@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ use Icinga\Application\Icinga;
use Icinga\Application\Config as IcingaConfig;
use Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError;
use Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\AbstractWidget;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard\Pane;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard\Component as DashboardComponent;
use Icinga\Web\Url;
@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ class Dashboard extends AbstractWidget
$current = $this->panes[$pane->getName()];
} else {
$this->panes = array_filter(array_merge($this->panes, $panes));
$this->panes[$pane->getName()] = $pane;
@ -128,6 +127,16 @@ class Dashboard extends AbstractWidget
return $this->tabs;
* Return all panes of this dashboard
* @return array
public function getPanes()
return $this->panes;
* Populate this dashboard via the given configuration file
@ -164,9 +173,9 @@ class Dashboard extends AbstractWidget
* @TODO: Should only allow component objects to be added directly as soon as we store more information
* @param string $pane The pane to add the component to
* @param Component|string $component The component to add or the title of the newly created component
* @param $url The url to use for the component
* @param string $pane The pane to add the component to
* @param Component|string $component The component to add or the title of the newly created component
* @param string|null $url The url to use for the component
* @return self
@ -198,20 +207,14 @@ class Dashboard extends AbstractWidget
* Return true if a pane doesn't exist or doesn't have any components in it
* @param string $pane The name of the pane to check for emptyness
* Check if this dashboard has a specific pane
* @param $pane string The name of the pane
* @return bool
public function isEmptyPane($pane)
public function hasPane($pane)
$paneObj = $this->getPane($pane);
if ($paneObj === null) {
return true;
$cmps = $paneObj->getComponents();
return !empty($cmps);
return array_key_exists($pane, $this->panes);
@ -305,11 +308,11 @@ class Dashboard extends AbstractWidget
return $active;
* @see determineActivePane()
public function getActivePane()
if ($active = $this->getTabs()->getActiveName()) {
return $this->getPane($active);
return $this->determineActivePane();
@ -323,10 +326,12 @@ class Dashboard extends AbstractWidget
$active = $this->getTabs()->getActiveName();
if (! $active) {
if ($active = Url::fromRequest()->getParam($this->tabParam)) {
if ($this->isEmptyPane($active)) {
$active = $this->setDefaultPane();
} else {
if ($this->hasPane($active)) {
} else {
throw new ProgrammingError(
'Try to get an inexistent pane.'
} else {
$active = $this->setDefaultPane();
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class Pane extends AbstractWidget
* Create a new pane
* @param $name The pane to create
* @param string $name The pane to create
public function __construct($name)
@ -92,6 +92,16 @@ class Pane extends AbstractWidget
return array_key_exists($title, $this->components);
* Checks if the current pane has any components
* @return bool
public function hasComponents()
return ! empty($this->components);
* Return a component with the given name if existing
@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
namespace Tests\Icinga\Web;
// Necessary as some of these tests disable phpunit's preservation
// of the global state (e.g. autoloaders are in the global state)
require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap.php');
use Mockery;
use Icinga\Application\Icinga;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard\Pane;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard\Component;
use Icinga\Test\BaseTestCase;
class ComponentWithMockedView extends Component
public function view()
$mock = Mockery::mock('Icinga\Web\View');
return $mock;
class DashboardWithPredefinableActiveName extends Dashboard
public $activeName = '';
public function getTabs()
return Mockery::mock('Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabs')
class DashboardTest extends BaseTestCase
public function tearDown()
Mockery::close(); // Necessary because some tests run in a separate process
protected function setupIcingaMock(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$moduleMock = Mockery::mock('Icinga\Application\Modules\Module');
'test-pane' => new Pane('Test Pane')
$moduleManagerMock = Mockery::mock('Icinga\Application\Modules\Manager');
'test-module' => $moduleMock
$bootstrapMock = Mockery::mock('Icinga\Application\ApplicationBootstrap')->shouldDeferMissing();
function () use ($request) { return $request; }
Icinga::setApp($bootstrapMock, true);
public function testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->createPane('test')->getPane('test');
$this->assertEquals('test', $pane->getTitle(), 'Dashboard::createPane() could not create a pane');
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testMergePanesWithDifferentPaneName()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$panes = array(
new Pane('test1a'),
new Pane('test2a')
$this->assertCount(4, $dashboard->getPanes(), 'Dashboard::mergePanes() could not merge different panes');
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testMergePanesWithSamePaneName()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$panes = array(
new Pane('test1'),
new Pane('test3')
$this->assertCount(3, $dashboard->getPanes(), 'Dashboard::mergePanes() could not merge same panes');
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
'Dashboard:getPane() could not return pane by name'
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testLoadPaneItemsProvidedByEnabledModules()
$dashboard = Dashboard::load();
'Dashboard::load() could not load panes from enabled modules'
