
1639 lines
60 KiB
Raw Normal View History

-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- pgsql.sql
-- DB definition for Postgresql
-- Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Icinga Development Team (http://www.icinga.org)
-- initial version: 2009-05-13 Markus Manzke
-- current version: 2012-04-19 Michael Friedrich <michael.friedrich@univie.ac.at>
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Functions
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION from_unixtime(integer) RETURNS timestamp with time zone AS '
SELECT to_timestamp($1) AS result
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unix_timestamp(timestamp with time zone) RETURNS bigint AS '
SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM $1)::bigint AS result;
-- -----------------------------------------
-- set dbversion
-- -----------------------------------------
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION updatedbversion(version_i TEXT) RETURNS void AS $$
IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM icinga_dbversion WHERE name='idoutils')
UPDATE icinga_dbversion
SET version=version_i, modify_time=NOW()
WHERE name='idoutils';
INSERT INTO icinga_dbversion (dbversion_id, name, version, create_time, modify_time) VALUES ('1', 'idoutils', version_i, NOW(), NOW());
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- HINT: su - postgres; createlang plpgsql icinga;
-- Database: icinga
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_acknowledgements
CREATE TABLE icinga_acknowledgements (
acknowledgement_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
entry_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
acknowledgement_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
author_name TEXT default '',
comment_data TEXT default '',
is_sticky INTEGER default 0,
persistent_comment INTEGER default 0,
notify_contacts INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
CONSTRAINT PK_acknowledgement_id PRIMARY KEY (acknowledgement_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_commands
CREATE TABLE icinga_commands (
command_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
command_line TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_command_id PRIMARY KEY (command_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_commands UNIQUE (instance_id,object_id,config_type)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_commenthistory
CREATE TABLE icinga_commenthistory (
commenthistory_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
entry_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
comment_type INTEGER default 0,
entry_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
comment_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
internal_comment_id bigint default 0,
author_name TEXT default '',
comment_data TEXT default '',
is_persistent INTEGER default 0,
comment_source INTEGER default 0,
expires INTEGER default 0,
expiration_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
deletion_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
deletion_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_commenthistory_id PRIMARY KEY (commenthistory_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_commenthistory UNIQUE (instance_id,comment_time,internal_comment_id)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_comments
CREATE TABLE icinga_comments (
comment_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
entry_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
comment_type INTEGER default 0,
entry_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
comment_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
internal_comment_id bigint default 0,
author_name TEXT default '',
comment_data TEXT default '',
is_persistent INTEGER default 0,
comment_source INTEGER default 0,
expires INTEGER default 0,
expiration_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
CONSTRAINT PK_comment_id PRIMARY KEY (comment_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_comments UNIQUE (instance_id,comment_time,internal_comment_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_configfiles
CREATE TABLE icinga_configfiles (
configfile_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
configfile_type INTEGER default 0,
configfile_path TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_configfile_id PRIMARY KEY (configfile_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_configfiles UNIQUE (instance_id,configfile_type,configfile_path)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_configfilevariables
CREATE TABLE icinga_configfilevariables (
configfilevariable_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
configfile_id bigint default 0,
varname TEXT default '',
varvalue TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_configfilevariable_id PRIMARY KEY (configfilevariable_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_conninfo
CREATE TABLE icinga_conninfo (
conninfo_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
agent_name TEXT default '',
agent_version TEXT default '',
disposition TEXT default '',
connect_source TEXT default '',
connect_type TEXT default '',
connect_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
disconnect_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_checkin_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
data_start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
data_end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
bytes_processed bigint default 0,
lines_processed bigint default 0,
entries_processed bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_conninfo_id PRIMARY KEY (conninfo_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contactgroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_contactgroups (
contactgroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
contactgroup_object_id bigint default 0,
alias TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_contactgroup_id PRIMARY KEY (contactgroup_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contactgroups UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,contactgroup_object_id)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contactgroup_members
CREATE TABLE icinga_contactgroup_members (
contactgroup_member_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
contactgroup_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_contactgroup_member_id PRIMARY KEY (contactgroup_member_id)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contactnotificationmethods
CREATE TABLE icinga_contactnotificationmethods (
contactnotificationmethod_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
contactnotification_id bigint default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
command_object_id bigint default 0,
command_args TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_contactnotificationmethod_id PRIMARY KEY (contactnotificationmethod_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contactnotificationmethods UNIQUE (instance_id,contactnotification_id,start_time,start_time_usec)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contactnotifications
CREATE TABLE icinga_contactnotifications (
contactnotification_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
