diff --git a/library/Icinga/Protocol/Ldap/LdapConnection.php b/library/Icinga/Protocol/Ldap/LdapConnection.php
index 57b1fe90d..d78b4a147 100644
--- a/library/Icinga/Protocol/Ldap/LdapConnection.php
+++ b/library/Icinga/Protocol/Ldap/LdapConnection.php
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ class LdapConnection implements Selectable, Inspectable
         $ds = $this->getConnection();
-        $serverSorting = $this->capabilities->hasOid(LdapCapabilities::LDAP_SERVER_SORT_OID);
+        $serverSorting = $this->getCapabilities()->hasOid(LdapCapabilities::LDAP_SERVER_SORT_OID);
         if ($serverSorting && $query->hasOrder()) {
             ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, array(
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ class LdapConnection implements Selectable, Inspectable
         $ds = $this->getConnection();
-        $serverSorting = $this->capabilities->hasOid(LdapCapabilities::LDAP_SERVER_SORT_OID);
+        $serverSorting = $this->getCapabilities()->hasOid(LdapCapabilities::LDAP_SERVER_SORT_OID);
         if (! $serverSorting && $query->hasOrder()) {
             foreach ($query->getOrder() as $rule) {
                 if (! in_array($rule[0], $fields)) {
diff --git a/library/Icinga/Web/Url.php b/library/Icinga/Web/Url.php
index 7c3829537..237c8988a 100644
--- a/library/Icinga/Web/Url.php
+++ b/library/Icinga/Web/Url.php
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespace Icinga\Web;
 use Icinga\Application\Icinga;
 use Icinga\Cli\FakeRequest;
 use Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError;
-use Icinga\Web\UrlParams;
+use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter;
  * Url class that provides convenient access to parameters, allows to modify query parameters and
@@ -156,6 +156,26 @@ class Url
         return $urlObject;
+    /**
+     * Create a new filter that needs to fullfill the base filter and the optional filter (if it exists)
+     *
+     * @param string    $url        The url to apply the new filter to
+     * @param Filter    $filter     The base filter
+     * @param Filter    $optional   The optional filter
+     *
+     * @return Url                  The altered URL containing the new filter
+     * @throws ProgrammingError
+     */
+    public static function urlAddFilterOptional($url, $filter, $optional)
+    {
+        $url = Url::fromPath($url);
+        $f = $filter;
+        if (isset($optional)) {
+            $f = Filter::matchAll($filter, $optional);
+        }
+        return $url->setQueryString($f->toQueryString());
+    }
      * Overwrite the baseUrl
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ProcessController.php b/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HealthController.php
similarity index 58%
rename from modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ProcessController.php
rename to modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HealthController.php
index 84a1a15f5..bbfdcb030 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ProcessController.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HealthController.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\DashboardAction;
  * Display process and performance information of the monitoring host and program-wide commands
-class ProcessController extends Controller
+class HealthController extends Controller
      * Add tabs
@@ -29,10 +29,21 @@ class ProcessController extends Controller
                         'Show information about the current monitoring instance\'s process'
                         . ' and it\'s performance as well as available features'
-                    'label' => $this->translate('Monitoring Health'),
-                    'url'   =>'monitoring/process/info'
+                    'label' => $this->translate('Process Information'),
+                    'url'   =>'monitoring/health/info'
-            )->extend(new DashboardAction());
+            )
+            ->add(
+                'stats',
+                array(
+                    'title' => $this->translate(
+                        'Show statistics about the monitored objects'
+                    ),
+                    'label' => $this->translate('Stats'),
+                    'url'   =>'monitoring/health/stats'
+                )
+            )
+            ->extend(new DashboardAction());
@@ -40,7 +51,7 @@ class ProcessController extends Controller
     public function infoAction()
-        $this->view->title = $this->translate('Monitoring Health');
+        $this->view->title = $this->translate('Process Information');
         $this->view->backendName = $this->backend->getName();
@@ -95,6 +106,61 @@ class ProcessController extends Controller
+    /**
+     * Display stats about current checks and monitored objects
+     */
+    public function statsAction()
+    {
+        $this->getTabs()->activate('stats');
+        $servicestats = $this->backend->select()->from('servicestatussummary', array(
+            'services_critical',
+            'services_critical_handled',
+            'services_critical_unhandled',
+            'services_ok',
+            'services_pending',
+            'services_total',
+            'services_unknown',
+            'services_unknown_handled',
+            'services_unknown_unhandled',
+            'services_warning',
+            'services_warning_handled',
+            'services_warning_unhandled'
+        ));
+        $this->applyRestriction('monitoring/filter/objects', $servicestats);
+        $this->view->servicestats = $servicestats->fetchRow();
+        $this->view->unhandledServiceProblems = $this->view->servicestats->services_critical_unhandled
+            + $this->view->servicestats->services_unknown_unhandled
+            + $this->view->servicestats->services_warning_unhandled;
+        $hoststats = $this->backend->select()->from('hoststatussummary', array(
+            'hosts_total',
+            'hosts_up',
+            'hosts_down',
+            'hosts_down_handled',
+            'hosts_down_unhandled',
+            'hosts_unreachable',
+            'hosts_unreachable_handled',
+            'hosts_unreachable_unhandled',
+            'hosts_pending',
+        ));
+        $this->applyRestriction('monitoring/filter/objects', $hoststats);
+        $this->view->hoststats = $hoststats->fetchRow();
+        $this->view->unhandledhostProblems = $this->view->hoststats->hosts_down_unhandled
+            + $this->view->hoststats->hosts_unreachable_unhandled;
+        $this->view->unhandledProblems = $this->view->unhandledhostProblems
+            + $this->view->unhandledServiceProblems;
+        $this->view->runtimevariables  = (object) $this->backend->select()
+            ->from('runtimevariables', array('varname', 'varvalue'))
