diff --git a/doc/container_component.md b/doc/container_component.md
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-# The Container Component (app/container)
-The container component is the most basic building block for icingaweb. Even when displaying an empty controller,
-you always have at least two containers in your viewport which are implicitly created: The main and the detail container.
-Container handle the following tasks:
-* Updating the url part responsible for the container
-* Handling Url changes like they occur when the browser history is used by synchronizing their content with the
- associated Url part
-* Informing subcomponents about changes in the container
-## The Container Api
-You can find the sourcecode for containers along with jsdoc comments at *./public/js/icinga/components/container.js*.
-Here we will discuss the most important calls and their synopsis:
-### Accessing Containers:
-The container component returns a 'Container' object which allows you to access responsible containers for dom nodes via
-the following methods:
-* using `new Container($myDomNodes)` which returns a stateless container object wrapping the container responsible for
- the first node in $myDomNodes
-* using `Container.getMainContainer()` or `Container.getDetailContainer()` which remove the main or detail container
- (this one is stateful with a few notes, read on)
-**Note:** `new Container($('#icingamain')) != Container.getMainContainer()`, but
-`(new Container($('#icingamain'))).containerDom == Container.getMainContainer().containerDom`
-** Example #1 getting the container responsible for a dom node **
- Some kind of node
- Some other kind of node
- Insert your lorem ipsum here
- require(['jquery', 'app/container'], function($, Container) {
- var firstContainer = new Container($('.myNode')); // firstContainer wraps '#icingamain'
- var mainContainer = Container.getMainContainer(); // also wraps '#icingamain'
- var secondContainer = new Container($('.myNode p')); // #somecontainer is wrapped by secondContainer
- firstContainer.someProperty = 'What a nice property!';
- mainContainer.someState = 'I have some state';
- console.log(firstContainer.someProperty); // return 'What a nice property'
- console.log(main.someProperty); // return 'undefined'
- console.log(Container.getMainContainer().someState) // return 'I have some state' when page hasn't been refreshed
- });
-## Containers And The Browser Url
-As noted before (and indicated by the `getMainContainer()` and `getDetailContainer()` function), the main and detail
-container have a special role. Considering the following Url:
- http://my.monitoringhost.org/icingaweb/monitoring/list/host?page=4&detail=%2Fmonitoring%2Fshow%2Fhost%3Fhost%3Dlocalhost
-This URL displays the 4th page of your host list in the main container (monitoring/list/host?page=4) and the host information
-for localhost in the detail container (monitoring/show/host?host=localhost). When you split this Url up in logical pieces
-it looks like this:
- http://my.monitoringhost.org/icingaweb/monitoring/list/host?page=4&detail=%2Fmonitoring%2Fshow%2Fhost%3Fhost%3Dlocalhost
- \___________ _______________________/\_________ ______________/ \_ ____/\________________ _______________________/
- \/ \/ \/ \/
- 1. Base URL 2.Main container URL and Query 3.Detail param 4. Encoded detail URL and params
-1. **Base URL** : I don't think this needs much explanation.
-2. **Main container URL and query** : This is the *normal* part of your Url and denotes the controller route that is
- being displayed in your main container
-3. **Detail parameter**: This parameter will be ignored by the main container and used for rendering the detail container,
- if omitted there's simple no detail view to be displayed
-4 **Encoded detail URL**: The value of the "detail" parameter is the Url (without the base Url) that returns the content
- of the detail area
-### Updating A Container's Url
-If you want your container to display content from a different Url, you can use the *replaceDomFromUrl()* on your
-Container object:
-**Example #2 Updating A Containers URL**
- // this loads the page with the new main container
- require(['jquery', 'app/container'], function($, Container) {
- new Container('#mainSub').replaceDomFormUrl('/another/url');
- }
- // this loads the page with the new detail container
- require(['jquery', 'app/container'], function($, Container) {
- new Container('#detailSub').replaceDomFormUrl('/another/url');
- }
- // this does NOT work:
- require(['jquery', 'app/container'], function($, Container) {
- Container.getMainContainer().replaceDomFormUrl('/another/url');
- // will never be reached due to a reload
- Container.getMainContainer().replaceDomFormUrl('/another/url2');
- }
- // this loads the page with both main and detail changed (this is rarely needed and should be avoided)
- require(['icinga', 'jquery', 'app/container'], function('Icinga', $, Container) {
- // it's better to use this:
- var mainContainer = Container.getMainContainer();
- var detailContainer = Container.getDetailContainer();
- mainContainer.updateContainerHref('/another/url'); // first update the main container href
- detailContainer.updateContainerHref('/another/url2'); // update the detail href
- var url = mainContainer.getContainerHref(detailContainer.getContainerHref()); // fetch the new url
- Icinga.replaceBodyFromUrl(url); // and update manual
- }
-This results in the URL changing to './another/url?detail=%2Fanother%2Fdetail%2Furl.
-The advantage of using a Container instance with the subelements (i.e. '\#mainSub') over calling getMain/DetailContainer
-directly is that you don't need to know in what container your view is displayed - when you move 'mainSub' into the
-detail container, the detail container would be updated afterwards.
-**NOTE**: You should read the '...' section in order to understand why you shouldn't do it like in this example
-### How container refresh states are handled
-If you refresh containers content (load url or replace dom), the container displaya a loading
-mask as default behaviour. To disable this mask and handle it yourself, you can register own events:
-**Example #3 Load indicator events**
- require(['icinga', 'jquery', 'app/container'], function('Icinga', $, Container) {
- var mainContainer = Container.getMainContainer();
- // Detach the default behaviour from container
- mainContainer.removeDefaultLoadIndicator();
- var showFunction = function() {
- console.log('container is loading');
- };
- var hideFunction = function() {
- console.log('container content refreshed');
- };
- // Install new handlers
- mainContainer.registerOnShowLoadIndicator(showFunction);
- mainContainer.registerOnHideLoadIndicator(hideFunction);
- };
-**Example #4 Use this for your components**
-Please have a look into [components documentation](components.md) for detailed information about components.
- define(['components/app/container', 'jquery', 'logging', 'URIjs/URI', 'URIjs/URITemplate'],
- function(Container, $, logger, URI) {
- "use strict";
- /**
- * Master/Detail grid component handling history, link behaviour, selection (@TODO 3788) and updates of
- * grids
- *
- * @param {HTMLElement} The outer element to apply the behaviour on
- */
- return function(gridDomNode) {
- /**
- * Constructor method for this component
- */
- this.construct = function(target) {
- // Container object for the component
- this.container = new Container(target);
- // Detach default handlers
- this.container.removeDefaultLoadIndicator();
- };
- this.construct(gridDomNode);
- };
- };
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