notification_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_contactnotification_id PRIMARY KEY (contactnotification_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contactnotifications UNIQUE (instance_id,contact_object_id,start_time,start_time_usec)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contacts
CREATE TABLE icinga_contacts (
contact_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
alias TEXT default '',
email_address TEXT default '',
pager_address TEXT default '',
host_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
service_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
host_notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
service_notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
can_submit_commands INTEGER default 0,
notify_service_recovery INTEGER default 0,
notify_service_warning INTEGER default 0,
notify_service_unknown INTEGER default 0,
notify_service_critical INTEGER default 0,
notify_service_flapping INTEGER default 0,
notify_service_downtime INTEGER default 0,
notify_host_recovery INTEGER default 0,
notify_host_down INTEGER default 0,
notify_host_unreachable INTEGER default 0,
notify_host_flapping INTEGER default 0,
notify_host_downtime INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_contact_id PRIMARY KEY (contact_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contacts UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,contact_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contactstatus
CREATE TABLE icinga_contactstatus (
contactstatus_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
status_update_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
host_notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
service_notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
last_host_notification timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_service_notification timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
modified_attributes INTEGER default 0,
modified_host_attributes INTEGER default 0,
modified_service_attributes INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_contactstatus_id PRIMARY KEY (contactstatus_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contactstatus UNIQUE (contact_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contact_addresses
CREATE TABLE icinga_contact_addresses (
contact_address_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
contact_id bigint default 0,
address_number INTEGER default 0,
address TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_contact_address_id PRIMARY KEY (contact_address_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contact_addresses UNIQUE (contact_id,address_number)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_contact_notificationcommands
CREATE TABLE icinga_contact_notificationcommands (
contact_notificationcommand_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
contact_id bigint default 0,
notification_type INTEGER default 0,
command_object_id bigint default 0,
command_args TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_contact_notificationcommand_id PRIMARY KEY (contact_notificationcommand_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_contact_notificationcommands UNIQUE (contact_id,notification_type,command_object_id,command_args)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_customvariables
CREATE TABLE icinga_customvariables (
customvariable_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
has_been_modified INTEGER default 0,
varname TEXT default '',
varvalue TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_customvariable_id PRIMARY KEY (customvariable_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_customvariables UNIQUE (object_id,config_type,varname)
) ;
CREATE INDEX icinga_customvariables_i ON icinga_customvariables(varname);
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_customvariablestatus
CREATE TABLE icinga_customvariablestatus (
customvariablestatus_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
status_update_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
has_been_modified INTEGER default 0,
varname TEXT default '',
varvalue TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_customvariablestatus_id PRIMARY KEY (customvariablestatus_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_customvariablestatus UNIQUE (object_id,varname)
) ;
CREATE INDEX icinga_customvariablestatus_i ON icinga_customvariablestatus(varname);
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_dbversion
CREATE TABLE icinga_dbversion (
dbversion_id bigserial,
name TEXT default '',
version TEXT default '',
create_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
modify_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
CONSTRAINT PK_dbversion_id PRIMARY KEY (dbversion_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_dbversion UNIQUE (name)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_downtimehistory
CREATE TABLE icinga_downtimehistory (
downtimehistory_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
downtime_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
author_name TEXT default '',
comment_data TEXT default '',
internal_downtime_id bigint default 0,
triggered_by_id bigint default 0,
is_fixed INTEGER default 0,
duration INTEGER default 0,
scheduled_start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
scheduled_end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
was_started INTEGER default 0,
actual_start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
actual_start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
actual_end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
actual_end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
was_cancelled INTEGER default 0,
is_in_effect INTEGER default 0,
trigger_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
CONSTRAINT PK_downtimehistory_id PRIMARY KEY (downtimehistory_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_downtimehistory UNIQUE (instance_id,object_id,entry_time,internal_downtime_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_eventhandlers
CREATE TABLE icinga_eventhandlers (
eventhandler_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
eventhandler_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
state_type INTEGER default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
command_object_id bigint default 0,
command_args TEXT default '',
command_line TEXT default '',
timeout INTEGER default 0,
early_timeout INTEGER default 0,
execution_time double precision default 0,
return_code INTEGER default 0,
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_eventhandler_id PRIMARY KEY (eventhandler_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_eventhandlers UNIQUE (instance_id,object_id,start_time,start_time_usec)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_externalcommands
CREATE TABLE icinga_externalcommands (
externalcommand_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
command_type INTEGER default 0,
command_name TEXT default '',
command_args TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_externalcommand_id PRIMARY KEY (externalcommand_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_flappinghistory
CREATE TABLE icinga_flappinghistory (
flappinghistory_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
event_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
event_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
event_type INTEGER default 0,