+            ->getQuery()->fetchPairs();
+        $this->view->checkperformance = $this->backend->select()
+            ->from('runtimesummary')
+            ->getQuery()->fetchAll();
+    }
      * Disable notifications w/ an optional expire time
@@ -119,7 +185,7 @@ class ProcessController extends Controller
         } else {
             $form = new DisableNotificationsExpireCommandForm();
-                ->setRedirectUrl('monitoring/process/info')
+                ->setRedirectUrl('monitoring/health/info')
             $this->view->form = $form;
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HostsController.php b/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HostsController.php
index 036b78c32..3c576fbc8 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HostsController.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/HostsController.php
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class HostsController extends Controller
         $this->applyRestriction('monitoring/filter/objects', $hostList);
         $hostList->addFilter(Filter::fromQueryString((string) $this->params));
         $this->hostList = $hostList;
+        $this->view->baseFilter = $this->hostList->getFilter();
@@ -152,7 +153,6 @@ class HostsController extends Controller
         $this->view->commentsLink = Url::fromRequest()->setPath('monitoring/list/comments');
-        $this->view->baseFilter = $this->hostList->getFilter();
         $this->view->sendCustomNotificationLink = Url::fromRequest()->setPath('monitoring/hosts/send-custom-notification');
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ServicesController.php b/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ServicesController.php
index deee364fa..26561f8ff 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ServicesController.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/controllers/ServicesController.php
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ class ServicesController extends Controller
             (string) $this->params->without(array('service_problem', 'service_handled', 'view'))
         $this->serviceList = $serviceList;
+        $this->view->baseFilter = $this->serviceList->getFilter();
         $this->view->listAllLink = Url::fromRequest()->setPath('monitoring/list/services');
@@ -163,7 +164,6 @@ class ServicesController extends Controller
         $this->view->commentsLink = Url::fromRequest()
-        $this->view->baseFilter = $this->serviceList->getFilter();
         $this->view->sendCustomNotificationLink = Url::fromRequest()->setPath(
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/forms/Command/Instance/ToggleInstanceFeaturesCommandForm.php b/modules/monitoring/application/forms/Command/Instance/ToggleInstanceFeaturesCommandForm.php
index d487647e2..6f727232f 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/forms/Command/Instance/ToggleInstanceFeaturesCommandForm.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/forms/Command/Instance/ToggleInstanceFeaturesCommandForm.php
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class ToggleInstanceFeaturesCommandForm extends CommandForm
                 $notificationDescription = sprintf(
                     '<a aria-label="%1$s" title="%1$s" href="%2$s" data-base-target="_next">%3$s</a>',
                     $this->translate('Disable notifications for a specific time on a program-wide basis'),
-                    $this->getView()->href('monitoring/process/disable-notifications'),
+                    $this->getView()->href('monitoring/health/disable-notifications'),
                     $this->translate('Disable temporarily')
             } else {
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/disable-notifications.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/disable-notifications.phtml
similarity index 100%
rename from modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/disable-notifications.phtml
rename to modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/disable-notifications.phtml
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/info.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/info.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78a58d525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/info.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+$rv = $this->runtimeVariables()->create($this->runtimevariables);
+$cp = $this->checkPerformance()->create($this->checkperformance);
+if (! $this->compact): ?>
+<div class="controls">
+    <?= $this->tabs; ?>
+<?php endif ?>
+<div class="content processinfo">
+    <div class="boxview">
+        <div style="min-width: 30em;" class="box left">
+            <h2><?= $this->translate('Process Info') ?></h2>
+            <table class="avp">
+                <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Program Version') ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->program_version
+                            ? $this->programStatus->program_version
+                            : $this->translate('N/A') ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Program Start Time') ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->formatDateTime($this->programStatus->program_start_time) ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Last Status Update'); ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->timeAgo($this->programStatus->status_update_time); ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Last External Command Check'); ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->timeAgo($this->programStatus->last_command_check); ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Last Log File Rotation'); ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->last_log_rotation
+                            ? $this->timeSince($this->programStatus->last_log_rotation)
+                            : $this->translate('N/A') ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Global Service Event Handler'); ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->global_service_event_handler
+                            ? $this->programStatus->global_service_event_handler
+                            : $this->translate('N/A'); ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Global Host Event Handler'); ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->global_host_event_handler
+                            ? $this->programStatus->global_host_event_handler
+                            : $this->translate('N/A'); ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Active Endpoint'); ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->endpoint_name
+                            ? $this->programStatus->endpoint_name
