FilterEditor: split render function and clean up
This commit is contained in:
@ -204,88 +204,79 @@ class FilterEditor extends AbstractWidget
protected function renderFilter($filter, $level = 0)
$html = '';
$url = Url::fromRequest();
$view = $this->view();
$idx = $filter->getId();
$markUrl = clone($url);
$markUrl->setParam('fIdx', $idx);
$removeUrl = clone $url;
$removeUrl->setParam('removeFilter', $idx);
$removeLink = ' <a href="' . $removeUrl . '" title="'
. $view->escape(t('Click to remove this part of your filter'))
. '">' . $view->icon('cancel') . '</a>';
// Temporarilly removed, not implemented yet
$addUrl = clone($url);
$addUrl->setParam('addToId', $idx);
$addLink = ' <a href="' . $addUrl . '" title="'
. $view->escape(t('Click to add another operator below this one'))
. '">' . t('Operator') . ' (&, !, |)</a>';
$addLink .= ' <a href="' . $addUrl . '" title="'
. $view->escape(t('Click to add a filter expression to this operator'))
. '">' . t('Expression') . ' (=, <, >, <=, >=)</a>';
$selectedIndex = ($idx === $this->selectedIdx ? ' -<--' : '');
$selectIndex = ' <a href="' . $markUrl . '">o</a>';
if ($level === 0 && $filter->isChain() && $filter->isEmpty()) {
return '<ul class="datafilter"><li style="background-color: #ffb">' . $this->renderNewFilter() . '</li></ul>';
if ($filter instanceof FilterChain) {
$parts = array();
$i = 0;
return $this->renderFilterChain($filter, $level);
} elseif ($filter instanceof FilterExpression) {
return $this->renderFilterExpression($filter);
} else {
throw new ProgrammingError('Got a Filter being neither expression nor chain');
foreach ($filter->filters() as $f) {
$parts[] = $this->renderFilter($f, $level + 1);
protected function renderFilterChain(FilterChain $filter, $level)
$html = '<span class="handle"> </span>'
. $this->selectOperator($filter)
. $this->removeLink($filter)
. ($filter->count() === 1 ? $this->stripLink($filter) : '')
. $this->addLink($filter);
$op = $this->select(
'operator_' . $filter->getId(),
'OR' => 'OR',
'AND' => 'AND',
'NOT' => 'NOT'
array('style' => 'width: 5em')
) . $removeLink; // Disabled: . ' ' . t('Add') . ': ' . $addLink;
$html .= '<span class="handle"> </span>';
if ($level === 0) {
$html .= $op;
if (! empty($parts)) {
$html .= '<ul class="datafilter"><li>'
. implode('</li><li>', $parts)
. '</li></ul>';
} else {
$html .= $op . "<ul>\n <li>\n" . implode("</li>\n <li>", $parts) . "</li>\n</ul>\n";
if ($filter->isEmpty() && ! $this->addTo) {
return $html;
if ($filter instanceof FilterExpression) {
$u = $url->without($filter->getColumn());
} else {
throw new ProgrammingError('Got a Filter being neither expression nor chain');
$parts = array();
foreach ($filter->filters() as $f) {
$parts[] = '<li>' . $this->renderFilter($f, $level + 1) . '</li>';
$value = $filter->getExpression();
if (is_array($value)) {
$value = '(' . implode('|', $value) . ')';
$html .= $this->selectColumn($filter) . ' '
. $this->selectSign($filter)
. ' <input type="text" name="'
. 'value_' . $idx
. '" value="'
. $value
. '" /> ' . $removeLink;
if ($this->addTo && $this->addTo == $filter->getId()) {
$parts[] = '<li style="background: #ffb">' . $this->renderNewFilter() .$this->cancelLink(). '</li>';
$class = $level === 0 ? ' class="datafilter"' : '';
$html .= sprintf(
implode("", $parts)
return $html;
protected function renderFilterExpression(FilterExpression $filter)
if ($this->addTo && $this->addTo === $filter->getId()) {
'/ class="autosubmit"/',
' class="autofocus"',
. '<ul><li>'
. $this->selectColumn($filter)
. $this->selectSign($filter)
. $this->text($filter)
. $this->removeLink($filter)
. $this->addLink($filter)
. '</li><li style="background-color: #ffb">'
. $this->renderNewFilter() .$this->cancelLink()
. '</li></ul>'
} else {
return $this->selectColumn($filter)
. $this->selectSign($filter)
. $this->text($filter)
. $this->removeLink($filter)
. $this->addLink($filter)
protected function text(Filter $filter = null)
$value = $filter === null ? '' : $filter->getExpression();
Reference in New Issue