt attribute " width = " 100 " height = " 100 " border = " 0 " />< img src = " ../images/tiger.ai " alt = " test alt attribute " width = " 100 " height = " 100 " border = " 0 " />< img src = " ../images/logo_example.jpg " alt = " test alt attribute " width = " 100 " height = " 100 " border = " 0 " />
</ div > ' ;
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// output some RTL HTML content
$html = '<div style="text-align:center">The words “<span dir="rtl">מזל [mazel] טוב [tov]</span>” mean “Congratulations!”</div>' ;
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// test some inline CSS
$html = ' < p > This is just an example of html code to demonstrate some supported CSS inline styles .
< span style = " font-weight: bold; " > bold text </ span >
< span style = " text-decoration: line-through; " > line - trough </ span >
< span style = " text-decoration: underline line-through; " > underline and line - trough </ span >
< span style = " color: rgb(0, 128, 64); " > color </ span >
< span style = " background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); " > background color </ span >
< span style = " font-weight: bold; " > bold </ span >
< span style = " font-size: xx-small; " > xx - small </ span >
< span style = " font-size: x-small; " > x - small </ span >
< span style = " font-size: small; " > small </ span >
< span style = " font-size: medium; " > medium </ span >
< span style = " font-size: large; " > large </ span >
< span style = " font-size: x-large; " > x - large </ span >
< span style = " font-size: xx-large; " > xx - large </ span >
</ p > ' ;
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// reset pointer to the last page
$pdf -> lastPage ();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Print a table
// add a page
$pdf -> AddPage ();
// create some HTML content
$subtable = '<table border="1" cellspacing="6" cellpadding="4"><tr><td>a</td><td>b</td></tr><tr><td>c</td><td>d</td></tr></table>' ;
$html = ' < h2 > HTML TABLE :</ h2 >
< table border = " 1 " cellspacing = " 3 " cellpadding = " 4 " >
< tr >
< th > #</th>
< th align = " right " > RIGHT align </ th >
< th align = " left " > LEFT align </ th >
< th > 4 A </ th >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > 1 </ td >
< td bgcolor = " #cccccc " align = " center " colspan = " 2 " > A1 ex < i > amp </ i > le < a href = " http://www.tcpdf.org " > link </ a > column span . One two tree four five six seven eight nine ten .< br /> line after br < br />< small > small text </ small > normal < sub > subscript </ sub > normal < sup > superscript </ sup > normal bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla < ol >< li > first < ol >< li > sublist </ li >< li > sublist </ li ></ ol ></ li >< li > second </ li ></ ol >< small color = " #FF0000 " bgcolor = " #FFFF00 " > small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small </ small ></ td >
< td > 4 B </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > '.$subtable.' </ td >
< td bgcolor = " #0000FF " color = " yellow " align = " center " > A2 € & euro ; & #8364; & è è<br/>A2 € € € & è è</td>
< td bgcolor = " #FFFF00 " align = " left " >< font color = " #FF0000 " > Red </ font > Yellow BG </ td >
< td > 4 C </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > 1 A </ td >
< td rowspan = " 2 " colspan = " 2 " bgcolor = " #FFFFCC " > 2 AA < br /> 2 AB < br /> 2 AC </ td >
< td bgcolor = " #FF0000 " > 4 D </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > 1 B </ td >
< td > 4 E </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > 1 C </ td >
< td > 2 C </ td >
< td > 3 C </ td >
< td > 4 F </ td >
</ tr >
</ table > ' ;
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// Print some HTML Cells
$html = '<span color="red">red</span> <span color="green">green</span> <span color="blue">blue</span><br /><span color="red">red</span> <span color="green">green</span> <span color="blue">blue</span>' ;
$pdf -> SetFillColor ( 255 , 255 , 0 );
$pdf -> writeHTMLCell ( 0 , 0 , '' , '' , $html , 'LRTB' , 1 , 0 , true , 'L' , true );
$pdf -> writeHTMLCell ( 0 , 0 , '' , '' , $html , 'LRTB' , 1 , 1 , true , 'C' , true );
$pdf -> writeHTMLCell ( 0 , 0 , '' , '' , $html , 'LRTB' , 1 , 0 , true , 'R' , true );
// reset pointer to the last page
$pdf -> lastPage ();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Print a table
// add a page
$pdf -> AddPage ();
// create some HTML content
$html = ' < h1 > Image alignments on HTML table </ h1 >
< table cellpadding = " 1 " cellspacing = " 1 " border = " 1 " style = " text-align:center; " >
< tr >< td >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " /></ td ></ tr >
< tr style = " text-align:left; " >< td >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " align = " top " /></ td ></ tr >
< tr style = " text-align:center; " >< td >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " align = " middle " /></ td ></ tr >
< tr style = " text-align:right; " >< td >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " align = " bottom " /></ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = " text-align:left; " >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " align = " top " /></ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = " text-align:center; " >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " align = " middle " /></ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td style = " text-align:right; " >< img src = " ../images/logo_example.png " border = " 0 " height = " 41 " width = " 41 " align = " bottom " /></ td ></ tr >