reason_type INTEGER default 0,
flapping_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
percent_state_change double precision default 0,
low_threshold double precision default 0,
high_threshold double precision default 0,
comment_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
internal_comment_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_flappinghistory_id PRIMARY KEY (flappinghistory_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostchecks
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostchecks (
hostcheck_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
check_type INTEGER default 0,
is_raw_check INTEGER default 0,
current_check_attempt INTEGER default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
state_type INTEGER default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
command_object_id bigint default 0,
command_args TEXT default '',
command_line TEXT default '',
timeout INTEGER default 0,
early_timeout INTEGER default 0,
execution_time double precision default 0,
latency double precision default 0,
return_code INTEGER default 0,
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
perfdata TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_hostcheck_id PRIMARY KEY (hostcheck_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostdependencies
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostdependencies (
hostdependency_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
dependent_host_object_id bigint default 0,
dependency_type INTEGER default 0,
inherits_parent INTEGER default 0,
timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
fail_on_up INTEGER default 0,
fail_on_down INTEGER default 0,
fail_on_unreachable INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_hostdependency_id PRIMARY KEY (hostdependency_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hostdependencies UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,host_object_id,dependent_host_object_id,dependency_type,inherits_parent,fail_on_up,fail_on_down,fail_on_unreachable)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostescalations
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostescalations (
hostescalation_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
first_notification INTEGER default 0,
last_notification INTEGER default 0,
notification_interval double precision default 0,
escalate_on_recovery INTEGER default 0,
escalate_on_down INTEGER default 0,
escalate_on_unreachable INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_hostescalation_id PRIMARY KEY (hostescalation_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hostescalations UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,host_object_id,timeperiod_object_id,first_notification,last_notification)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostescalation_contactgroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostescalation_contactgroups (
hostescalation_contactgroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
hostescalation_id bigint default 0,
contactgroup_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_hostescalation_contactgroup_id PRIMARY KEY (hostescalation_contactgroup_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hostescalation_contactgroups UNIQUE (hostescalation_id,contactgroup_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostescalation_contacts
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostescalation_contacts (
hostescalation_contact_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
hostescalation_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_hostescalation_contact_id PRIMARY KEY (hostescalation_contact_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hostescalation_contacts UNIQUE (instance_id,hostescalation_id,contact_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostgroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostgroups (
hostgroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
hostgroup_object_id bigint default 0,
alias TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_hostgroup_id PRIMARY KEY (hostgroup_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hostgroups UNIQUE (instance_id,hostgroup_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hostgroup_members
CREATE TABLE icinga_hostgroup_members (
hostgroup_member_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
hostgroup_id bigint default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_hostgroup_member_id PRIMARY KEY (hostgroup_member_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hosts
CREATE TABLE icinga_hosts (
host_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
alias TEXT default '',
display_name TEXT default '',
address TEXT default '',
address6 TEXT default '',
check_command_object_id bigint default 0,
check_command_args TEXT default '',
eventhandler_command_object_id bigint default 0,
eventhandler_command_args TEXT default '',
notification_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
check_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
failure_prediction_options TEXT default '',
check_interval double precision default 0,
retry_interval double precision default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
first_notification_delay double precision default 0,
notification_interval double precision default 0,
notify_on_down INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_unreachable INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_recovery INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_flapping INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_downtime INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_up INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_down INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_unreachable INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_enabled INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_up INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_down INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_unreachable INTEGER default 0,
low_flap_threshold double precision default 0,
high_flap_threshold double precision default 0,
process_performance_data INTEGER default 0,
freshness_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
freshness_threshold INTEGER default 0,
passive_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
event_handler_enabled INTEGER default 0,
active_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
retain_status_information INTEGER default 0,
retain_nonstatus_information INTEGER default 0,
notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
obsess_over_host INTEGER default 0,
failure_prediction_enabled INTEGER default 0,
notes TEXT default '',
notes_url TEXT default '',
action_url TEXT default '',
icon_image TEXT default '',
icon_image_alt TEXT default '',
vrml_image TEXT default '',
statusmap_image TEXT default '',
have_2d_coords INTEGER default 0,
x_2d INTEGER default 0,
y_2d INTEGER default 0,
have_3d_coords INTEGER default 0,
x_3d double precision default 0,
y_3d double precision default 0,
z_3d double precision default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_host_id PRIMARY KEY (host_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hosts UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,host_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_hoststatus