* @expectedException \Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherGetPaneThrowsAnExceptionOnNotExistentPaneName()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherRenderNotRendersPanesDisabledComponent()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new ComponentWithMockedView('test', 'test', $pane);
$rendered = $dashboard->render();
$greaterThanOne = strlen($rendered) > 1;
'Dashboard::render() disabled component is rendered, but should not'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherRenderRendersPanesEnabledComponent()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new ComponentWithMockedView('test', 'test', $pane);
$rendered = $dashboard->render();
$greaterThanOne = strlen($rendered) > 1;
'Dashboard::render() could not render enabled component'
public function testWhetherRenderNotRendersNotExistentPane()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$rendered = $dashboard->render();
$greaterThanOne = strlen($rendered) > 1;
'Dashboard::render() not existent pane ist rendered, but should not'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherGetPaneKeyTitleArrayReturnFormedArray()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$result = $dashboard->getPaneKeyTitleArray();
$expected = array(
'test1' => 'Test1',
'test2' => 'Test2'
'Dashboard::getPaneKeyTitleArray() could not return valid expectation'
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherHasPanesHasPanes()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$hasPanes = $dashboard->hasPanes();
$this->assertTrue($hasPanes, 'Dashboard::hasPanes() could not return valid expectation');
public function testWhetherHasPanesHasNoPanes()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$hasPanes = $dashboard->hasPanes();
$this->assertFalse($hasPanes, 'Dashboard::hasPanes() has panes but should not');
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherRemoveComponentRemovesComponent()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new Component('test', 'test', $pane);
$component2 = new Component('test2', 'test2', $pane);
$dashboard->removeComponent('test1', 'test');
$result = $dashboard->getPane('test1')->hasComponent('test');
'Dashboard::removeComponent() could not remove component from the pane'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherRemoveComponentRemovesComponentByConcatenation()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new Component('test', 'test', $pane);
$component2 = new Component('test2', 'test2', $pane);
$dashboard->removeComponent('test1.test', null);
$result = $dashboard->getPane('test1')->hasComponent('test');
'Dashboard::removeComponent() could not remove component from the pane'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherToArrayReturnsDashboardStructureAsArray()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new Component('test', 'test', $pane);
$result = $dashboard->toArray();
$expected = array(
'test1' => array(
'title' => 'test1'
'test1.test' => array(
'url' => 'test'
'Dashboard::toArray() could not return valid expectation'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherSetComponentUrlUpdatesTheComponentUrl()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new Component('test', 'test', $pane);
$dashboard->setComponentUrl('test1', 'test', 'new');
'Dashboard::setComponentUrl() could not return valid expectation'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherSetComponentUrlUpdatesTheComponentUrlConcatenation()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new Component('test', 'test', $pane);
$dashboard->setComponentUrl('test1.test', null, 'new');
'Dashboard::setComponentUrl() could not return valid expectation'
* @depends testWhetherGetPaneReturnsAPaneByName
public function testWhetherSetComponentUrlUpdatesTheComponentUrlNotExistentPane()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
$pane = $dashboard->getPane('test1');
$component = new Component('test', 'test', $pane);
$dashboard->setComponentUrl('test3.test', null, 'new');
$result = $dashboard->getPane('test3')->getComponent('test');
'Dashboard::setComponentUrl() could not return valid expectation'
* @expectedException \Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError
public function testWhetherDetermineActivePaneThrowsAnExceptionIfCouldNotDetermine()
$dashboard = new Dashboard();
* @runInSeparateProcess
* @preserveGlobalState disabled
* @expectedException \Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherDetermineActivePaneThrowsAnExceptionIfCouldNotDetermineInvalidPane()
$dashboard = new DashboardWithPredefinableActiveName();
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherDetermineActivePaneDeterminesActivePane()
$dashboard = new DashboardWithPredefinableActiveName();
$dashboard->activeName = 'test2';
$activePane = $dashboard->determineActivePane();
'Dashboard::determineActivePane() could not determine active pane'
* @runInSeparateProcess
* @preserveGlobalState disabled
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherDetermineActivePaneDeterminesActiveValidPane()
$dashboard = new DashboardWithPredefinableActiveName();
$activePane = $dashboard->determineActivePane();
'Dashboard::determineActivePane() could not determine active pane'
* @depends testWhetherCreatePaneCreatesAPane
public function testWhetherGetActivePaneReturnsActivePane()
$dashboard = new DashboardWithPredefinableActiveName();
$dashboard->activeName = 'test2';
$activePane = $dashboard->getActivePane();
'Dashboard::determineActivePane() could not get expected active pane'
public function testWhetherLoadConfigPanes()
'Dashboard::loadConfigPanes() is not fully implemented yet or rather not used'
* @depends testWhetherLoadConfigPanes
public function testWhetherReadConfigPopulatesDashboard()
'Dashboard::readConfig() is not fully implemented yet or rather not used'
Reference in New Issue