Do not display labels for single data sets in perfdata piecharts

Display generic chart titles for the whole piechart that only contain title and percentage and don't style perfdata piecharts using HTML properties.

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Jentsch 2014-12-18 16:44:55 +01:00
parent f513e7959e
commit 64a2acd12e
6 changed files with 107 additions and 185 deletions

View File

@ -34,30 +34,20 @@ class InlinePie extends AbstractWidget
* @var string
private $template =<<<'EOD'
<img class="inlinepie"
title="{title}" src="{url}" style="position: relative; top: 10px; width: {width}px; height: {height}px; {style}"
data-icinga-colors="{colors}" data-icinga-values="{data}"
<span sparkType="pie" class="sparkline" {title} {disableTooltips} {size}
sparkSliceColors="[{colors}]" labels="{labels}" formatted="{formatted}" values="{data}"
private $noscript =<<<'EOD'
<img class="inlinepie {class}" {title} src="{url}" data-icinga-colors="{colors}" data-icinga-values="{data}"/>
* @var Url
@ -70,34 +60,6 @@ EOD;
private $colors = array('#44bb77', '#ffaa44', '#ff5566', '#ddccdd');
* The width of the rendered chart
* @var int The value in px
private $width = 16;
* The height of the rendered chart
* @var int The value in px
private $height = 16;
* PieChart border width
* @var float
private $borderWidth = 1;
* The color of the border
* @var string
private $borderColor = '#fff';
* The title of the chart
@ -106,11 +68,9 @@ EOD;
private $title;
* The style for the HtmlElement
* @var string
* @var
private $style = '';
private $size;
* The data displayed by the pie-chart
@ -126,19 +86,17 @@ EOD;
private $labels = array();
* If the tooltip for the "empty" area should be hidden
* @var bool
private $hideEmptyLabel = false;
* The format string used to display tooltips
* @var string
private $tooltipFormat = '<b>{{title}}</b></br> {{label}}: {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)';
private $tooltipFormat = '<b>{{title}}</b></br> {{label}} {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)';
* @var string
private $disableTooltips = '';
* The number format used to render numeric values in tooltips
@ -147,19 +105,6 @@ EOD;
private $format = self::NUMBER_FORMAT_NONE;
* Set if the tooltip for the empty area should be hidden
* @param bool $hide Whether to hide the empty area
* @return $this
public function setHideEmptyLabel($hide = true)
$this->hideEmptyLabel = $hide;
return $this;
* Set the data to be displayed.
@ -174,6 +119,27 @@ EOD;
return $this;
* Set the size of the inline pie
* @param int $size Sets both, the height and width
* @return $this
public function setSize($size = null)
$this->size = $size;
return $this;
* Do not display the NoScript fallback html
public function disableNoScript()
$this->noscript = '';
* The labels to be displayed in the pie-chart
@ -186,7 +152,7 @@ EOD;
if (is_array($label)) {
$this->url->setParam('labels', implode(',', array_keys($label)));
} elseif ($label != null) {
$labelArr = array($label, $label, $label, '');
$labelArr = array($label, $label, $label, $label);
$this->url->setParam('labels', implode(',', $labelArr));
$label = $labelArr;
} else {
@ -250,69 +216,6 @@ EOD;
return $this;
* Set the height
* @param $height
* @return $this
public function setHeight($height)
$this->height = $height;
return $this;
* Set the border width of the pie chart
* @param float $width Width in px
* @return $this
public function setBorderWidth($width)
$this->borderWidth = $width;
return $this;
* Set the color of the pie chart border
* @param string $col The color string
* @return $this
public function setBorderColor($col)
$this->borderColor = $col;
* Set the width
* @param $width
* @return $this
public function setWidth($width)
$this->width = $width;
return $this;
* Set the styling of the created HtmlElement
* @param string $style
* @return $this
public function setStyle($style)
$this->style = $style;
* Set the title of the displayed Data
@ -322,10 +225,20 @@ EOD;
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
$this->title = 'title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '"';
return $this;
* Whether to display tooltips for the InlinePie
* @param bool $val
public function setDisableTooltip($val = true)
$this->disableTooltips = $val !== true ? '' : 'sparkDisableTooltips="true"';
* Create a new InlinePie
@ -335,7 +248,7 @@ EOD;
public function __construct(array $data, $title, $colors = null)
$this->title = $title;
$this->url = Url::fromPath('svg/chart.php');
if (array_key_exists('data', $data)) {
$this->data = $data['data'];
@ -386,7 +299,7 @@ EOD;
try {
$png = $pie->toPng($this->width, $this->height);
$png = $pie->toPng($this->size, $this->size);
return '<img class="inlinepie" src="data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode($png) . '" />';
} catch (IcingaException $_) {
return '';
@ -394,17 +307,15 @@ EOD;
$template = $this->template;
// TODO: Check whether we are XHR and don't send
$template = str_replace('{noscript}', $this->noscript, $template);
$template = str_replace('{url}', $this->url, $template);
// style
$template = str_replace('{width}', $this->width, $template);
$template = str_replace('{height}', $this->height, $template);
$template = str_replace('{title}', htmlspecialchars($this->title), $template);
$template = str_replace('{style}', $this->style, $template);
$template = str_replace('{size}',
isset($this->size) ? 'sparkWidth="' . $this->size . '" sparkHeight="' . $this->size . '" ' : '', $template);
$template = str_replace('{title}', $this->title, $template);
$template = str_replace('{colors}', implode(',', $this->colors), $template);
$template = str_replace('{borderWidth}', $this->borderWidth, $template);
$template = str_replace('{borderColor}', $this->borderColor, $template);
$template = str_replace('{hideEmptyLabel}', $this->hideEmptyLabel ? 'true' : 'false', $template);
// Locale-ignorant string cast. Please. Do. NOT. Remove. This. Again.
// Problem is that implode respects locales when casting floats. This means
@ -423,6 +334,7 @@ EOD;
$template = str_replace('{formatted}', htmlspecialchars(implode('|', $formatted)), $template);
$template = str_replace('{labels}', htmlspecialchars($this->createLabelString()), $template);
$template = str_replace('{tooltipFormat}', $this->tooltipFormat, $template);
$template = str_replace('{disableTooltips}', $this->disableTooltips, $template);
return $template;