CREATE TABLE icinga_hoststatus (
hoststatus_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
status_update_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
perfdata TEXT default '',
current_state INTEGER default 0,
has_been_checked INTEGER default 0,
should_be_scheduled INTEGER default 0,
current_check_attempt INTEGER default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
last_check timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
next_check timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
check_type INTEGER default 0,
last_state_change timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_hard_state_change timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_hard_state INTEGER default 0,
last_time_up timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_time_down timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_time_unreachable timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
state_type INTEGER default 0,
last_notification timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
next_notification timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
no_more_notifications INTEGER default 0,
notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
problem_has_been_acknowledged INTEGER default 0,
acknowledgement_type INTEGER default 0,
current_notification_number INTEGER default 0,
passive_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
active_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
event_handler_enabled INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_enabled INTEGER default 0,
is_flapping INTEGER default 0,
percent_state_change double precision default 0,
latency double precision default 0,
execution_time double precision default 0,
scheduled_downtime_depth INTEGER default 0,
failure_prediction_enabled INTEGER default 0,
process_performance_data INTEGER default 0,
obsess_over_host INTEGER default 0,
modified_host_attributes INTEGER default 0,
event_handler TEXT default '',
check_command TEXT default '',
normal_check_interval double precision default 0,
retry_check_interval double precision default 0,
check_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_hoststatus_id PRIMARY KEY (hoststatus_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_hoststatus UNIQUE (host_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_host_contactgroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_host_contactgroups (
host_contactgroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
host_id bigint default 0,
contactgroup_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_host_contactgroup_id PRIMARY KEY (host_contactgroup_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_host_contacts
CREATE TABLE icinga_host_contacts (
host_contact_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
host_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_host_contact_id PRIMARY KEY (host_contact_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_host_parenthosts
CREATE TABLE icinga_host_parenthosts (
host_parenthost_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
host_id bigint default 0,
parent_host_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_host_parenthost_id PRIMARY KEY (host_parenthost_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_instances
CREATE TABLE icinga_instances (
instance_id bigserial,
instance_name TEXT default '',
instance_description TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_instance_id PRIMARY KEY (instance_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_logentries
CREATE TABLE icinga_logentries (
logentry_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
logentry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
entry_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
logentry_type INTEGER default 0,
logentry_data TEXT default '',
realtime_data INTEGER default 0,
inferred_data_extracted INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_logentry_id PRIMARY KEY (logentry_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_notifications
CREATE TABLE icinga_notifications (
notification_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
notification_type INTEGER default 0,
notification_reason INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
escalated INTEGER default 0,
contacts_notified INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_notification_id PRIMARY KEY (notification_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_notifications UNIQUE (instance_id,object_id,start_time,start_time_usec)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_objects
CREATE TABLE icinga_objects (
object_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
objecttype_id bigint default 0,
name1 TEXT,
name2 TEXT,
is_active INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_object_id PRIMARY KEY (object_id)
-- UNIQUE (objecttype_id,name1,name2)
) ;
CREATE INDEX icinga_objects_i ON icinga_objects(objecttype_id,name1,name2);
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_processevents
CREATE TABLE icinga_processevents (
processevent_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
event_type INTEGER default 0,
event_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
event_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
process_id bigint default 0,
program_name TEXT default '',
program_version TEXT default '',
program_date TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_processevent_id PRIMARY KEY (processevent_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_programstatus
CREATE TABLE icinga_programstatus (
programstatus_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
status_update_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
program_start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
program_end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
is_currently_running INTEGER default 0,
process_id bigint default 0,
daemon_mode INTEGER default 0,
last_command_check timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_log_rotation timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
disable_notif_expire_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
active_service_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
passive_service_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
active_host_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
passive_host_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
event_handlers_enabled INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_enabled INTEGER default 0,
failure_prediction_enabled INTEGER default 0,
process_performance_data INTEGER default 0,
obsess_over_hosts INTEGER default 0,
obsess_over_services INTEGER default 0,
modified_host_attributes INTEGER default 0,
modified_service_attributes INTEGER default 0,
global_host_event_handler TEXT default '',
global_service_event_handler TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_programstatus_id PRIMARY KEY (programstatus_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_programstatus UNIQUE (instance_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_runtimevariables
CREATE TABLE icinga_runtimevariables (
runtimevariable_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
varname TEXT default '',
varvalue TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_runtimevariable_id PRIMARY KEY (runtimevariable_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_scheduleddowntime
