@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
namespace Icinga\Module\Monitoring;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Web\Form;
use Icinga\Web\Wizard;
use Icinga\Web\Request;
@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Forms\Setup\InstancePage;
use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Forms\Setup\SecurityPage;
use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Forms\Setup\IdoResourcePage;
use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Forms\Setup\LivestatusResourcePage;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\PhpModuleRequirement;
* Monitoring Module Setup Wizard
@ -137,19 +137,15 @@ class MonitoringWizard extends Wizard implements SetupWizard
$requirements = new Requirements();
mt('monitoring', 'PHP Module: Sockets'),
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'Sockets',
'description' => mt(
'In case it\'s desired that a TCP connection is being used by Icinga Web 2 to'
. ' access a Livestatus interface, the Sockets module for PHP is required.'
Platform::extensionLoaded('sockets') ? mt('monitoring', 'The PHP Module sockets is available.') : (
mt('monitoring', 'The PHP Module sockets is not available.')
return $requirements;
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
class ClassRequirement extends Requirement
protected function evaluate()
$classNameOrPath = $this->getCondition();
if (Platform::classExists($classNameOrPath)) {
mt('setup', 'The %s is available.', 'setup.requirement.class'),
$this->getAlias() ?: $classNameOrPath . ' ' . mt('setup', 'class', 'setup.requirement.class')
return true;
} else {
mt('setup', 'The %s is missing.', 'setup.requirement.class'),
$this->getAlias() ?: $classNameOrPath . ' ' . mt('setup', 'class', 'setup.requirement.class')
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
class ConfigDirectoryRequirement extends Requirement
public function getTitle()
$title = parent::getTitle();
if ($title === null) {
return mt('setup', 'Read- and writable configuration directory');
return $title;
protected function evaluate()
$path = $this->getCondition();
if (file_exists($path)) {
$readable = is_readable($path);
if ($readable && is_writable($path)) {
$this->setStateText(sprintf(mt('setup', 'The directory %s is read- and writable.'), $path));
return true;
} else {
? mt('setup', 'The directory %s is not writable.')
: mt('setup', 'The directory %s is not readable.'),
return false;
} else {
$this->setStateText(sprintf(mt('setup', 'The directory %s does not exist.'), $path));
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
class OSRequirement extends Requirement
public function getTitle()
$title = parent::getTitle();
if ($title === null) {
return sprintf(mt('setup', '%s Platform'), ucfirst($this->getCondition()));
return $title;
protected function evaluate()
$phpOS = Platform::getOperatingSystemName();
$this->setStateText(sprintf(mt('setup', 'You are running PHP on a %s system.'), ucfirst($phpOS)));
return strtolower($phpOS) === strtolower($this->getCondition());
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
class PhpConfigRequirement extends Requirement
protected function evaluate()
list($configDirective, $value) = $this->getCondition();
$configValue = Platform::getPhpConfig($configDirective);
? sprintf(mt('setup', 'The PHP config `%s\' is set to "%s".'), $configDirective, $configValue)
: sprintf(mt('setup', 'The PHP config `%s\' is not defined.'), $configDirective)
return is_bool($value) ? $configValue == $value : $configValue === $value;
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
class PhpModuleRequirement extends Requirement
public function getTitle()
$title = parent::getTitle();
if ($title === $this->getAlias()) {
if ($title === null) {
$title = $this->getCondition();
return sprintf(mt('setup', 'PHP Module: %s'), $title);
return $title;
protected function evaluate()
$moduleName = $this->getCondition();
if (Platform::extensionLoaded($moduleName)) {
mt('setup', 'The PHP module %s is available.'),
$this->getAlias() ?: $moduleName
return true;
} else {
mt('setup', 'The PHP module %s is missing.'),
$this->getAlias() ?: $moduleName
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement;
class PhpVersionRequirement extends Requirement
public function getTitle()
$title = parent::getTitle();
if ($title === null) {
return mt('setup', 'PHP Version');
return $title;
protected function evaluate()
$phpVersion = Platform::getPhpVersion();
$this->setStateText(sprintf(mt('setup', 'You are running PHP version %s.'), $phpVersion));
list($operator, $requiredVersion) = $this->getCondition();
return version_compare($phpVersion, $requiredVersion, $operator);
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ use Icinga\Web\Wizard;
use Icinga\Web\Request;
use Icinga\Application\Config;
use Icinga\Application\Icinga;
use Icinga\Application\Platform;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Forms\ModulePage;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Forms\WelcomePage;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Forms\SummaryPage;
@ -29,8 +28,13 @@ use Icinga\Module\Setup\Steps\GeneralConfigStep;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Steps\ResourceStep;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Steps\AuthenticationStep;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Utils\EnableModuleStep;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Utils\MakeDirStep;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Utils\DbTool;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\OSRequirement;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\ClassRequirement;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\PhpConfigRequirement;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\PhpModuleRequirement;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\PhpVersionRequirement;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Requirement\ConfigDirectoryRequirement;
* Icinga Web 2 Setup Wizard
@ -351,194 +355,147 @@ class WebWizard extends Wizard implements SetupWizard
$requirements = new Requirements();
$phpVersion = Platform::getPhpVersion();
mt('setup', 'PHP Version'),
$requirements->add(new PhpVersionRequirement(array(
'condition' => array('>=', '5.3.2'),
'description' => mt(
'Running Icinga Web 2 requires PHP version 5.3.2. Advanced features'
. ' like the built-in web server require PHP version 5.4.'