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class Monitoring_MultiController extends Controller
private function createPie($states, $colors, $title)
$chart = new InlinePie(array_values($states), $title, $colors);
return $chart;

View File

@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ class Monitoring_ServicesController extends Controller
$chart = new InlinePie(array_values($states), $title, $colors);
return $chart
->setLabel(array_map('strtoupper', array_keys($states)))

View File

@ -84,21 +84,19 @@ class Zend_View_Helper_Perfdata extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
protected function createInlinePie(Perfdata $perfdata)
$pieChart = new InlinePie($this->calculatePieChartData($perfdata), $perfdata->getLabel());
$pieChart = new InlinePie($this->calculatePieChartData($perfdata),
$perfdata->getLabel() . ' ' . (int)$perfdata->getPercentage() . '%');
if (Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
if ($perfdata->isBytes()) {
$pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)');
} else if ($perfdata->isSeconds()) {
$pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)');
} else {
$pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}}%');
return $pieChart;

View File

@ -285,3 +285,15 @@ li li .badge {
.widgetFilter {
background-color: #eee;
.sparkline {
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
.inlinepie {
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
position: relative;
top: 10px;

View File

@ -21,31 +21,32 @@
var $spark = $(element);
var labels = $spark.attr('labels').split('|');
var formatted = $spark.attr('formatted').split('|');
var tooltipChartTitle = $spark.attr('sparkTooltipChartTitle') || '';
var format = $spark.attr('tooltipformat');
var hideEmpty = $spark.attr('hideEmptyLabel') === 'true';
enableTagOptions: true,
tooltipFormatter: function (sparkline, options, fields) {
var out = format;
if (hideEmpty && fields.offset === 3) {
return '';
var replace = {
title: tooltipChartTitle,
label: labels[fields.offset] ? labels[fields.offset] : fields.offset,
formatted: formatted[fields.offset] ? formatted[fields.offset] : '',
value: fields.value,
percent: Math.round(fields.percent * 100) / 100
$.each(replace, function(key, value) {
out = out.replace('{{' + key + '}}', value);
return out;
var title = $spark.attr('title');
var format = $spark.attr('tooltipFormat');
if ($spark.attr('labels')) {
var options = {
enableTagOptions: true,
width: $spark.attr('sparkWidth') || 12,
height: $spark.attr('sparkHeight') || 12,
tooltipFormatter: function (sparkline, options, fields) {
var out = format;
var replace = {
title: title,
label: labels[fields.offset] ? labels[fields.offset] : fields.offset,
formatted: formatted[fields.offset] ? formatted[fields.offset] : '',
value: fields.value,
percent: Math.round(fields.percent * 100) / 100
$.each(replace, function(key, value) {
out = out.replace('{{' + key + '}}', value);
return out;
$spark.sparkline('html', options);