+                            : $this->translate('N/A') ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <?php if ((bool) $this->programStatus->is_currently_running === true): ?>
+                <div class="backend-running">
+                    <?= sprintf(
+                        $this->translate(
+                            '%1$s has been up and running with PID %2$d %3$s',
+                            'Last format parameter represents the time running'
+                        ),
+                        $this->backendName,
+                        $this->programStatus->process_id,
+                        $this->timeSince($this->programStatus->program_start_time)) ?>
+                </div>
+            <?php else: ?>
+                <div class="backend-not-running">
+                    <?= sprintf($this->translate('Backend %s is not running'), $this->backendName) ?>
+                </div>
+            <?php endif ?>
+        </div>
+        <br>
+        <div style="min-width: 30em;" class="box left">
+            <?= $this->toggleFeaturesForm; ?>
+        </div>
+    </div>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/not-running.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/not-running.phtml
similarity index 100%
rename from modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/not-running.phtml
rename to modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/not-running.phtml
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/stats.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/stats.phtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..792b5a050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/health/stats.phtml
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+$rv = $this->runtimeVariables()->create($this->runtimevariables);
+$cp = $this->checkPerformance()->create($this->checkperformance);
+if (! $this->compact): ?>
+<div class="controls">
+    <?= $this->tabs ?>
+<?php endif ?>
+<div class="content processinfo">
+    <div class="boxview">
+        <div class="box left">
+            <h3><?= $this->unhandledProblems ?> <?= $this->translate('Unhandled Problems:') ?>
+                <span class="badge badge-critical"> <?= $this->unhandledProblems ?> </span>
+            </h3>
+            <table class="avp">
+                <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <th> <?= $this->translate('Service Problems:') ?> </th>
+                    <td>
+                        <span class="badge badge-critical">
+                            <?=
+                            $this->qlink(
+                                $this->unhandledServiceProblems,
+                                'monitoring/list/services?service_problem=1&service_handled=0&sort=service_severity',
+                                null,
+                                array('data-base-target' => '_next')
+                            )
+                            ?>
+                        </span>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th> <?= $this->translate('Host Problems:') ?> </th>
+                    <td>
+                        <span class="badge badge-critical">
+                            <?=
+                            $this->qlink(
+                                $this->unhandledhostProblems,
+                                'monitoring/list/hosts?host_problem=1&host_handled=0',
+                                null,
+                                array('data-base-target' => '_next')
+                            )
+                            ?>
+                        </span>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <br>
+            <h3 class="tinystatesummary" data-base-target="_next">
+                <?php $this->stats = $hoststats ?>
+                <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml') ?>
+            </h3>
+            <table class="avp">
+                <thead>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><strong><?= $this->translate('Runtime Variables') ?></strong></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Host Checks') ?></th>
+                    <th></th>
+                    <th></th>
+                </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <th> <?= $this->translate('Total') ?> </th>
+                    <td> <?= $rv->total_scheduled_hosts ?> </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th> <?= $this->translate('Scheduled') ?> </th>
+                    <td> <?= $rv->total_scheduled_hosts ?> </td>
+                </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <br>
+            <h3 class="tinystatesummary" data-base-target="_next">
+                <?php $this->stats = $servicestats ?>
+                <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+            </h3>
+            <table class="avp">
+                <thead>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><strong> <?= $this->translate('Runtime Variables') ?> </strong></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Service Checks') ?></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Per Host') ?></th>
+                    <th></th>
+                </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                    <tr>
+                        <th> <?= $this->translate('Total') ?> </th>
+                        <td> <?= $rv->total_services ?> </td>
+                        <td> <?= sprintf('%.2f', $rv->average_services_per_host) ?> </td>
+                        <td></td>
+                    </tr>
+                    <tr>
+                        <th> <?= $this->translate('Scheduled') ?> </th>
+                        <td> <?= $rv->total_scheduled_services ?> </td>
+                        <td> <?= sprintf('%.2f', $rv->average_scheduled_services_per_host) ?> </td>
+                        <td></td>
+                    </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <br>
+            <h3><?= $this->translate('Active checks') ?></h3>
+            <table class="avp">
+                <thead>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><strong> <?= $this->translate('Check Performance') ?> </strong></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Checks') ?></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Latency') ?></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Execution time') ?></th>
+                </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Host Checks') ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $cp->host_active_count; ?></td>
+                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->host_active_latency_avg) ?>s</td>
+                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->host_active_execution_avg) ?>s</td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Service Checks') ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $cp->service_active_count; ?></td>