version_compare($phpVersion, '5.3.2', '>='),
sprintf(mt('setup', 'You are running PHP version %s.'), $phpVersion)
$defaultTimezone = Platform::getPhpConfig('date.timezone');
mt('setup', 'Default Timezone'),
$requirements->add(new PhpConfigRequirement(array(
'condition' => array('date.timezone', true),
'title' => mt('setup', 'Default Timezone'),
'description' => sprintf(
mt('setup', 'It is required that a default timezone has been set using date.timezone in %s.'),
php_ini_loaded_file() ?: 'php.ini'
$defaultTimezone ? sprintf(mt('setup', 'Your default timezone is: %s'), $defaultTimezone) : (
mt('setup', 'You did not define a default timezone.')
mt('setup', 'Linux Platform'),
$requirements->add(new OSRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'linux',
'description' => mt(
'Icinga Web 2 is developed for and tested on Linux. While we cannot'
. ' guarantee they will, other platforms may also perform as well.'
sprintf(mt('setup', 'You are running PHP on a %s system.'), Platform::getOperatingSystemName())
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: OpenSSL'),
mt('setup', 'The PHP module for OpenSSL is required to generate cryptographically safe password salts.'),
Platform::extensionLoaded('openssl') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module for OpenSSL is available.') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module for OpenSSL is missing.')
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: JSON'),
mt('setup', 'The JSON module for PHP is required for various export functionalities as well as APIs.'),
Platform::extensionLoaded('json') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module JSON is available.') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module JSON is missing.')
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'condition' => 'OpenSSL',
'description' => mt(
'The PHP module for OpenSSL is required to generate cryptographically safe password salts.'
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: LDAP'),
mt('setup', 'If you\'d like to authenticate users using LDAP the corresponding PHP module is required'),
Platform::extensionLoaded('ldap') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module LDAP is available') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module LDAP is missing')
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'JSON',
'description' => mt(
'The JSON module for PHP is required for various export functionalities as well as APIs.'
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: INTL'),
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'LDAP',
'description' => mt(
'If you\'d like to authenticate users using LDAP the corresponding PHP module is required.'
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'INTL',
'description' => mt(
'If you want your users to benefit from language, timezone and date/time'
. ' format negotiation, the INTL module for PHP is required.'
Platform::extensionLoaded('intl') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module INTL is available') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module INTL is missing')
// TODO(6172): Remove this requirement once we do not ship dompdf with Icinga Web 2 anymore
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: DOM'),
mt('setup', 'To be able to export views and reports to PDF, the DOM module for PHP is required.'),
Platform::extensionLoaded('dom') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module DOM is available') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module DOM is missing')
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: GD'),
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'DOM',
'description' => mt(
'In case you want views being exported to PDF,'
. ' you\'ll need the GD extension for PHP.'
Platform::extensionLoaded('gd') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module GD is available') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module GD is missing')
'To be able to export views and reports to PDF, the DOM module for PHP is required.'
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: Imagick'),
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'GD',
'description' => mt(
'In case you want graphs being exported to PDF as well'
. ', you\'ll need the ImageMagick extension for PHP.'
Platform::extensionLoaded('imagick') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module Imagick is available') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module Imagick is missing')
'In case you want views being exported to PDF, you\'ll need the GD extension for PHP.'
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: PDO-MySQL'),
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'Imagick',
'description' => mt(
'In case you want graphs being exported to PDF as well, you\'ll need the ImageMagick extension for PHP.'
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'mysql',
'alias' => 'PDO-MySQL',
'description' => mt(
'Is Icinga Web 2 supposed to access a MySQL database the PDO-MySQL module for PHP is required.'
Platform::extensionLoaded('mysql') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module PDO-MySQL is available.') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module PDO-MySQL is missing.')
mt('setup', 'PHP Module: PDO-PostgreSQL'),
$requirements->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'pgsql',
'alias' => 'PDO-PostgreSQL',
'description' => mt(
'Is Icinga Web 2 supposed to access a PostgreSQL database'
. ' the PDO-PostgreSQL module for PHP is required.'
Platform::extensionLoaded('pgsql') ? mt('setup', 'The PHP module PDO-PostgreSQL is available.') : (
mt('setup', 'The PHP module PDO-PostgreSQL is missing.')
$mysqlAdapterFound = Platform::zendClassExists('Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql');
mt('setup', 'Zend Database Adapter For MySQL'),
mt('setup', 'The Zend database adapter for MySQL is required to access a MySQL database.'),
$mysqlAdapterFound ? mt('setup', 'The Zend database adapter for MySQL is available.') : (
mt('setup', 'The Zend database adapter for MySQL is missing.')
$requirements->add(new ClassRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql',
'alias' => mt('setup', 'Zend database adapter for MySQL'),
'description' => mt(
'The Zend database adapter for MySQL is required to access a MySQL database.'
$pgsqlAdapterFound = Platform::zendClassExists('Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql');
mt('setup', 'Zend Database Adapter For PostgreSQL'),
mt('setup', 'The Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL is required to access a PostgreSQL database.'),
$pgsqlAdapterFound ? mt('setup', 'The Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL is available.') : (
mt('setup', 'The Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL is missing.')
$requirements->add(new ClassRequirement(array(
'optional' => true,
'condition' => 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql',
'alias' => mt('setup', 'Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL'),
'description' => mt(
'The Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL is required to access a PostgreSQL database.'
$configDir = Icinga::app()->getConfigDir();
'writable_directory_' . $configDir,
mt('setup', 'Writable Config Directory'),
$requirements->add(new ConfigDirectoryRequirement(array(
'condition' => Icinga::app()->getConfigDir(),
'description' => mt(
'The Icinga Web 2 configuration directory defaults to "/etc/icingaweb2", if' .
' not explicitly set in the environment variable "ICINGAWEB_CONFIGDIR".'
is_writable($configDir) ? mt('setup', 'The current configuration directory is writable: %s') : (
mt('setup', 'The current configuration directory is not writable: %s')
foreach ($this->getWizards() as $wizard) {
Reference in New Issue