CREATE TABLE icinga_scheduleddowntime (
scheduleddowntime_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
downtime_type INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
entry_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
author_name TEXT default '',
comment_data TEXT default '',
internal_downtime_id bigint default 0,
triggered_by_id bigint default 0,
is_fixed INTEGER default 0,
duration INTEGER default 0,
scheduled_start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
scheduled_end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
was_started INTEGER default 0,
actual_start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
actual_start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
is_in_effect INTEGER default 0,
trigger_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
CONSTRAINT PK_scheduleddowntime_id PRIMARY KEY (scheduleddowntime_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_scheduleddowntime UNIQUE (instance_id,object_id,entry_time,internal_downtime_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_servicechecks
CREATE TABLE icinga_servicechecks (
servicecheck_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
service_object_id bigint default 0,
check_type INTEGER default 0,
current_check_attempt INTEGER default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
state_type INTEGER default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
command_object_id bigint default 0,
command_args TEXT default '',
command_line TEXT default '',
timeout INTEGER default 0,
early_timeout INTEGER default 0,
execution_time double precision default 0,
latency double precision default 0,
return_code INTEGER default 0,
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
perfdata TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_servicecheck_id PRIMARY KEY (servicecheck_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_servicedependencies
CREATE TABLE icinga_servicedependencies (
servicedependency_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
service_object_id bigint default 0,
dependent_service_object_id bigint default 0,
dependency_type INTEGER default 0,
inherits_parent INTEGER default 0,
timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
fail_on_ok INTEGER default 0,
fail_on_warning INTEGER default 0,
fail_on_unknown INTEGER default 0,
fail_on_critical INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_servicedependency_id PRIMARY KEY (servicedependency_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_servicedependencies UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,service_object_id,dependent_service_object_id,dependency_type,inherits_parent,fail_on_ok,fail_on_warning,fail_on_unknown,fail_on_critical)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_serviceescalations
CREATE TABLE icinga_serviceescalations (
serviceescalation_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
service_object_id bigint default 0,
timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
first_notification INTEGER default 0,
last_notification INTEGER default 0,
notification_interval double precision default 0,
escalate_on_recovery INTEGER default 0,
escalate_on_warning INTEGER default 0,
escalate_on_unknown INTEGER default 0,
escalate_on_critical INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_serviceescalation_id PRIMARY KEY (serviceescalation_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_serviceescalations UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,service_object_id,timeperiod_object_id,first_notification,last_notification)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_serviceescalation_contactgroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_serviceescalation_contactgroups (
serviceescalation_contactgroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
serviceescalation_id bigint default 0,
contactgroup_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_serviceescalation_contactgroup_id PRIMARY KEY (serviceescalation_contactgroup_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_serviceescalation_contactgro UNIQUE (serviceescalation_id,contactgroup_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_serviceescalation_contacts
CREATE TABLE icinga_serviceescalation_contacts (
serviceescalation_contact_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
serviceescalation_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_serviceescalation_contact_id PRIMARY KEY (serviceescalation_contact_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_serviceescalation_contacts UNIQUE (instance_id,serviceescalation_id,contact_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_servicegroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_servicegroups (
servicegroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
servicegroup_object_id bigint default 0,
alias TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_servicegroup_id PRIMARY KEY (servicegroup_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_servicegroups UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,servicegroup_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_servicegroup_members
CREATE TABLE icinga_servicegroup_members (
servicegroup_member_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
servicegroup_id bigint default 0,
service_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_servicegroup_member_id PRIMARY KEY (servicegroup_member_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_services
CREATE TABLE icinga_services (
service_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
host_object_id bigint default 0,
service_object_id bigint default 0,
display_name TEXT default '',
check_command_object_id bigint default 0,
check_command_args TEXT default '',
eventhandler_command_object_id bigint default 0,
eventhandler_command_args TEXT default '',
notification_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
check_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
failure_prediction_options TEXT default '',
check_interval double precision default 0,
retry_interval double precision default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
first_notification_delay double precision default 0,
notification_interval double precision default 0,
notify_on_warning INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_unknown INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_critical INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_recovery INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_flapping INTEGER default 0,
notify_on_downtime INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_ok INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_warning INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_unknown INTEGER default 0,
stalk_on_critical INTEGER default 0,
is_volatile INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_enabled INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_ok INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_warning INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_unknown INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_on_critical INTEGER default 0,
low_flap_threshold double precision default 0,
high_flap_threshold double precision default 0,
process_performance_data INTEGER default 0,