+                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->service_active_latency_avg) ?>s</td>
+                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->service_active_execution_avg) ?>s</td>
+                </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+            <br>
+            <h3><?= $this->translate('Passive checks') ?></h3>
+            <table class="avp">
+                <thead>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><strong> <?= $this->translate('Check Performance') ?> </strong></th>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Passive Checks') ?></th>
+                    <th></th>
+                    <th></th>
+                </tr>
+                </thead>
+                <tbody>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Host Checks') ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $cp->host_passive_count ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <th><?= $this->translate('Service Checks') ?></th>
+                    <td><?= $cp->service_passive_count ?></td>
+                </tr>
+                </tbody>
+            </table>
+        </div>
+    </div>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/services.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/services.phtml
index 11166f8fa..fd69d88ad 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/services.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/services.phtml
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+<?php use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter; ?>
 <div class="controls">
   <?php if (! $this->compact): ?>
     <?= $this->tabs; ?>
   <?php endif ?>
   <?= $this->render('partials/host/object-header.phtml') ?>
-  <?= $this->render('partials/host/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+  <h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>
+    <?php
+      $this->baseFilter = Filter::where('host', $object->host_name);
+      $this->stats = $object->stats;
+      echo $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml');
+    ?>
+  </h2>
 <?= $this->partial(
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/show.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/show.phtml
index a612ae1af..12de39a78 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/show.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/host/show.phtml
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+<?php use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter; ?>
 <div class="controls separated">
   <?php if (! $this->compact): ?>
     <?= $this->tabs; ?>
   <?php endif ?>
     <?= $this->render('partials/host/object-header.phtml') ?>
-    <?= $this->render('partials/host/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+    <h3 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>>
+        <?php
+        $this->stats = $object->stats;
+        $this->baseFilter = Filter::where('host', $object->host_name);
+        echo $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml');
+        ?>
+    </h3>
 <div class="content" data-base-target="_next">
     <?= $this->render('show/components/output.phtml') ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/hosts/show.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/hosts/show.phtml
index 3dbb0673f..053c44520 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/hosts/show.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/hosts/show.phtml
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
         <?= $tabs; ?>
     <?php endif ?>
-    <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml') ?>
+    <h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>
+        <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml') ?>
+    </h2>
     <?= $this->render('partials/host/objects-header.phtml'); ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/hostssummary.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/hostssummary.phtml
index 22f84b583..3fe11bcca 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/hostssummary.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/hostssummary.phtml
@@ -3,20 +3,16 @@
 use Icinga\Web\Url;
 use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter;
-function urlAddFilterOptional($url, $filter, $optional) {
-    $url = Url::fromPath($url);
-    $f = $filter;
-    if (isset($optional)) {
-        $f = Filter::matchAll($filter, $optional);
-    }
-    return $url->setQueryString($f->toQueryString());
 $this->baseFilter = isset($this->baseFilter) ? $this->baseFilter : null;
-$stats = $stats->fetchRow();
+// don't fetch rows until they are actually needed to improve dashlet performance
+if (!$stats instanceof stdClass) {
+    $stats = $stats->fetchRow();
 $selfUrl = 'monitoring/list/hosts';
 $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
-?><h1 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>>
   <?= $this->qlink(
       sprintf($this->translatePlural('%u Host', '%u Hosts', $stats->hosts_total), $stats->hosts_total),
@@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <span class="state ok<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('host_state' => 0))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : ''; ?>">
         <?= $this->qlink(
-                urlAddFilterOptional(
+                Url::urlAddFilterOptional(
                     Filter::where('host_state', 0),
@@ -54,7 +50,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <span class="state critical<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('host_state' => 1, 'host_unhandled' => 1))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : ''; ?>">
         <?= $this->qlink(
-            urlAddFilterOptional(
+            Url::urlAddFilterOptional(
                 Filter::matchAll(Filter::where('host_state', 1), Filter::where('host_unhandled', 1)),
@@ -75,7 +71,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <span class="state handled critical<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('host_state' => 1, 'host_unhandled' =>0))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : ''; ?>">
         <?= $this->qlink(
-            urlAddFilterOptional(
+            Url::urlAddFilterOptional(
                 Filter::matchAll(Filter::where('host_state', 1), Filter::where('host_unhandled', 0)),
@@ -101,7 +97,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <span class="state unknown<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('host_state' => 2, 'host_unhandled' => 1))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : ''; ?>">
         <?= $this->qlink(
-            urlAddFilterOptional(
