Add Form\Builder
The builder class allows to create forms and bind them to models. The tests are currently failing because of the zend pluginloader, this must be evaluated refs #4302
This commit is contained in:
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namespace Icinga\Form;
* Class that helps building and validating forms and offers a rudimentary
* data-binding mechanismn.
* The underlying form can be accessed by expicitly calling $builder->getForm() or
* by directly calling the forms method (which is, in case of populate() the preferred way)
* like: $builder->getElements()
class Builder
const CSRF_ID = "icinga_csrf_id";
private $form;
private $boundModel = null;
private $disableCSRF = false;
* Constructrs a new Formbuilder, containing an empty form if no
* $form parameter is given or the Zend form from the $form parameter.
* @param \Zend_Form The form to use with this Builder
* @param Array an optional array of Options:
* - CSRFProtection true to add a crsf token to the
* form (default), false to remove it
* - model An referenced array or object to use
* for value binding
public function __construct(\Zend_Form $form = null, array $options = array())
if ($form === null) {
$form = new \Zend_Form();
$this->form = $form;
if (isset($options["CSRFProtection"])) {
$this->disableCSRF = !$options["CSRFProtection"];
if (isset($options["model"])) {
$this->boundModel = &$options["model"];
public function setZendForm(\Zend_Form $form)
$this->form = $form;
public function getForm()
if (!$this->disableCSRF) {
if (!$this->form) {
return new \Zend_Form();
return $this->form;
public function addElementsFromConfig(array $elements)
foreach ($elements as $key => $values) {
$this->addElement($values[0], $key, $values[1]);
public static function fromArray(array $elements, $options = array())
$builder = new Builder(null, $options);
return $builder;
public function isValid(array $data = null)
if ($data === null) {
$data = $_POST;
return $this->hasValidToken() && $this->form->isValid($data);
public function isSubmitted($btnName = 'submit')
$btn = $this->getElement($btnName);
if (!$btn || !isset($_POST[$btnName])) {
return false;
return $_POST[$btnName] === $btn->getLabel();
public function render()
return $this->getForm()->render();
public function __toString()
return $this->getForm()->__toString();
public function enableCSRF()
$this->disableCSRF = false;
public function disableCSRF()
$this->disableCSRF = true;
private function addCSRFFieldToForm()
if (!$this->form || $this->disableCSRF || $this->form->getElement(self::CSRF_ID)) {
list($seed, $token) = $this->getSeedTokenPair();
$this->form->addElement("hidden", self::CSRF_ID);
$this->form->addElement("hidden", self::CSRF_ID."_seed");
public function bindToModel(&$model)
$this->boundModel = &$model;
public function repopulate()
if (!empty($_POST)) {
public function populate($data, $ignoreModel = false)
if (is_array($data)) {
} elseif (is_object($data)) {
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Builder::populate() expects and object or array, $data given");
if ($this->boundModel === null || $ignoreModel) {
private function populateFromObject($data)
foreach ($this->form->getElements() as $name => $element) {
if (isset($data->$name)) {
} else {
$getter = "get".ucfirst($name);
if (method_exists($data, $getter)) {
public function updateModel()
if (is_array($this->boundModel)) {
} elseif (is_object($this->boundModel)) {
private function updateObjectModel()
foreach ($this->form->getElements() as $name => $element) {
if (isset($this->boundModel->$name)) {
$this->boundModel->$name = $element->getValue();
} else {
$setter = "set".ucfirst($name);
if (method_exists($this->boundModel, $setter)) {
private function updateArrayModel()
foreach ($this->form->getElements() as $name => $element) {
if (isset($this->boundModel[$name])) {
$this->boundModel[$name] = $element->getValue();
public function syncWithModel()
$this->populate($this->boundModel, true);
public function __call($fn, array $args)
if (method_exists($this->form, $fn)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this->form, $fn), $args);
} else {
throw new \BadMethodCallException(
"Method $fn does not exist either ".
"in \Icinga\Form\Builder nor in Zend_Form"
* Whether the token parameter is valid
* @param int $maxAge Max allowed token age
* @param string $sessionId A specific session id (useful for tests?)
