-instances as $instanceName => $config): ?>
- $instanceName)); ?>
- $instanceName)); ?>
= $this->escape($instanceName); ?>
(Type: = isset($config['host']) ? 'Remote' : 'Local'; ?>)
Monitoring Backends
+ messageBox)): ?>
+ = $this->messageBox->render() ?>
+ = $this->img('img/icons/create.png'); ?> Create New Monitoring Backend
+ backends as $backendName => $config): ?>
+ $backendName));
+ $editUrl = Url::fromPath('/monitoring/config/editbackend', array('backend' => $backendName));
+ ?>
+ = $this->escape($backendName); ?>
+ (Type: = $this->escape($config['type'] === 'ido' ? 'IDO' : ucfirst($config['type'])); ?>)
+ |
Monitoring Instances
+ = $this->img('img/icons/create.png'); ?> Create New Instance
+ instances as $instanceName => $config): ?>
+ $instanceName));
+ $editUrl = Url::fromPath('/monitoring/config/editinstance', array('instance' => $instanceName));
+ ?>
+ = $this->escape($instanceName); ?>
+ (Type: = isset($config['host']) ? 'Remote' : 'Local'; ?>)
+ |
diff --git a/public/css/icinga/forms.less b/public/css/icinga/forms.less
index a8dd653e1..6cdab06ad 100644
--- a/public/css/icinga/forms.less
+++ b/public/css/icinga/forms.less
@@ -1,4 +1,24 @@
+div.config-form-buttons {
+ margin-top: 5px;
+table.configTable {
+ border-spacing: 15px;
+ border-collapse: separate;
+td.configTable {
+ border: solid;
+ border-width: thin;
+ padding: 10px;
+ min-width: 300px;
+div.config-form-group {
+ float: right;
.form-group {
margin-bottom: 1em;
@@ -23,7 +43,6 @@ input, select {
select {
/* https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=649849 */
-moz-appearance: none;
- text-indent: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
text-overflow: '';
-webkit-appearance: none;
diff --git a/public/js/icinga/events.js b/public/js/icinga/events.js
index 3ef291351..c02b21b25 100644
--- a/public/js/icinga/events.js
+++ b/public/js/icinga/events.js
@@ -1,288 +1,266 @@
- * Icinga.Events
- *
- * Event handlers
- */
-(function (Icinga, $) {
+(function(Icinga) {
- 'use strict';
+ Icinga.Events = function(icinga) {
+ this.icinga = icinga;
+ };
- Icinga.Events = function (icinga) {
- this.icinga = icinga;
- };
+ Icinga.Events.prototype = {
- Icinga.Events.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * Icinga will call our initialize() function once it's ready
+ */
+ initialize: function()
+ {
+ this.applyGlobalDefaults();
+ this.icinga.ui.prepareContainers();
+ },
- /**
- * Icinga will call our initialize() function once it's ready
- */
- initialize: function () {
- this.applyGlobalDefaults();
- this.applyHandlers($('#layout'));
- this.icinga.ui.prepareContainers();
- },
- // TODO: What's this?
- applyHandlers: function (el) {
- var icinga = this.icinga;
- $('.dashboard > div', el).each(function(idx, el) {
- var url = $(el).attr('data-icinga-url');
- if (typeof url === 'undefined') return;
- icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $(el)).autorefresh = true;
- });
- // Set first links href in a action table tr as row href:
- $('table.action tr', el).each(function(idx, el) {
- var $a = $('a[href]', el).first();
- if ($a.length) {
- $(el).attr('href', $a.attr('href'));
- }
- });
- $('.icinga-module', el).each(function(idx, mod) {
- var $mod = $(mod);
- var moduleName = $mod.data('icinga-module');
- if (icinga.hasModule(moduleName)) {
- var module = icinga.module(moduleName);
- // NOT YET, the applyOnloadDings: module.applyEventHandlers(mod);
- }
- });
- $('input.autofocus', el).focus();
- $('.inlinepie', el).sparkline('html', {
- type: 'pie',
- sliceColors: ['#44bb77', '#ffaa44', '#ff5566', '#dcd'],
- width: '2em',
- height: '2em',
- });
- },
- /**
- * Global default event handlers
- */
- applyGlobalDefaults: function () {
- // We catch resize events