freshness_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
freshness_threshold INTEGER default 0,
passive_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
event_handler_enabled INTEGER default 0,
active_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
retain_status_information INTEGER default 0,
retain_nonstatus_information INTEGER default 0,
notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
obsess_over_service INTEGER default 0,
failure_prediction_enabled INTEGER default 0,
notes TEXT default '',
notes_url TEXT default '',
action_url TEXT default '',
icon_image TEXT default '',
icon_image_alt TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_service_id PRIMARY KEY (service_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_services UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,service_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_servicestatus
CREATE TABLE icinga_servicestatus (
servicestatus_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
service_object_id bigint default 0,
status_update_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
perfdata TEXT default '',
current_state INTEGER default 0,
has_been_checked INTEGER default 0,
should_be_scheduled INTEGER default 0,
current_check_attempt INTEGER default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
last_check timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
next_check timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
check_type INTEGER default 0,
last_state_change timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_hard_state_change timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_hard_state INTEGER default 0,
last_time_ok timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_time_warning timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_time_unknown timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
last_time_critical timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
state_type INTEGER default 0,
last_notification timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
next_notification timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
no_more_notifications INTEGER default 0,
notifications_enabled INTEGER default 0,
problem_has_been_acknowledged INTEGER default 0,
acknowledgement_type INTEGER default 0,
current_notification_number INTEGER default 0,
passive_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
active_checks_enabled INTEGER default 0,
event_handler_enabled INTEGER default 0,
flap_detection_enabled INTEGER default 0,
is_flapping INTEGER default 0,
percent_state_change double precision default 0,
latency double precision default 0,
execution_time double precision default 0,
scheduled_downtime_depth INTEGER default 0,
failure_prediction_enabled INTEGER default 0,
process_performance_data INTEGER default 0,
obsess_over_service INTEGER default 0,
modified_service_attributes INTEGER default 0,
event_handler TEXT default '',
check_command TEXT default '',
normal_check_interval double precision default 0,
retry_check_interval double precision default 0,
check_timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_servicestatus_id PRIMARY KEY (servicestatus_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_servicestatus UNIQUE (service_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_service_contactgroups
CREATE TABLE icinga_service_contactgroups (
service_contactgroup_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
service_id bigint default 0,
contactgroup_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_service_contactgroup_id PRIMARY KEY (service_contactgroup_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_service_contacts
CREATE TABLE icinga_service_contacts (
service_contact_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
service_id bigint default 0,
contact_object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_service_contact_id PRIMARY KEY (service_contact_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_statehistory
CREATE TABLE icinga_statehistory (
statehistory_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
state_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
state_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
state_change INTEGER default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
state_type INTEGER default 0,
current_check_attempt INTEGER default 0,
max_check_attempts INTEGER default 0,
last_state INTEGER default '-1',
last_hard_state INTEGER default '-1',
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_statehistory_id PRIMARY KEY (statehistory_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_systemcommands
CREATE TABLE icinga_systemcommands (
systemcommand_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
start_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
command_line TEXT default '',
timeout INTEGER default 0,
early_timeout INTEGER default 0,
execution_time double precision default 0,
return_code INTEGER default 0,
output TEXT default '',
long_output TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_systemcommand_id PRIMARY KEY (systemcommand_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_systemcommands UNIQUE (instance_id,start_time,start_time_usec)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_timedeventqueue
CREATE TABLE icinga_timedeventqueue (
timedeventqueue_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
event_type INTEGER default 0,
queued_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
queued_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
scheduled_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
recurring_event INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_timedeventqueue_id PRIMARY KEY (timedeventqueue_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_timedevents
CREATE TABLE icinga_timedevents (
timedevent_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
event_type INTEGER default 0,
queued_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
queued_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
event_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
event_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
scheduled_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
recurring_event INTEGER default 0,
object_id bigint default 0,
deletion_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
deletion_time_usec INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_timedevent_id PRIMARY KEY (timedevent_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_timedevents UNIQUE (instance_id,event_type,scheduled_time,object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_timeperiods
CREATE TABLE icinga_timeperiods (
timeperiod_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
config_type INTEGER default 0,
timeperiod_object_id bigint default 0,
alias TEXT default '',
CONSTRAINT PK_timeperiod_id PRIMARY KEY (timeperiod_id) ,
CONSTRAINT UQ_timeperiods UNIQUE (instance_id,config_type,timeperiod_object_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_timeperiod_timeranges
CREATE TABLE icinga_timeperiod_timeranges (
timeperiod_timerange_id bigserial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
timeperiod_id bigint default 0,
day INTEGER default 0,
start_sec INTEGER default 0,
end_sec INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_timeperiod_timerange_id PRIMARY KEY (timeperiod_timerange_id)