+            Url::urlAddFilterOptional(
                 Filter::matchAll(Filter::where('host_state', 2), Filter::where('host_unhandled', 1)),
@@ -122,7 +118,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <span class="state handled unknown<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('host_state' => 2, 'host_unhandled' => 0))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : '' ?>">
         <?= $this->qlink(
-            urlAddFilterOptional(
+            Url::urlAddFilterOptional(
                 Filter::matchAll(Filter::where('host_state', 2), Filter::where('host_unhandled', 0)),
@@ -148,7 +144,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <span class="state pending<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('host_state' => 99))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : ''; ?>">
         <?= $this->qlink(
-            urlAddFilterOptional(
+            Url::urlAddFilterOptional(
                 Filter::where('host_state', 99),
@@ -166,4 +162,3 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
     <?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/servicesummary.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/servicesummary.phtml
index 9fd798a0d..1f401004d 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/servicesummary.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/components/servicesummary.phtml
@@ -4,21 +4,16 @@ use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter;
 use Icinga\Web\Url;
 use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Object\Service;
-function urlAddFilterOptional($url, $filter, $optional) {
-    $url = Url::fromPath($url);
-    $f = $filter;
-    if (isset($optional)) {
-        $f = Filter::matchAll($filter, $optional);
-    }
-    return $url->setQueryString($f->toQueryString());
 $this->baseFilter = isset($this->baseFilter) ? $this->baseFilter : null;
-$stats = $stats->fetchRow();
+// don't fetch rows until they are actually needed, to improve dashlet performance
+if (!$stats instanceof stdClass) {
+    $stats = $stats->fetchRow();
 $selfUrl = 'monitoring/list/services';
 $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
-?><h1 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>>
-<?= $this->qlink(
+echo $this->qlink(
         '%u Service', '%u Services', $stats->services_total),
@@ -36,7 +31,7 @@ $currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->getRelativeUrl();
-            urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, Filter::where('service_state', 0), $this->baseFilter),
+            Url::urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, Filter::where('service_state', 0), $this->baseFilter),
             array('title' => sprintf(
@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
             echo $this->qlink(
-                urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, $paramsUnhandled, $this->baseFilter),
+                Url::urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, $paramsUnhandled, $this->baseFilter),
                 array('title' => sprintf(
@@ -106,7 +101,7 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
             echo $this->qlink(
-                urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, $paramsHandled, $this->baseFilter),
+                Url::urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, $paramsHandled, $this->baseFilter),
                 array('title' => sprintf(
@@ -130,7 +125,7 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
 <span class="state pending<?= $currentUrl === Url::fromPath($selfUrl, array('service_state' => 99))->getRelativeUrl() ? ' active' : ''; ?>">
     <?= $this->qlink(
-        urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, Filter::where('service_state', 99), $this->baseFilter),
+        Url::urlAddFilterOptional($selfUrl, Filter::where('service_state', 99), $this->baseFilter),
         array('title' => sprintf(
@@ -144,4 +139,3 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
 <?php endif ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/hosts.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/hosts.phtml
index 62ca65121..859f01aec 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/hosts.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/hosts.phtml
@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ if (! $this->compact): ?>
   <?= $this->tabs; ?>
   <div class="dontprint">
     <?= $this->render('list/components/selectioninfo.phtml'); ?>
-    <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml'); ?>
+    <h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>
+      <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml'); ?>
+    </h2>
   <?= $this->sortBox; ?>
   <?= $this->limiter; ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/services.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/services.phtml
index d2dfb250a..9b5dd1ec1 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/services.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/list/services.phtml
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ if (! $this->compact): ?>
   <?= $this->tabs ?>
   <div class="dontprint">
     <?= $this->render('list/components/selectioninfo.phtml') ?>
-    <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+    <h1 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>>
+      <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+    </h1>
   <?= $this->sortBox ?>
   <?= $this->limiter ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/object-command-form.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/object-command-form.phtml
index ab14b1b2a..095d9a4c4 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/object-command-form.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/object-command-form.phtml
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
+<?php use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter; ?>
 <div class="controls">
   <?php if (! $this->compact): ?>
     <?= $this->tabs; ?>
   <?php endif ?>
   <?php if ($object->getType() === $object::TYPE_HOST): ?>
     <?= $this->render('partials/host/object-header.phtml'); ?>
-    <?= $this->render('partials/host/servicesummary.phtml'); ?>
+    <h3 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>">
+      <?php
+      $this->baseFilter = Filter::where('host', $object->host_name);
+      $this->stats = $object->stats;
+      echo $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml');
+      ?>
+    </h3>
   <?php else: ?>
     <?= $this->render('partials/service/object-header.phtml'); ?>
     <hr class="command-separator">
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/objects-command-form.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/objects-command-form.phtml