- $(window).on('resize', { self: this.icinga.ui }, this.icinga.ui.onWindowResize);
- // Destroy Icinga, clean up and interrupt pending requests on unload
- $( window ).on('unload', { self: this }, this.onUnload);
- $( window ).on('beforeunload', { self: this }, this.onUnload);
- // We catch scroll events in our containers
- $('.container').on('scroll', icinga.events.onContainerScroll);
- // We want to catch each link click
- $(document).on('click', 'a', { self: this }, this.linkClicked);
- // We treat tr's with a href attribute like links
- $(document).on('click', 'tr[href]', { self: this }, this.linkClicked);
- // We catch all form submit events
- $(document).on('submit', 'form', { self: this }, this.submitForm);
- // We support an 'autosubmit' class on dropdown form elements
- $(document).on('change', 'form select.autosubmit', { self: this }, this.submitForm);
- $(document).on('keyup', '#menu input.search', {self: this}, this.submitForm);
- $(document).on('mouseenter', '.historycolorgrid td', this.historycolorgridHover);
- $(document).on('mouseleave', '.historycolorgrid td', this.historycolorgidUnhover);
- // TBD: a global autocompletion handler
- // $(document).on('keyup', 'form.auto input', this.formChangeDelayed);
- // $(document).on('change', 'form.auto input', this.formChanged);
- // $(document).on('change', 'form.auto select', this.submitForm);
- },
- onUnload: function (event) {
- var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
- icinga.logger.info('Unloading Icinga');
- icinga.destroy();
- },
- /**
- * A scroll event happened in one of our containers
- */
- onContainerScroll: function (event) {
- // Ugly. And PLEASE, not so often
- icinga.ui.fixControls();
- },
- historycolorgridHover: function () {
- $(this).addClass('hover');
- },
- historycolorgidUnhover: function() {
- $(this).removeClass('hover');
- },
- /**
- *
- */
- submitForm: function (event) {
- var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
- event.stopPropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
- // .closest is not required unless subelements to trigger this
- var $form = $(event.currentTarget).closest('form');
- var url = $form.attr('action');
- var method = $form.attr('method');
- var data = $form.serializeArray();
- // TODO: Check button
- data.push({ name: 'btn_submit', value: 'yesss' });
- icinga.logger.debug('Submitting form: ' + method + ' ' + url);
- // We should move this to a generic target-finder:
- var $target = null;
- if ($form.closest('[data-base-target]').length) {
- $target = $(
- '#' + $form.closest('[data-base-target]').data('baseTarget')
- );
- } else if ($form.closest('.container').length) {
- $target = $form.closest('.container');
- } else {
- icinga.logger.error('No form target found, stopping here');
- return false;
+ // TODO: What's this?
+ applyHandlers: function(el)
+ {
+ var icinga = this.icinga;
+ $('.dashboard > div', el).each(function(idx, el) {
+ var url = $(el).attr('data-icinga-url');
+ if (typeof url === 'undefined') return;
+ icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $(el)).autorefresh = true;
+ });
+ // Set first links href in a action table tr as row href:
+ $('table.action tr', el).each(function(idx, el) {
+ var $a = $('a[href]', el).first();
+ if ($a.length) {
+ $(el).attr('href', $a.attr('href'));
+ }
+ });
+ $('.icinga-module', el).each(function(idx, mod) {
+ $mod = $(mod);
+ var moduleName = $mod.data('icinga-module');
+ if (icinga.hasModule(moduleName)) {
+ var module = icinga.module(moduleName);
+ // NOT YET, the applyOnloadDings: module.applyEventHandlers(mod);
+ });
- icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $target, data, method);
- // TODO: Do we really need to return false with stop/preventDefault?
