Refactored Ido\EventHistoryQuery, now it's fully based on other subqueries.

* Added hostgroup filters
* Added aggregation columns
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Gelf 2013-08-21 01:49:23 +02:00 committed by Eric Lippmann
parent c9ce7c53b0
commit c6db0067ec
1 changed files with 62 additions and 218 deletions

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@ -10,195 +10,73 @@ class EventHistoryQuery extends AbstractQuery
protected $columnMap = array(
'eventhistory' => array(
'cnt_notification' => "SUM(CASE eh.type WHEN 'notify' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)",
'cnt_hard_state' => "SUM(CASE eh.type WHEN 'hard_state' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)",
'cnt_soft_state' => "SUM(CASE eh.type WHEN 'hard_state' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)",
'cnt_downtime_start' => "SUM(CASE eh.type WHEN 'dt_start' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)",
'cnt_downtime_end' => "SUM(CASE eh.type WHEN 'dt_end' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)",
'host' => 'eho.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci',
'service' => 'eho.name2 COLLATE latin1_general_ci',
'host_name' => 'eho.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci',
'service_description' => 'eho.name2 COLLATE latin1_general_ci',
'object_type' => "CASE WHEN eho.objecttype_id = 1 THEN 'host' ELSE 'service' END",
'timestamp' => 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(eh.state_time)',
'raw_timestamp' => 'eh.state_time',
'timestamp' => 'eh.timestamp',
'raw_timestamp' => 'eh.raw_timestamp',
'state' => 'eh.state',
// 'last_state' => 'eh.last_state',
// 'last_hard_state' => 'eh.last_hard_state',
'attempt' => 'eh.attempt',
'max_attempts' => 'eh.max_attempts',
'output' => 'eh.output', // we do not want long_output
'problems' => 'CASE WHEN eh.state = 0 OR eh.state IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END',
//'problems' => 'CASE WHEN eh.state = 0 OR eh.state IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END',
'type' => 'eh.type',
'hostgroups' => array(
'hostgroup' => 'hgo.name1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci',
protected function getDefaultColumns()
return $this->columnMap['eventhistory'];
protected $uglySlowConservativeCount = true;
protected $maxCount = 1000;
protected function joinBaseTables()
$start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24 * 30);
// $start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24 * 1);
$start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600 * 24 * 2);
$end = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$start = null;
$end = null;
$history = $this->db->select()->from(
$this->prefix . 'statehistory',
'state_time' => 'state_time',
'object_id' => 'object_id',
'type' => "(CASE WHEN state_type = 1 THEN 'hard_state' ELSE 'soft_state' END)",
'state' => 'state',
'state_type' => 'state_type',
'output' => 'output',
'attempt' => 'current_check_attempt',
'max_attempts' => 'max_check_attempts',
// TODO: $this->dbTime(...)
//$start = null;
//$end = null;
$columns = array(
if ($start !== null) {
$history->where('state_time >= ?', $start);
// ->where('state_type = 1') ??
if ($end !== null) {
$history->where('state_time <= ?', $end);
$dt_start = $this->db->select()->from(
$this->prefix . 'downtimehistory',
'state_time' => 'actual_start_time',
'object_id' => 'object_id',
'type' => "('dt_start')",
'state' => '(NULL)',
'state_type' => '(NULL)',
// 'output' => "CONCAT('[', author_name, '] ', comment_data)",
'output' => "('[' || author_name || '] ' || comment_data)",
'attempt' => '(NULL)',
'max_attempts' => '(NULL)',
if ($start !== null) {
$dt_start->where('actual_start_time >= ?', $start);
if ($end !== null) {
$dt_start->where('actual_start_time <= ?', $end);
// TODO: check was_cancelled
$dt_end = $this->db->select()->from(
$this->prefix . 'downtimehistory',
'state_time' => 'actual_end_time',
'object_id' => 'object_id',
'type' => "('dt_end')",
'state' => '(NULL)',
'state_type' => '(NULL)',
// 'output' => "CONCAT('[', author_name, '] ', comment_data)",
'output' => "('[' || author_name || '] ' || comment_data)",
'attempt' => '(NULL)',
'max_attempts' => '(NULL)',
if ($start !== null) {
$dt_end->where('actual_end_time >= ?', $start);
if ($end !== null) {
$dt_end->where('actual_end_time <= ?', $end);
$comments = $this->db->select()->from(
$this->prefix . 'commenthistory',
'state_time' => 'comment_time',
'object_id' => 'object_id',
'type' => "(CASE entry_type WHEN 1 THEN 'comment' WHEN 2 THEN 'dt_comment' WHEN 3 THEN 'flapping' WHEN 4 THEN 'ack' END)",
'state' => '(NULL)',
'state_type' => '(NULL)',
// 'output' => "CONCAT('[', author_name, '] ', comment_data)",
'output' => "('[' || author_name || '] ' || comment_data)",
'attempt' => '(NULL)',
'max_attempts' => '(NULL)',
if ($start !== null) {
$comments->where('comment_time >= ?', $start);
if ($end !== null) {
$comments->where('comment_time <= ?', $end);
// This is one of the db-specific workarounds that could be abstracted
// in a better way:
switch ($this->ds->getConnection()->getDbType()) {
case 'mysql':
$concat_contacts = "GROUP_CONCAT(c.alias ORDER BY c.alias SEPARATOR ', ')";
case 'pgsql':
// TODO: Find a way to "ORDER" these:
$concat_contacts = "ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(c.alias), ', ')";
case 'oracle':
// TODO: This is only valid for Oracle >= 11g Release 2.