index 42c6e73cd..6a209e159 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/objects-command-form.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/command/objects-command-form.phtml
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+<?php use Icinga\Data\Filter\Filter; ?>
 <div class="controls">
    <?php if (! $this->compact): ?>
@@ -5,10 +7,14 @@
    <?php endif ?>
   <?php if (isset($serviceStates)): ?>
-    <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+    <h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>
+    <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml'); ?>
+    </h2>
     <?= $this->render('partials/service/objects-header.phtml'); ?>
   <?php else: ?>
-    <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml') ?>
+    <h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>
+      <?= $this->render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml') ?>
+    </h2>
     <?= $this->render('partials/host/objects-header.phtml'); ?>
   <?php endif ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml
deleted file mode 100644
index be146acbe..000000000
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-use Icinga\Web\Url;
-use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Object\Service;
-function urlAddFilterOptional($url, $filter, $optional) {
-    $url = Url::fromPath($url);
-    $f = $filter;
-    if (isset($optional)) {
-        $f = Filter::matchAll($filter, $optional);
-    }
-    return $url->setQueryString($f->toQueryString());
-$selfUrl = Url::fromPath('monitoring/list/services', array('host' => $object->host_name));
-?><h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>>
-<?php if ($object->stats->services_total): ?>
-<?= $this->qlink(
-    sprintf(
-        $this->translatePlural(
-            '%u configured service:',
-            '%u configured services:',
-            $object->stats->services_total
-        ),
-        $object->stats->services_total
-    ),
-    $selfUrl,
-    null,
-    array(
-        'title' => sprintf(
-            $this->translatePlural(
-                'List all %u service on host %s',
-                'List all %u services on host %s',
-                $object->stats->services_total
-            ),
-            $object->stats->services_total,
-            $object->host_name
-        ),
-        'data-base-target' => '_next'
-    )
-); ?>
-<?php else: ?>
-<?= $this->translate('No services configured on this host'); ?>
-<?php endif; ?>
-<span class="badges">
-<?php if ($object->stats->services_ok): ?>
-<span class="state ok">
-    <?= $this->qlink(
-        $object->stats->services_ok,
-        $selfUrl,
-        array('service_state' => 0),
-        array(
-            'title' => sprintf(
-                $this->translatePlural(
-                    'List %u service that is currently in state OK on host %s',
-                    'List %u services which are currently in state OK on host %s',
-                    $object->stats->services_ok
-                ),
-                $object->stats->services_ok,
-                $object->host_name
-            ),
-            'data-base-target' => '_next'
-        )
-    ); ?>
-<?php endif ?>
-foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $state) {
-    $pre = 'services_' . $state;
-    if ($object->stats->$pre) {
-        $handled = $pre . '_handled';
-        $unhandled = $pre . '_unhandled';
-        $paramsHandled = array('service_state' => $stateId, 'service_handled' => 1);
-        $paramsUnhandled = array('service_state' => $stateId, 'service_handled' => 0);
-        echo '<span class="state ' . $state . ($object->stats->$unhandled ? '' : ' handled') . '">';
-        if ($object->stats->$unhandled) {
-            echo $this->qlink(
-                $object->stats->$unhandled,
-                $selfUrl,
-                $paramsUnhandled,
-                array(
-                    'title' => sprintf(
-                        $this->translatePlural(
-                            'List %u service that is currently in state %s on host %s',
-                            'List %u services which are currently in state %s on host %s',
-                            $object->stats->$unhandled
-                        ),
-                        $object->stats->$unhandled,
-                        Service::getStateText($stateId, true),
-                        $object->host_name
-                    ),
-                    'data-base-target' => '_next'
-                )
-            );
-        }
-        if ($object->stats->$handled) {
-            if ($object->stats->$unhandled) {
-                echo '<span class="state handled ' . $state . '">';
-            }
-            echo $this->qlink(
-                $object->stats->$handled,
-                $selfUrl,
-                $paramsHandled,
-                array(
-                    'title' => sprintf(
-                        $this->translatePlural(
-                            'List %u service that is currently in state %s (Acknowledged) on host %s',
-                            'List %u services which are currently in state %s (Acknowledged) on host %s',
-                            $object->stats->$handled
-                        ),
-                        $object->stats->$handled,
-                        Service::getStateText($stateId, true),
-                        $object->host_name
-                    ),
-                    'data-base-target' => '_next'
-                )
-            );
-            if ($object->stats->$unhandled) {
-                echo "</span>\n";
-            }
-        }
-        echo "</span>\n";
-    }
-<?php if ($object->stats->services_pending): ?>
-<span class="state pending">
-    <?= $this->qlink(
-        $object->stats->services_pending,
-        $selfUrl,
-        array('service_state' => 99),
-        array(
-            'title' => sprintf(
-                $this->translatePlural(
-                    'List %u service that is currently in state PENDING on host %s',
-                    'List %u services which are currently in state PENDING on host %s',
-                    $object->stats->services_pending
-                ),
-                $object->stats->services_pending,
-                $object->host_name
-            ),
-            'data-base-target' => '_next'
-        )
-    ) ?>
-<?php endif ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/info.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/info.phtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e576116..000000000
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/process/info.phtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-$rv = $this->runtimeVariables()->create($this->runtimevariables);