- return false;
- },
+ $('.inlinepie', el).sparkline('html', {
+ type: 'pie',
+ sliceColors: ['#44bb77', '#ffaa44', '#ff5566', '#dcd'],
+ width: '2em',
+ height: '2em',
+ });
- layout1col: function () {
- if (! $('#layout').hasClass('twocols')) { return; }
- var $col2 = $('#col2');
- icinga.logger.debug('Switching to single col');
- $('#layout').removeClass('twocols');
- $col2.removeAttr('data-icinga-url');
- $col2.removeAttr('data-icinga-refresh');
- $col2.removeData('icingaUrl');
- $col2.removeData('icingaRefresh');
- this.icinga.loader.stopPendingRequestsFor($col2);
- $col2.html('');
- this.icinga.ui.fixControls();
- },
+ },
+ /**
+ * Global default event handlers
+ */
+ applyGlobalDefaults: function()
+ {
+ // We catch resize events
+ $(window).on('resize', { self: this }, this.onWindowResize);
- layout2col: function () {
- if ($('#layout').hasClass('twocols')) { return; }
- icinga.logger.debug('Switching to double col');
- $('#layout').addClass('twocols');
- this.icinga.ui.fixControls();
- },
+ // Destroy Icinga, clean up and interrupt pending requests on unload
+ $( window ).on('unload', { self: this }, this.onUnload);
+ $( window ).on('beforeunload', { self: this }, this.onUnload);
- /**
- * Someone clicked a link or tr[href]
- */
- linkClicked: function (event) {
- var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
+ // We catch scroll events in our containers
+ $('.container').on('scroll', icinga.events.onContainerScroll);
- var $a = $(this);
- var href = $a.attr('href');
- var $li;
- var targetId;
- if ($a.attr('target') === '_blank') {
- return true;
- }
- event.stopPropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
+ // We want to catch each link click
+ $(document).on('click', 'a', { self: this }, this.linkClicked);
- // If link is hash tag...
- if (href === '#') {
- if ($a.closest('#menu')) {
- $li = $a.closest('li');
- $('#menu .active').removeClass('active');
- $li.addClass('active');
- }
- return;
- }
- var $target = $('#col1');
- var $container = $a.closest('.container');
- if ($container.length) {
- $target = $container;
- }
+ // We treat tr's with a href attribute like links
+ $(document).on('click', 'tr[href]', { self: this }, this.linkClicked);
- if ($a.closest('table.action').length) {
- $target = $('#col2');
- icinga.events.layout2col();
- }
- if ($a.closest('[data-base-target]').length) {
- targetId = $a.closest('[data-base-target]').data('baseTarget');
- $target = $('#' + targetId);
- if (targetId === 'col2') {
- icinga.events.layout2col();
- }
- }
- if ($a.closest('.tree').length) {
- $li = $a.closest('li');
- if ($li.find('li').length) {
- if ($li.hasClass('collapsed')) {
- $li.removeClass('collapsed');
- } else {
- $li.addClass('collapsed');
- $li.find('li').addClass('collapsed');
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- $target = $('#col2');
- icinga.events.layout2col();
- }
- }
- icinga.loader.loadUrl(href, $target);
- event.stopPropagation();
- event.preventDefault();
- if ($a.closest('#menu').length) {
- icinga.events.layout1col();
- return false;
- }
- if ($a.closest('table.action').length) {
- if ($('#layout').hasClass('twocols')) {
- if ($target.attr('id') === 'col2') {
- return;
- }
- icinga.events.layout1col();
- } else {
- icinga.events.layout2col();
- }
- return false;
- }
- },
+ // We catch all form submit events
+ $(document).on('submit', 'form', { self: this }, this.submitForm);
- /*
- hrefIsHashtag: function(href) {
- // WARNING: IE gives full URL :(
- // Also it doesn't support negativ indexes in substr
- return href.substr(href.length - 1, 1) == '#';
- },
- */
+ // We support an 'autosubmit' class on dropdown form elements
+ $(document).on('change', 'form select.autosubmit', { self: this }, this.submitForm);
- unbindGlobalHandlers: function () {
- $(window).off('resize', this.onWindowResize);
- $(window).off('unload', this.onUnload);
- $(window).off('beforeunload', this.onUnload);
- $(document).off('scroll', '.container', this.onContainerScroll);
- $(document).off('click', 'a', this.linkClicked);
- $(document).off('click', 'tr[href]', this.linkClicked);
- $(document).off('submit', 'form', this.submitForm);
- $(document).off('change', 'form select.autosubmit', this.submitForm);
- $(document).off('mouseenter', '.historycolorgrid td', this.historycolorgridHover);
- $(document).off('mouseenter', '.historycolorgrid td', this.historycolorgidUnhover);
- },
+ $(window).on('popstate', { self: this }, this.historyChanged);
- destroy: function() {
- // This is gonna be hard, clean up the mess
- this.unbindGlobalHandlers();
- this.icinga = null;
+ // TBD: a global autocompletion handler
+ // $(document).on('keyup', 'form.auto input', this.formChangeDelayed);
+ // $(document).on('change', 'form.auto input', this.formChanged);
+ // $(document).on('change', 'form.auto select', this.submitForm);