$concat_contacts = "LISTAGG(c.alias, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY c.alias)";
// Alternatives:
// RTRIM(XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(e, column_name, ',').EXTRACT('//text()')),
// not supported and not documented but works since 10.1,
// however it is NOT always present;
// WM_CONCAT(c.alias)
die('Not yet'); // TODO: Proper Exception
$cndetails = $this->db->select()->from(
array('cn' => $this->prefix . 'contactnotifications'),
'notification_id' => 'notification_id',
'cnt' => 'COUNT(*)',
'contacts' => $concat_contacts
array('c' => $this->prefix . 'contacts'),
'cn.contact_object_id = c.contact_object_id',
$notifications = $this->db->select()->from(
array('n' => $this->prefix . 'notifications'),
'state_time' => 'start_time',
'object_id' => 'object_id',
'type' => "('notify')",
'state' => 'state',
'state_type' => '(NULL)',
// 'output' => "CONCAT('[', cndetails.contacts, '] ', n.output)",
'output' => "('[' || cndetails.contacts || '] ' || n.output)",
'attempt' => '(NULL)',
'max_attempts' => '(NULL)',
array('cndetails' => $cndetails),
'cndetails.notification_id = n.notification_id',
if ($start !== null) {
$notifications->where('start_time >= ?', $start);
if ($end !== null) {
$notifications->where('start_time <= ?', $end);
$this->subQueries = array(
$this->createSubQuery('Statehistory', $columns),
$this->createSubQuery('Downtimestarthistory', $columns),
$this->createSubQuery('Downtimeendhistory', $columns),
$this->createSubQuery('Commenthistory', $columns),
$this->createSubQuery('Notificationhistory', $columns)
$sub = $this->db->select()->union($this->subQueries, \Zend_Db_Select::SQL_UNION_ALL);
if ($start) {
foreach ($this->subQueries as $query) {
$query->where('raw_timestamp', '>' . $start);
if ($end) {
foreach ($this->subQueries as $query) {
$query->where('raw_timestamp', '<' . $start);
$sub = $this->db->select()->union($this->subQueries, Zend_Db_Select::SQL_UNION_ALL);
$this->baseQuery = $this->db->select()->from(
array('eho' => $this->prefix . 'objects'),
@ -213,58 +91,24 @@ class EventHistoryQuery extends AbstractQuery
$this->joinedVirtualTables = array('eventhistory' => true);
// TODO: This duplicates code from AbstractQuery
protected function applyAllFilters()
protected function joinHostgroups()
$filters = array();
array('hgm' => $this->prefix . 'hostgroup_members'),
'hgm.host_object_id = eho.object_id',
array('hg' => $this->prefix . 'hostgroups'),
"hgm.hostgroup_id = hg.$this->hostgroup_id",
array('hgo' => $this->prefix . 'objects'),
'hgo.' . $this->object_id. ' = hg.hostgroup_object_id'
. ' AND hgo.is_active = 1',
$host = null;
$service = null;
foreach ($this->filters as $f) {
$alias = $f[0];
$value = $f[1];
if ($this->hasAliasName($alias)) {
$col = $this->aliasToColumnName($alias);
} else {
throw new ProgrammingError(
'If you finished here, code has been messed up'
if (in_array($alias, array('host', 'host_name'))) {
$host = $value;
if (in_array($alias, array('service', 'service_description'))) {
$service = $value;
$this->baseQuery->where($this->prepareFilterStringForColumn($col, $value));
$objectQuery = $this->db->select()->from(
$this->prefix . 'objects',
)->where('is_active = 1');
if ($service === '*') {
$objectQuery->where('name1 = ?', $host)
->where('objecttype_id IN (1, 2)');
} elseif ($service) {
$objectQuery->where('name1 = ?', $host)
->where('name2 = ?', $service)
->where('objecttype_id = 2');
} else {
$objectQuery->where('name1 = ?', $host)
->where('objecttype_id = 1');
$objectId = $this->db->fetchCol($objectQuery);
foreach ($this->subQueries as $query) {
$query->where('object_id IN (?)', $objectId);
return $this;