) ;
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table icinga_slahistory
CREATE TABLE icinga_slahistory (
slahistory_id serial,
instance_id bigint default 0,
start_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
end_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
acknowledgement_time timestamp with time zone default '1970-01-01 00:00:00',
object_id bigint default 0,
state INTEGER default 0,
state_type INTEGER default '0',
scheduled_downtime INTEGER default 0,
CONSTRAINT PK_slahistory_id PRIMARY KEY (slahistory_id)
) ;
-- -----------------------------------------
-- add index (delete)
-- -----------------------------------------
-- for periodic delete
-- instance_id and
-- TIMEDEVENTS => scheduled_time
-- EXTERNALCOMMANDS => entry_time
-- instance_id
CREATE INDEX timedevents_i_id_idx on icinga_timedevents(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX timedeventq_i_id_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX systemcommands_i_id_idx on icinga_systemcommands(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX servicechecks_i_id_idx on icinga_servicechecks(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostchecks_i_id_idx on icinga_hostchecks(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX eventhandlers_i_id_idx on icinga_eventhandlers(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX externalcommands_i_id_idx on icinga_externalcommands(instance_id);
-- time
CREATE INDEX timedevents_time_id_idx on icinga_timedevents(scheduled_time);
CREATE INDEX timedeventq_time_id_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(scheduled_time);
CREATE INDEX systemcommands_time_id_idx on icinga_systemcommands(start_time);
CREATE INDEX servicechecks_time_id_idx on icinga_servicechecks(start_time);
CREATE INDEX hostchecks_time_id_idx on icinga_hostchecks(start_time);
CREATE INDEX eventhandlers_time_id_idx on icinga_eventhandlers(start_time);
CREATE INDEX externalcommands_time_id_idx on icinga_externalcommands(entry_time);
-- for starting cleanup - referenced in dbhandler.c:882
-- instance_id only
-- realtime data
CREATE INDEX programstatus_i_id_idx on icinga_programstatus(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_i_id_idx on icinga_hoststatus(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX servicestatus_i_id_idx on icinga_servicestatus(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX contactstatus_i_id_idx on icinga_contactstatus(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX timedeventqueue_i_id_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX comments_i_id_idx on icinga_comments(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX scheduleddowntime_i_id_idx on icinga_scheduleddowntime(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX runtimevariables_i_id_idx on icinga_runtimevariables(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX customvariablestatus_i_id_idx on icinga_customvariablestatus(instance_id);
-- config data
CREATE INDEX configfiles_i_id_idx on icinga_configfiles(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX configfilevariables_i_id_idx on icinga_configfilevariables(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX customvariables_i_id_idx on icinga_customvariables(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX commands_i_id_idx on icinga_commands(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX timeperiods_i_id_idx on icinga_timeperiods(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX timeperiod_timeranges_i_id_idx on icinga_timeperiod_timeranges(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX contactgroups_i_id_idx on icinga_contactgroups(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX contactgroup_members_i_id_idx on icinga_contactgroup_members(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostgroups_i_id_idx on icinga_hostgroups(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostgroup_members_i_id_idx on icinga_hostgroup_members(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX servicegroups_i_id_idx on icinga_servicegroups(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX servicegroup_members_i_id_idx on icinga_servicegroup_members(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostesc_i_id_idx on icinga_hostescalations(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostesc_contacts_i_id_idx on icinga_hostescalation_contacts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX serviceesc_i_id_idx on icinga_serviceescalations(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX serviceesc_contacts_i_id_idx on icinga_serviceescalation_contacts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostdependencies_i_id_idx on icinga_hostdependencies(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX contacts_i_id_idx on icinga_contacts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX contact_addresses_i_id_idx on icinga_contact_addresses(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX contact_notifcommands_i_id_idx on icinga_contact_notificationcommands(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hosts_i_id_idx on icinga_hosts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX host_parenthosts_i_id_idx on icinga_host_parenthosts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX host_contacts_i_id_idx on icinga_host_contacts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX services_i_id_idx on icinga_services(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX service_contacts_i_id_idx on icinga_service_contacts(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX service_contactgroups_i_id_idx on icinga_service_contactgroups(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX host_contactgroups_i_id_idx on icinga_host_contactgroups(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX hostesc_cgroups_i_id_idx on icinga_hostescalation_contactgroups(instance_id);
CREATE INDEX serviceesc_cgroups_i_id_idx on icinga_serviceescalation_contactgroups(instance_id);
-- -----------------------------------------
-- more index stuff (WHERE clauses)
-- -----------------------------------------
-- hosts
CREATE INDEX hosts_host_object_id_idx on icinga_hosts(host_object_id);
-- hoststatus
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_stat_upd_time_idx on icinga_hoststatus(status_update_time);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_current_state_idx on icinga_hoststatus(current_state);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_check_type_idx on icinga_hoststatus(check_type);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_state_type_idx on icinga_hoststatus(state_type);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_last_state_chg_idx on icinga_hoststatus(last_state_change);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_notif_enabled_idx on icinga_hoststatus(notifications_enabled);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_problem_ack_idx on icinga_hoststatus(problem_has_been_acknowledged);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_act_chks_en_idx on icinga_hoststatus(active_checks_enabled);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_pas_chks_en_idx on icinga_hoststatus(passive_checks_enabled);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_event_hdl_en_idx on icinga_hoststatus(event_handler_enabled);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_flap_det_en_idx on icinga_hoststatus(flap_detection_enabled);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_is_flapping_idx on icinga_hoststatus(is_flapping);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_p_state_chg_idx on icinga_hoststatus(percent_state_change);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_latency_idx on icinga_hoststatus(latency);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_ex_time_idx on icinga_hoststatus(execution_time);