-$cp = $this->checkPerformance()->create($this->checkperformance);
-if (! $this->compact): ?>
-<div class="controls">
-    <?= $this->tabs; ?>
-<?php endif ?>
-<div class="content processinfo">
-    <div class="boxview">
-        <div class="box left">
-            <?= $this->toggleFeaturesForm; ?>
-        </div>
-        <div class="box left">
-            <h2><?= $this->translate('Process Info') ?></h2>
-            <table class="avp">
-                <tbody>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Program Version') ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->program_version
-                            ? $this->programStatus->program_version
-                            : $this->translate('N/A') ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Program Start Time') ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->formatDateTime($this->programStatus->program_start_time) ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Last Status Update'); ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->timeAgo($this->programStatus->status_update_time); ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Last External Command Check'); ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->timeAgo($this->programStatus->last_command_check); ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Last Log File Rotation'); ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->last_log_rotation
-                            ? $this->timeSince($this->programStatus->last_log_rotation)
-                            : $this->translate('N/A') ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Global Service Event Handler'); ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->global_service_event_handler
-                            ? $this->programStatus->global_service_event_handler
-                            : $this->translate('N/A'); ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Global Host Event Handler'); ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->global_host_event_handler
-                            ? $this->programStatus->global_host_event_handler
-                            : $this->translate('N/A'); ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Active Endpoint'); ?></th>
-                    <td><?= $this->programStatus->endpoint_name
-                            ? $this->programStatus->endpoint_name
-                            : $this->translate('N/A') ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <?php if ((bool) $this->programStatus->is_currently_running === true): ?>
-                <div class="backend-running">
-                    <?= sprintf(
-                        $this->translate(
-                            '%1$s has been up and running with PID %2$d %3$s',
-                            'Last format parameter represents the time running'
-                        ),
-                        $this->backendName,
-                        $this->programStatus->process_id,
-                        $this->timeSince($this->programStatus->program_start_time)) ?>
-                </div>
-            <?php else: ?>
-                <div class="backend-not-running">
-                    <?= sprintf($this->translate('Backend %s is not running'), $this->backendName) ?>
-                </div>
-            <?php endif ?>
-        </div>
-        <div class="box left">
-            <h2><?= $this->translate('Performance Info') ?></h2>
-            <h3><?= $this->translate('Object summaries') ?></h3>
-            <table class="avp">
-                <thead>
-                <tr>
-                    <th></th>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('overall') ?></th>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('scheduled') ?></th>
-                </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Hosts') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>
-                        <?= $rv->total_hosts; ?>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>
-                        <?= $rv->total_scheduled_hosts; ?>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Services') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>
-                        <?= $rv->total_services; ?>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>
-                        <?= $rv->total_scheduled_services; ?>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Average services per host') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>
-                        <?= sprintf('%.2f', $rv->average_services_per_host); ?>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>
-                        <?= sprintf('%.2f', $rv->average_scheduled_services_per_host); ?>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <h3><?= $this->translate('Active checks') ?></h3>
-            <table class="avp">
-                <thead>
-                <tr>
-                    <th></th>
-                    <th></th>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Latency') ?></th>
-                    <th><?= $this->translate('Execution time') ?></th>
-                </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Host Checks') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td><?= $cp->host_active_count; ?></td>
-                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->host_active_latency_avg); ?>s</td>
-                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->host_active_execution_avg); ?>s</td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Service Checks') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td><?= $cp->service_active_count; ?></td>
-                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->service_active_latency_avg); ?>s</td>
-                    <td><?= sprintf('%.3f', $cp->service_active_execution_avg); ?>s</td>
-                </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-            <h3><?= $this->translate('Passive checks') ?></h3>
-            <table class="avp">
-                <tbody>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Host Checks') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td><?= $cp->host_passive_count; ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <strong><?= $this->translate('Service Checks') ?></strong>
-                    </td>
-                    <td><?= $cp->service_passive_count; ?></td>
-                </tr>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-        </div>
-    </div>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/services/show.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/services/show.phtml
index d2ad21bca..be8cf5a8b 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/services/show.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/services/show.phtml