+ },
+ onUnload: function(event)
+ {
+ var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
+ icinga.logger.info('Unloading Icinga');
+ icinga.destroy();
+ },
+ historyChanged: function(event)
+ {
+ var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
+ if (event.originalEvent.state === null) {
+ icinga.logger.debug('No more history steps available');
+ } else {
+ icinga.logger.debug(event.originalEvent.state);
+ }
+ icinga.loader.loadUrl(
+ document.location.pathname + document.location.search,
+ $('#col1')
+ ).historyTriggered = true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Our window got resized, let's fix our UI
+ */
+ onWindowResize: function(event)
+ {
+ var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ },
+ /**
+ * A scroll event happened in one of our containers
+ */
+ onContainerScroll: function(event)
+ {
+ // Yet ugly. And PLEASE, not so often
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ },
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ submitForm: function (event)
+ {
+ var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // .closest is not required unless subelements to trigger this
+ var $form = $(event.currentTarget).closest('form');
+ var url = $form.attr('action');
+ var method = $form.attr('method');
+ var data = $form.serializeArray();
+ // TODO: Check button
+ data.push({ name: 'btn_submit', value: 'yesss' });
+ icinga.logger.debug('Submitting form: ' + method + ' ' + url);
+ // We should move this to a generic target-finder:
+ var $target = $form.closest('.container');
+ if ($target.length == 0) {
+ $target = $('#body');
- };
-}(Icinga, jQuery));
+ icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $target, data, method);
+ // TODO: Do we really need to return false with stop/preventDefault?
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Someone clicked a link or tr[href]
+ */
+ linkClicked: function(event)
+ {
+ var icinga = event.data.self.icinga;
+ var $a = $(this);
+ var href = $a.attr('href');
+ if ($a.attr('target') === '_blank') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if (href === '#') {
+ if ($a.closest('#menu')) {
+ var $li = $a.closest('li');
+ $li.siblings('li.active').removeClass('active');
+ $li.addClass('active');
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var $target = $('#col1');
+ var $container = $a.closest('.container');
+ if ($container.length) {
+ $target = $container;
+ }
+// If link is hash tag...
+ if ($a.closest('table.action').length) {
+ $target = $('#col2');
+ $('#layout').addClass('twocols');
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ }
+ if ($a.closest('[data-base-target]').length) {
+ $target = $('#' + $a.closest('[data-base-target]').data('baseTarget'));
+ $('#layout').addClass('twocols');
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ }
+ if ($a.closest('.tree').length) {
+ var $li = $a.closest('li');
+ if ($li.find('li').length) {
+ if ($li.hasClass('collapsed')) {
+ $li.removeClass('collapsed');
+ } else {
+ $li.addClass('collapsed');
+ $li.find('li').addClass('collapsed');
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $target = $('#col2');
+ $('#layout').addClass('twocols');
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ }
+ }
+ icinga.loader.loadUrl(href, $target);
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ if ($a.closest('#menu').length) {
+ $('#layout').removeClass('twocols');
+ $('#col2').html('
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($a.closest('table').length) {
+ if ($('#layout').hasClass('twocols')) {
+ if ($target.attr('id') === 'col2') return;
+ icinga.logger.debug('Switching to single col');
+ $('#layout').removeClass('twocols');
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ } else {
+ icinga.logger.debug('Switching to double col');
+ $('#layout').addClass('twocols');
+ icinga.ui.fixControls();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ hrefIsHashtag: function(href)
+ {
+ // WARNING: IE gives full URL :(
+ // Also it doesn't support negativ indexes in substr
+ return href.substr(href.length - 1, 1) == '#';
+ },
+ unbindGlobalHandlers: function()
+ {
+ $(window).off('popstate', this.historyChanged);
+ $(window).off('resize', this.onWindowResize);
+ $(window).off('unload', this.onUnload);
+ $(window).off('beforeunload', this.onUnload);
+ $(document).off('scroll', '.container', this.onContainerScroll);
+ $(document).off('click', 'a', this.linkClicked);
+ $(document).off('click', 'tr[href]', this.linkClicked);
+ $(document).off('submit', 'form', this.submitForm);
+ $(document).off('change', 'form select.autosubmit', this.submitForm);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ // This is gonna be hard, clean up the mess
+ this.unbindGlobalHandlers();
+ this.icinga = null;
+ }
+ };