CREATE INDEX hoststatus_sch_downt_d_idx on icinga_hoststatus(scheduled_downtime_depth);
-- services
CREATE INDEX services_host_object_id_idx on icinga_services(host_object_id);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_stat_upd_time_idx on icinga_servicestatus(status_update_time);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_current_state_idx on icinga_servicestatus(current_state);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_check_type_idx on icinga_servicestatus(check_type);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_state_type_idx on icinga_servicestatus(state_type);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_last_state_chg_idx on icinga_servicestatus(last_state_change);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_notif_enabled_idx on icinga_servicestatus(notifications_enabled);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_problem_ack_idx on icinga_servicestatus(problem_has_been_acknowledged);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_act_chks_en_idx on icinga_servicestatus(active_checks_enabled);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_pas_chks_en_idx on icinga_servicestatus(passive_checks_enabled);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_event_hdl_en_idx on icinga_servicestatus(event_handler_enabled);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_flap_det_en_idx on icinga_servicestatus(flap_detection_enabled);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_is_flapping_idx on icinga_servicestatus(is_flapping);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_p_state_chg_idx on icinga_servicestatus(percent_state_change);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_latency_idx on icinga_servicestatus(latency);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_ex_time_idx on icinga_servicestatus(execution_time);
CREATE INDEX srvcstatus_sch_downt_d_idx on icinga_servicestatus(scheduled_downtime_depth);
-- timedeventqueue
CREATE INDEX timed_e_q_event_type_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(event_type);
CREATE INDEX timed_e_q_sched_time_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(scheduled_time);
CREATE INDEX timed_e_q_object_id_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(object_id);
CREATE INDEX timed_e_q_rec_ev_id_idx on icinga_timedeventqueue(recurring_event);
-- timedevents
CREATE INDEX timed_e_event_type_idx on icinga_timedevents(event_type);
--CREATE INDEX timed_e_sched_time_idx on icinga_timedevents(scheduled_time); --already set for delete
CREATE INDEX timed_e_object_id_idx on icinga_timedevents(object_id);
CREATE INDEX timed_e_rec_ev_idx on icinga_timedevents(recurring_event);
-- hostchecks
CREATE INDEX hostchks_h_obj_id_idx on icinga_hostchecks(host_object_id);
-- servicechecks
CREATE INDEX servicechks_s_obj_id_idx on icinga_servicechecks(service_object_id);
-- objects
CREATE INDEX objects_objtype_id_idx ON icinga_objects(objecttype_id);
CREATE INDEX objects_name1_idx ON icinga_objects(name1);
CREATE INDEX objects_name2_idx ON icinga_objects(name2);
CREATE INDEX objects_inst_id_idx ON icinga_objects(instance_id);
-- instances
-- CREATE INDEX instances_name_idx on icinga_instances(instance_name);
-- logentries
-- CREATE INDEX loge_instance_id_idx on icinga_logentries(instance_id);
-- #236
CREATE INDEX loge_time_idx on icinga_logentries(logentry_time);
-- CREATE INDEX loge_data_idx on icinga_logentries(logentry_data);
CREATE INDEX loge_inst_id_time_idx on icinga_logentries (instance_id, logentry_time);
-- commenthistory
-- CREATE INDEX c_hist_instance_id_idx on icinga_logentries(instance_id);
-- CREATE INDEX c_hist_c_time_idx on icinga_logentries(comment_time);
-- CREATE INDEX c_hist_i_c_id_idx on icinga_logentries(internal_comment_id);
-- downtimehistory
-- CREATE INDEX d_t_hist_nstance_id_idx on icinga_downtimehistory(instance_id);
-- CREATE INDEX d_t_hist_type_idx on icinga_downtimehistory(downtime_type);
-- CREATE INDEX d_t_hist_object_id_idx on icinga_downtimehistory(object_id);
-- CREATE INDEX d_t_hist_entry_time_idx on icinga_downtimehistory(entry_time);
-- CREATE INDEX d_t_hist_sched_start_idx on icinga_downtimehistory(scheduled_start_time);
-- CREATE INDEX d_t_hist_sched_end_idx on icinga_downtimehistory(scheduled_end_time);
-- scheduleddowntime
-- CREATE INDEX sched_d_t_downtime_type_idx on icinga_scheduleddowntime(downtime_type);
-- CREATE INDEX sched_d_t_object_id_idx on icinga_scheduleddowntime(object_id);
-- CREATE INDEX sched_d_t_entry_time_idx on icinga_scheduleddowntime(entry_time);
-- CREATE INDEX sched_d_t_start_time_idx on icinga_scheduleddowntime(scheduled_start_time);
-- CREATE INDEX sched_d_t_end_time_idx on icinga_scheduleddowntime(scheduled_end_time);
-- Icinga Web Notifications
CREATE INDEX notification_idx ON icinga_notifications(notification_type, object_id, start_time);
CREATE INDEX notification_object_id_idx ON icinga_notifications(object_id);
CREATE INDEX contact_notification_idx ON icinga_contactnotifications(notification_id, contact_object_id);
CREATE INDEX contacts_object_id_idx ON icinga_contacts(contact_object_id);
CREATE INDEX contact_notif_meth_notif_idx ON icinga_contactnotificationmethods(contactnotification_id, command_object_id);
CREATE INDEX command_object_idx ON icinga_commands(object_id);
CREATE INDEX services_combined_object_idx ON icinga_services(service_object_id, host_object_id);
-- statehistory
CREATE INDEX statehist_i_id_o_id_s_ty_s_ti on icinga_statehistory(instance_id, object_id, state_type, state_time);
create index statehist_state_idx on icinga_statehistory(object_id,state);
-- SLA statehistory
CREATE INDEX slahist_i_id_o_id_s_ti_s_s_ti_e on icinga_slahistory(instance_id,object_id,start_time,end_time);
-- #2618
CREATE INDEX cntgrpmbrs_cgid_coid ON icinga_contactgroup_members (contactgroup_id,contact_object_id);
CREATE INDEX hstgrpmbrs_hgid_hoid ON icinga_hostgroup_members (hostgroup_id,host_object_id);
CREATE INDEX hstcntgrps_hid_cgoid ON icinga_host_contactgroups (host_id,contactgroup_object_id);
CREATE INDEX hstprnthsts_hid_phoid ON icinga_host_parenthosts (host_id,parent_host_object_id);
CREATE INDEX runtimevars_iid_varn ON icinga_runtimevariables (instance_id,varname);
CREATE INDEX sgmbrs_sgid_soid ON icinga_servicegroup_members (servicegroup_id,service_object_id);
CREATE INDEX scgrps_sid_cgoid ON icinga_service_contactgroups (service_id,contactgroup_object_id);
CREATE INDEX tperiod_tid_d_ss_es ON icinga_timeperiod_timeranges (timeperiod_id,day,start_sec,end_sec);
-- #3649
CREATE INDEX sla_idx_sthist ON icinga_statehistory (object_id, state_time DESC);
CREATE INDEX sla_idx_dohist ON icinga_downtimehistory (object_id, actual_start_time, actual_end_time);
CREATE INDEX sla_idx_obj ON icinga_objects (objecttype_id, is_active, name1);
-- -----------------------------------------
-- set dbversion
-- -----------------------------------------
SELECT updatedbversion('1.9.0');