Merge branch 'bugfix/Show-all-shell-commands-required-to-get-ready-in-the-setup-wizard-8705'

fixes #8705
This commit is contained in:
Alexander A. Klimov 2015-06-05 18:40:07 +02:00
commit 6a914dc25b
2 changed files with 155 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,122 @@ class Platform
return strtoupper(substr(self::getOperatingSystemName(), 0, 5)) === 'LINUX';
* Return the Linux distribution's name
* or 'linux' if the name could not be found out
* or false if the OS isn't Linux or an error occurred
* @param int $reliable
* 3: Only parse /etc/os-release (or /usr/lib/os-release).
* For the paranoid ones.
* 2: If that (3) doesn't help, check /etc/*-release, too.
* If something is unclear, return 'linux'.
* 1: Almost equal to mode 2. The possible return values also include:
* 'redhat' -- unclear whether RHEL/Fedora/...
* 'suse' -- unclear whether SLES/openSUSE/...
* 0: If even that (1) doesn't help, check /proc/version, too.
* This may not work (as expected) on LXC containers!
* (No reliability at all!)
* @return string|bool
public static function getLinuxDistro($reliable = 2)
if (! self::isLinux()) {
return false;
foreach (array('/etc/os-release', '/usr/lib/os-release') as $osReleaseFile) {
if (false === ($osRelease = @file(
))) {
foreach ($osRelease as $osInfo) {
if (false === ($res = @preg_match('/(?<!.)[ \t]*#/ms', $osInfo))) {
return false;
if ($res === 1) {
$matches = array();
if (false === ($res = @preg_match(
'/(?<!.)[ \t]*ID[ \t]*=[ \t]*(\'|"|)(.*?)(?:\1)[ \t]*(?!.)/msi',
))) {
return false;
if (! ($res === 0 || $matches[2] === '' || $matches[2] === 'linux')) {
return $matches[2];
if ($reliable > 2) {
return 'linux';
foreach (array(
'fedora' => '/etc/fedora-release',
'centos' => '/etc/centos-release'
) as $distro => $releaseFile) {
if (! (false === (
$release = @file_get_contents($releaseFile)
) || false === strpos(strtolower($release), $distro))) {
return $distro;
if (false !== ($release = @file_get_contents('/etc/redhat-release'))) {
$release = strtolower($release);
if (false !== strpos($release, 'red hat enterprise linux')) {
return 'rhel';
foreach (array('fedora', 'centos') as $distro) {
if (false !== strpos($release, $distro)) {
return $distro;
return $reliable < 2 ? 'redhat' : 'linux';
if (false !== ($release = @file_get_contents('/etc/SuSE-release'))) {
$release = strtolower($release);
foreach (array(
'opensuse' => 'opensuse',
'sles' => 'suse linux enterprise server',
'sled' => 'suse linux enterprise desktop'
) as $distro => $name) {
if (false !== strpos($release, $name)) {
return $distro;
return $reliable < 2 ? 'suse' : 'linux';
if ($reliable < 1) {
if (false === ($procVersion = @file_get_contents('/proc/version'))) {
return false;
$procVersion = strtolower($procVersion);
foreach (array(
'redhat' => 'red hat',
'suse' => 'suse linux',
'ubuntu' => 'ubuntu',
'debian' => 'debian'
) as $distro => $name) {
if (false !== strpos($procVersion, $name)) {
return $distro;
return 'linux';
* Test of CLI environment

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@ -10,6 +10,39 @@ $configDir = Icinga::app()->getConfigDir();
$setupTokenPath = rtrim($configDir, '/') . '/setup.token';
$cliPath = realpath(Icinga::app()->getApplicationDir() . '/../bin/icingacli');
$groupadd = null;
$usermod = null;
if (! (false === ($distro = Platform::getLinuxDistro(1)) || $distro === 'linux')) {
foreach (array(
'groupadd -r icingaweb2' => array(
'redhat', 'rhel', 'centos', 'fedora',
'suse', 'sles', 'sled', 'opensuse'
'addgroup --system icingaweb2' => array('debian', 'ubuntu')
) as $groupadd_ => $distros) {
if (in_array($distro, $distros)) {
$groupadd = $groupadd_;
foreach (array(
'usermod -a -G icingaweb2 apache' => array(
'redhat', 'rhel', 'centos', 'fedora'
'usermod -A icingaweb2 wwwrun' => array(
'suse', 'sles', 'sled', 'opensuse'
'usermod -a -G icingaweb2 www-data' => array(
'debian', 'ubuntu'
) as $usermod_ => $distros) {
if (in_array($distro, $distros)) {
$usermod = $usermod_;
<div class="welcome-page">
<h2><?= $this->translate('Welcome to the configuration of Icinga Web 2!') ?></h2>
@ -51,6 +84,12 @@ $cliPath = realpath(Icinga::app()->getApplicationDir() . '/../bin/icingacli');
<li><?= $this->translate('Your webserver\'s user is a member of the system group "icingaweb2"'); ?></li>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if (! ($groupadd === null || $usermod === null)) { ?>
<div class="code">
<span><?= $this->escape($groupadd . ';') ?></span>
<span><?= $this->escape($usermod . ';') ?></span>
<?php } ?>
<p><?= $this->translate('If you\'ve got the IcingaCLI installed you can do the following:'); ?></p>
<div class="code">
<span><?= $cliPath ? $cliPath : 'icingacli'; ?> setup config directory --group icingaweb2<?= $configDir !== '/etc/icingaweb2' ? ' --config ' . $configDir : ''; ?>;</span>