</ table > ' ;
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// reset pointer to the last page
$pdf -> lastPage ();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Print all HTML colors
// add a page
$pdf -> AddPage ();
$textcolors = '<h1>HTML Text Colors</h1>' ;
$bgcolors = '<hr /><h1>HTML Background Colors</h1>' ;
foreach ( TCPDF_COLORS :: $webcolor as $k => $v ) {
$textcolors .= '<span color="#' . $v . '">' . $v . '</span> ' ;
$bgcolors .= '<span bgcolor="#' . $v . '" color="#333333">' . $v . '</span> ' ;
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $textcolors , true , false , true , false , '' );
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $bgcolors , true , false , true , false , '' );
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Test word-wrap
// create some HTML content
$html = ' < hr />
< h1 > Various tests </ h1 >
< a href = " #2 " > link to page 2 </ a >< br />
< font face = " courier " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > < font face = " helvetica " >< i > thisisanotherverylongword </ i ></ font > < font face = " times " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > thisisanotherverylongword < font face = " times " > thisisaverylongword </ font > < font face = " courier " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > < font face = " helvetica " >< i > thisisanotherverylongword </ i ></ font > < font face = " times " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > thisisanotherverylongword < font face = " times " > thisisaverylongword </ font > < font face = " courier " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > < font face = " helvetica " >< i > thisisanotherverylongword </ i ></ font > < font face = " times " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > thisisanotherverylongword < font face = " times " > thisisaverylongword </ font > < font face = " courier " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > < font face = " helvetica " >< i > thisisanotherverylongword </ i ></ font > < font face = " times " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > thisisanotherverylongword < font face = " times " > thisisaverylongword </ font > < font face = " courier " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > < font face = " helvetica " >< i > thisisanotherverylongword </ i ></ font > < font face = " times " >< b > thisisaverylongword </ b ></ font > thisisanotherverylongword < font face = " times " > thisisaverylongword </ font > ' ;
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// Test fonts nesting
$html1 = 'Default <font face="courier">Courier <font face="helvetica">Helvetica <font face="times">Times <font face="dejavusans">dejavusans </font>Times </font>Helvetica </font>Courier </font>Default' ;
$html2 = '<small>small text</small> normal <small>small text</small> normal <sub>subscript</sub> normal <sup>superscript</sup> normal' ;
$html3 = '<font size="10" color="#ff7f50">The</font> <font size="10" color="#6495ed">quick</font> <font size="14" color="#dc143c">brown</font> <font size="18" color="#008000">fox</font> <font size="22"><a href="http://www.tcpdf.org">jumps</a></font> <font size="22" color="#a0522d">over</font> <font size="18" color="#da70d6">the</font> <font size="14" color="#9400d3">lazy</font> <font size="10" color="#4169el">dog</font>.' ;
$html = $html1 . '<br />' . $html2 . '<br />' . $html3 . '<br />' . $html3 . '<br />' . $html2 ;
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// test pre tag
// add a page
$pdf -> AddPage ();
$html = <<< EOF
< div style = " background-color:#880000;color:white; " >
Hello World !< br />
</ div >
< pre style = " background-color:#336699;color:white; " >
int main () {
printf ( " HelloWorld " );
return 0 ;
</ pre >
< tt > Monospace font </ tt > , normal font , < tt > monospace font </ tt > , normal font .
< br />
< div style = " background-color:#880000;color:white; " > DIV LEVEL 1 < div style = " background-color:#008800;color:white; " > DIV LEVEL 2 </ div > DIV LEVEL 1 </ div >
< br />
< span style = " background-color:#880000;color:white; " > SPAN LEVEL 1 < span style = " background-color:#008800;color:white; " > SPAN LEVEL 2 </ span > SPAN LEVEL 1 </ span >
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// test custom bullet points for list
// add a page
$pdf -> AddPage ();
$html = <<< EOF
< h1 > Test custom bullet image for list items </ h1 >
< ul style = " font-size:14pt;list-style-type:img|png|4|4|../images/logo_example.png " >
< li > test custom bullet image </ li >
< li > test custom bullet image </ li >
< li > test custom bullet image </ li >
< li > test custom bullet image </ li >
< ul >
// output the HTML content
$pdf -> writeHTML ( $html , true , false , true , false , '' );
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// reset pointer to the last page
$pdf -> lastPage ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
//Close and output PDF document
$pdf -> Output ( 'example_006.pdf' , 'I' );
2013-09-04 18:27:16 +02:00
2013-06-03 15:37:30 +02:00