@@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
         <?= $tabs; ?>
     <?php endif ?>
-    <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+    <h2 class="tinystatesummary" <?= $this->compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>
+        <?= $this->render('list/components/servicesummary.phtml') ?>
+    </h2>
     <?= $this->render('partials/service/objects-header.phtml'); ?>
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/configuration.php b/modules/monitoring/configuration.php
index c68ef6522..2d61274ec 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/configuration.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/configuration.php
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ $section->add($this->translate('Alert Summary'), array(
 $section = $this->menuSection($this->translate('System'));
 $section->add($this->translate('Monitoring Health'), array(
-    'url'      => 'monitoring/process/info',
+    'url'      => 'monitoring/health/info',
     'priority' => 720,
     'renderer' => 'Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Web\Menu\BackendAvailabilityMenuItemRenderer'
- * Dashboard
+ * Current Incidents
 $dashboard = $this->dashboard($this->translate('Current Incidents'));
@@ -243,6 +243,103 @@ $dashboard->add(
+ * Overview
+ */
+$dashboard = $this->dashboard($this->translate('Overview'));
+    $this->translate('Service Grid'),
+    'monitoring/list/servicegrid?limit=15,18'
+    $this->translate('Service Groups'),
+    '/monitoring/list/servicegroups'
+    $this->translate('Host Groups'),
+    '/monitoring/list/hostgroups'
+ * Most Overdue
+ */
+$dashboard = $this->dashboard($this->translate('Overdue'));
+    $this->translate('Acknowledgements Active For At Least Three Days'),
+    'monitoring/list/comments?comment_type=Ack&comment_timestamp<-3 days&sort=comment_timestamp&dir=asc'
+    $this->translate('Downtimes Active For More Than Three Days'),
+    'monitoring/list/downtimes?downtime_is_in_effect=1&downtime_scheduled_start<-3%20days&sort=downtime_start&dir=asc'
+ * Muted Objects
+ */
+$dashboard = $this->dashboard($this->translate('Muted'));
+    $this->translate('Disabled Service Notifications'),
+    'monitoring/list/services?service_notifications_enabled=0&limit=10'
+    $this->translate('Disabled Host Notifications'),
+    'monitoring/list/hosts?host_notifications_enabled=0&limit=10'
+    $this->translate('Disabled Service Checks'),
+    'monitoring/list/services?service_active_checks_enabled=0&limit=10'
+    $this->translate('Disabled Host Checks'),
+    'monitoring/list/hosts?host_active_checks_enabled=0&limit=10'
+    $this->translate('Acknowledged Problem Services'),
+    'monitoring/list/services?service_acknowledgement_type=2&service_problem=1&sort=service_state&limit=10'
+    $this->translate('Acknowledged Problem Hosts'),
+    'monitoring/list/hosts?host_acknowledgement_type=2&host_problem=1&sort=host_severity&limit=10'
+ * Activity Stream
+ */
+$dashboard = $this->dashboard($this->translate('Activity Stream'));
+    $this->translate('Recent Events'),
+    'monitoring/list/eventhistory?timestamp>=-3%20days&sort=timestamp&dir=desc&limit=8'
+    $this->translate('Recent Hard State Changes'),
+    'monitoring/list/eventhistory?timestamp>=-3%20days&type=hard_state&sort=timestamp&dir=desc&limit=8'
+    $this->translate('Recent Notifications'),
+    'monitoring/list/eventhistory?timestamp>=-3%20days&type=notify&sort=timestamp&dir=desc&limit=8'
+    $this->translate('Downtimes Recently Started'),
+    'monitoring/list/eventhistory?timestamp>=-3%20days&type=dt_start&sort=timestamp&dir=desc&limit=8'
+    $this->translate('Downtimes Recently Ended'),
+    'monitoring/list/eventhistory?timestamp>=-3%20days&type=dt_end&sort=timestamp&dir=desc&limit=8'
+ * Stats
+ */
+$dashboard = $this->dashboard($this->translate('Stats'));
+    $this->translate('Check Stats'),
+    'monitoring/health/stats'
+    $this->translate('Process Information'),
+    'monitoring/health/info'
  * CSS
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Hoststatus.php b/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Hoststatus.php
index 05385763c..413f175f1 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Hoststatus.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Hoststatus.php
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ class HostStatus extends DataView
-            'host_ipv4'
+            'host_ipv4',
+            'host_acknowledgement_type'
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Servicestatus.php b/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Servicestatus.php
index ff68474f1..f12c66535 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Servicestatus.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/DataView/Servicestatus.php
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ class ServiceStatus extends DataView
-            'service_host_name'
+            'service_host_name',
+            'service_acknowledgement_type'
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/Object/Macro.php b/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/Object/Macro.php
index 4a9045b58..0a6f3a8c0 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/Object/Macro.php
+++ b/modules/monitoring/library/Monitoring/Object/Macro.php
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ class Macro
     public static function resolveMacro($macro, $object)
-        if (array_key_exists($macro, self::$icingaMacros) && $object->{self::$icingaMacros[$macro]} !== false) {
+        if (isset(self::$icingaMacros[$macro]) && isset($object->{self::$icingaMacros[$macro]})) {
             return $object->{self::$icingaMacros[$macro]};
-        if (array_key_exists($macro, $object->customvars)) {
+        if (isset($object->customvars[$macro])) {
             return $object->customvars[$macro];
diff --git a/modules/monitoring/public/css/module.less b/modules/monitoring/public/css/module.less
index a239862c3..e27817613 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/public/css/module.less
+++ b/modules/monitoring/public/css/module.less
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ table.avp {
         color: @colorMainForeground;
+    .badge a[href] {
+        color: @colorGray;
+    }
     .go-ahead {
         a, button.link-like {
             color: #222;
diff --git a/public/css/icinga/widgets.less b/public/css/icinga/widgets.less
index 95b64429a..c0d9d7b89 100644
--- a/public/css/icinga/widgets.less
+++ b/public/css/icinga/widgets.less
@@ -234,6 +234,11 @@ li li .badge-container {
   background-color: @colorInvalid;
+.badge a[href] {
+    color: @colorGray;
+    text-decoration: none;
 #menu nav ul .badge {
   margin-right: 0em;
   top: 0.3em;