* return bool
public function hasValidToken($maxAge = 600, $sessionId = null)
if ($this->disableCSRF) {
return true;
if ($this->form->getElement(self::CSRF_ID) == null) {
return false;
$sessionId = $sessionId ? $sessionId : session_id();
$seed = $this->form->getElement(self::CSRF_ID.'_seed')->getValue();
if (! is_numeric($seed)) {
return false;
// Remove quantitized timestamp portion so maxAge applies
$seed -= (intval(time() / $maxAge) * $maxAge);
$token = $this->getElement(self::CSRF_ID)->getValue();
return $token === hash('sha256', $sessionId . $seed);
* Get a new seed/token pair
* @param int $maxAge Max allowed token age
* @param string $sessionId A specific session id (useful for tests?)
* return array
public function getSeedTokenPair($maxAge = 600, $sessionId = null)
$sessionId = $sessionId ? $sessionId : session_id();
$seed = mt_rand();
$hash = hash('sha256', $sessionId . $seed);
// Add quantitized timestamp portion to apply maxAge
$seed += (intval(time() / $maxAge) * $maxAge);
return array($seed, $hash);
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namespace Test\Icinga\Form;
use Icinga\Form\Builder as Builder;
class BuilderTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testFormCreation()
$builder = new Builder(null, array("CSRFProtection" => false));
$this->assertInstanceOf("Zend_Form", $builder->getForm());
public function testCSRFProtectionTokenCreation()
$view = new \Zend_View();
$builder = new Builder(); // when no token is given, a CRSF field should be added
$DOM = new \DOMDocument;
* Test whether form methods are passed to the Zend_Form object
* When called in the Builder instance
public function testMethodPassing()
$DOM = new \DOMDocument;
$view = new \Zend_View();
$builder = new Builder(null, array("CSRFProtection" => false));
$this->assertEquals(0, $DOM->getElementsByTagName("input")->length);
$builder->addElement("text", "username");
$inputEls = $DOM->getElementsByTagName("input");
$this->assertEquals(1, $inputEls->length);
$this->assertEquals("username", $inputEls->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem("name")->value);
public function testCreateByArray()
$DOM = new \DOMDocument;
$view = new \Zend_View();
$builder = Builder::fromArray(
'username' => array(
'label' => 'Username',
'required' => true,
'password' => array(
'label' => 'Password',
'required' => true,
'submit' => array(
'label' => 'Login'
"CSRFProtection" => false
$inputEls = $DOM->getElementsByTagName("input");
$this->assertEquals(3, $inputEls->length);
$username = $inputEls->item(0);
$this->assertEquals("username", $username->attributes->getNamedItem("name")->value);
$password= $inputEls->item(1);
$this->assertEquals("password", $password->attributes->getNamedItem("name")->value);
$this->assertEquals("password", $password->attributes->getNamedItem("type")->value);
$submitBtn= $inputEls->item(2);
$this->assertEquals("submit", $submitBtn->attributes->getNamedItem("name")->value);
$this->assertEquals("submit", $submitBtn->attributes->getNamedItem("type")->value);
public function testModelBindingWithArray()
$view = new \Zend_View();
$builder = new Builder(null, array("CSRFProtection" => false));
$myModel = array(
"username" => "",
"password" => ""
$builder->addElement("text", "username");
$builder->addElement("password", "password");
// test sync from form to model
"username" => "User input<html>",
"password" => "Secret$123"
$this->assertEquals("User input<html>", $myModel["username"]);
$this->assertEquals("Secret$123", $myModel["password"]);
// test sync from model to form
$myModel["username"] = "Another user";
$myModel["password"] = "Another pass";
$this->assertEquals("Another user", $builder->getElement("username")->getValue());
$this->assertEquals("Another pass", $builder->getElement("password")->getValue());
public function testModelBindingWithObject()
$view = new \Zend_View();
$builder = new Builder(null, array("CSRFProtection" => false));
$myModel = (object) array(
"username" => "",
"password" => ""
$builder->addElement("text", "username");
$builder->addElement("password", "password");
// test sync from form to model
(object) array(
"username" => "User input<html>",
"password" => "Secret$123"
$this->assertEquals("User input<html>", $myModel->username);
$this->assertEquals("Secret$123", $myModel->password);
// test sync from model to form
$myModel->username = "Another user";
$myModel->password = "Another pass";
$this->assertEquals("Another user", $builder->getElement("username")->getValue());
$this->assertEquals("Another pass", $builder->getElement("password")->getValue());
Reference in New Issue