2013-05-29 18:23:55 +02:00
# Define: cmmi
# This module downloads, extracts, builds and installs tar.gz archives using
# wget, tar and the autotools stack. Build directory is always /usr/local/src.
# *Note* make sure to install build essentials before running cmmi.
# Parameters:
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# [*url*] - fetch archive via wget from this url.
# [*output*] - filename to fetch the archive into.
# [*flags*] - configure options.
# [*creates*] - target directory the software will install to.
# [*make* ] - command to make and make install the software.
# [*make_timeout* ] - timeout for the make command.
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# Actions:
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# cmmi { 'example-software':
2013-06-28 13:45:13 +02:00
# url => 'http://example-software.com/download/',
# output => 'example-software.tar.gz',
# flags => '--prefix=/opt/example-software',
# creates => '/opt/example-software',
# make => 'make && make install'
# make_timeout => 600
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# }
define cmmi(
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2013-06-28 13:45:13 +02:00
2013-05-29 18:23:55 +02:00
) {
Exec { path => '/bin:/usr/bin' }
$cwd = '/usr/local/src'
2013-06-04 12:42:18 +02:00
include wget
2013-05-29 18:23:55 +02:00
exec { "download-${name}":
cwd => $cwd,
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command => "wget -q \"${url}\" -O ${output}",
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creates => "${cwd}/${output}",
2013-06-04 12:42:18 +02:00
require => Class['wget']
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$tld = inline_template('<%= File.basename(output, ".tar.gz") %>')
$src = "${cwd}/${name}/${tld}"
exec { "extract-${name}":
cwd => $cwd,
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command => "mkdir -p ${name}/${tld} && tar --no-same-owner \
--no-same-permissions -xzf ${output} -C ${name}/${tld} \
--strip-components 1",
2013-05-29 18:23:55 +02:00
creates => $src,
require => Exec["download-${name}"]
exec { "configure-${name}":
cwd => $src,
command => "sh ./configure ${flags}",
creates => "${src}/Makefile",
require => Exec["extract-${name}"]
exec { "make-${name}":
cwd => $src,
command => $make,
creates => $creates,
2013-06-10 11:03:10 +02:00
require => Exec["configure-${name}"],
2013-06-28 13:45:13 +02:00
timeout => $make_timeout
2013-05-29 18:23:55 +02:00