diff --git a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml
index d45415c72..c0acdead4 100644
--- a/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml
+++ b/modules/monitoring/application/views/scripts/partials/host/servicesummary.phtml
@@ -1,23 +1,54 @@
+$selfUrl = Url::fromPath('monitoring/show/services', array('host' => $object->host_name));
$currentUrl = Url::fromRequest()->without('limit')->getRelativeUrl();
compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : '' ?>>
-stats->services_total > 0): ?>
-= $this->qlink(sprintf($this->translatePlural('%d configured service:', '%d configured services:', $object->stats->services_total), $object->stats->services_total), $selfUrl) ?>
compact ? ' data-base-target="col1"' : ''; ?>>
+stats->services_total): ?>
+= $this->qlink(
+ sprintf(
+ $this->translatePlural(
+ '%u configured service:',
+ '%u configured services:',
+ $object->stats->services_total
+ ),
+ $object->stats->services_total
+ ),
+ $selfUrl,
+ null,
+ array('title' => sprintf(
+ $this->translatePlural(
+ 'List all %u service on host %s',
+ 'List all %u services on host %s',
+ $object->stats->services_total
+ ),
+ $object->stats->services_total,
+ $object->host_name
+ ))
+); ?>
= $this->translate('No services configured on this host'); ?>
-stats->services_ok > 0): ?>
- = $this->qlink(
- $object->stats->services_ok,
- $selfUrl,
- array('service_state' => 0),
- array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Services with state %s'), $this->translate('OK')))
-) ?>
+stats->services_ok): ?>
+ = $this->qlink(
+ $object->stats->services_ok,
+ $selfUrl,
+ array('service_state' => 0),
+ array('title' => sprintf(
+ $this->translatePlural(
+ 'List %u service that is currently in state OK on host %s',
+ 'List %u services which are currently in state OK on host %s',
+ $object->stats->services_ok
+ ),
+ $object->stats->services_ok,
+ $object->host_name
+ ))
+ ); ?>
'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $state) {
@@ -46,7 +77,16 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
- array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Unhandled services with state %s'), $this->translate(strtoupper($state))))
+ array('title' => sprintf(
+ $this->translatePlural(
+ 'List %u service that is currently in state %s on host %s',
+ 'List %u services which are currently in state %s on host %s',
+ $object->stats->$unhandled
+ ),
+ $object->stats->$unhandled,
+ Service::getStateText($stateId, true),
+ $object->host_name
+ ))
if ($object->stats->$handled) {
@@ -63,7 +103,16 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
- array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Handled services with state %s'), $this->translate(strtoupper($state))))
+ array('title' => sprintf(
+ $this->translatePlural(
+ 'List %u service that is currently in state %s (Acknowledged) on host %s',
+ 'List %u services which are currently in state %s (Acknowledged) on host %s',
+ $object->stats->$handled
+ ),
+ $object->stats->$handled,
+ Service::getStateText($stateId, true),
+ $object->host_name
+ ))
if ($object->stats->$unhandled) {
echo "\n";
@@ -74,12 +123,22 @@ foreach (array(2 => 'critical', 3 => 'unknown', 1 => 'warning') as $stateId => $
stats->services_pending): ?>
- = $this->qlink(
- $object->stats->services_pending,
- $selfUrl,
- array('service_state' => 99),
- array('title' => sprintf($this->translate('Services with state %s'), $this->translate('PENDING')))
-) ?>
+ = $this->qlink(
+ $object->stats->services_pending,
+ $selfUrl,
+ array('service_state' => 99),
+ array('title' => sprintf(
+ $this->translatePlural(
+ 'List %u service that is currently in state PENDING on host %s',
+ 'List %u services which are currently in state PENDING on host %s',
+ $object->stats->services_pending
+ ),
+ $object->stats->services_pending,
+ $object->host_name
+ ))
+ ) ?>
\ No newline at end of file