Let the BaseQuery implement the query interfaces and remove filter functionality

This commit breaks the application as it introduces incompatible changes which
will be adopted bit by bit.

Since the filter functionality is subject to change it's removed from the BaseQuery.
The functions setOrderColumns() and getOrderColumns() are deprecated because they're
replaced by functions in the Sortable interface.
Further the Sortable interface now defines the sort constants ASC and DESC and are
thus removed from the BaseQuery. In addition the sort constants are no longer integers
but strings.
The distinct() and isDistinct() functions are removed because they're database specific.
They have been introduced with changes in the PivotTable implementation which should
actually not call distinct blindly anyway.
This commit is contained in:
Eric Lippmann 2014-04-15 16:40:25 +02:00
parent 659e6f774e
commit d94170372d
1 changed files with 210 additions and 439 deletions

View File

@ -2,391 +2,54 @@
namespace Icinga\Data;
use Icinga\Logger\Logger;
use Icinga\Exception;
use Icinga\Filter\Filterable;
use Icinga\Filter\Query\Node;
use Icinga\Filter\Query\Tree;
use Countable;
use Zend_Controller_Front;
use Zend_Paginator;
use Icinga\Web\Paginator\Adapter\QueryAdapter;
abstract class BaseQuery implements Filterable
abstract class BaseQuery implements Browsable, Fetchable, Filterable, Limitable, Queryable, Sortable, Countable
* Sort ascending
const SORT_ASC = 1;
* Sort descending
const SORT_DESC = -1;
* Query data source
* @var DatasourceInterface
* @var mixed
protected $ds;
* The target of this query
* @var string
protected $table;
* The columns of the target that should be returned
* @var array
private $columns;
* The columns you're using to sort the query result
* @var array
private $orderColumns = array();
protected $order = array();
* Return not more than that many rows
* Number of rows to return
* @var int
private $limitCount;
protected $limitCount;
* Result starts with this row
* @var int
private $limitOffset;
* Whether its a distinct query or not
* @var bool
private $distinct = false;
* The backend independent filter to use for this query
* @var Tree
private $filter;
protected $limitOffset;
* Constructor
* @param DatasourceInterface $ds Your data source
* @param mixed $ds
public function __construct(DatasourceInterface $ds, array $columns = null)
public function __construct($ds)
$this->ds = $ds;
$this->columns = $columns;
public function getDatasource()
return $this->ds;
public function setColumns(array $columns)
$this->columns = $columns;
* Define the target and attributes for this query
* The Query will return the default attribute the attributes parameter is omitted
* @param String $target The target of this query (tablename, objectname, depends on the concrete implementation)
* @param array $columns An optional array of columns to select, if none are given the default
* columnset is returned
* @return self Fluent interface
public function from($target, array $attributes = null)
$this->table = $target;
if ($attributes !== null) {
$this->columns = $attributes;
return $this;
* Add a filter expression to be applied on this query.
* This is an alias to andWhere()
* The syntax of the expression and valid parameters are to be defined by the concrete
* backend-specific query implementation.
* @param string $expression Implementation specific search expression
* @param mixed $parameters Implementation specific search value to use for query placeholders
* @return self Fluent Interface
* @see BaseQuery::andWhere() This is an alias to andWhere()
public function where($expression, $parameters = null)
return $this->andWhere($expression, $parameters);
* Add an mandatory filter expression to be applied on this query
* The syntax of the expression and valid parameters are to be defined by the concrete
* backend-specific query implementation.
* @param string $expression Implementation specific search expression
* @param mixed $parameters Implementation specific search value to use for query placeholders
* @return self Fluent interface
public function andWhere($expression, $parameters = null)
$node = $this->parseFilterExpression($expression, $parameters);
if ($node === null) {
Logger::debug('Ignoring invalid filter expression: %s (params: %s)', $expression, $parameters);
return $this;
return $this;
* Add an lower priority filter expression to be applied on this query
* The syntax of the expression and valid parameters are to be defined by the concrete
* backend-specific query implementation.
* @param string $expression Implementation specific search expression
* @param mixed $parameters Implementation specific search value to use for query placeholders
* @return self Fluent interface
public function orWhere($expression, $parameters = null)
$node = $this->parseFilterExpression($expression, $parameters);
if ($node === null) {
Logger::debug('Ignoring invalid filter expression: %s (params: %s)', $expression, $parameters);
return $this;
return $this;
* Determine whether the given field is a valid filter target
* The base implementation always returns true, overwrite it in concrete backend-specific
* implementations
* @param String $field The field to test for being filterable
* @return bool True if the field can be filtered, otherwise false
public function isValidFilterTarget($field)
return true;
* Return the internally used field name for the given alias
* The base implementation just returns the given field, overwrite it in concrete backend-specific
* implementations
* @param String $field The field to test for being filterable
* @return bool True if the field can be filtered, otherwise false
public function getMappedField($field)
return $field;
* Add a filter to this query
* This is the implementation for the Filterable, use where instead
* @param $filter
public function addFilter($filter)
if (is_string($filter)) {
$this->addFilter(call_user_func_array(array($this, 'parseFilterExpression'), func_get_args()));
} elseif ($filter instanceof Node) {
public function setFilter(Tree $filter)
$this->filter = $filter;
* Return all default columns
* @return array An array of default columns to use when none are selected
public function getDefaultColumns()
return array();
* Sort query result by the given column name
* Sort direction can be ascending (self::SORT_ASC, being the default)
* or descending (self::SORT_DESC).
* Preferred usage:
* <code>
* $query->sort('column_name ASC')
* </code>
* @param string $columnOrAlias Column, may contain direction separated by space
* @param int $dir Sort direction
* @return BaseQuery
public function order($columnOrAlias, $dir = null)
if ($dir === null) {
$colDirPair = explode(' ', $columnOrAlias, 2);
if (count($colDirPair) === 1) {
$dir = $this->getDefaultSortDir($columnOrAlias);
} else {
$dir = $colDirPair[1];
$columnOrAlias = $colDirPair[0];
$dir = (strtoupper(trim($dir)) === 'DESC') ? self::SORT_DESC : self::SORT_ASC;
$this->orderColumns[] = array($columnOrAlias, $dir);
return $this;
* Set the columns used for ordering
* @param array $orderColumns
public function setOrderColumns(array $orderColumns)
$this->orderColumns = $orderColumns;
* Determine the default sort direction constant for the given column
* @param String $col The column to get the sort direction for
* @return int Either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC
protected function getDefaultSortDir($col)
return self::SORT_ASC;
* Limit the result set
* @param int $count The numeric maximum limit to apply on the query result
* @param int $offset The offset to use for the result set
* @return BaseQuery
public function limit($count = null, $offset = null)
$this->limitCount = $count !== null ? intval($count) : null;
$this->limitOffset = intval($offset);
return $this;
* Return only distinct results
* @param bool $distinct Whether the query should be distinct or not
* @return BaseQuery
public function distinct($distinct = true)
$this->distinct = $distinct;
return $this;
* Determine whether this query returns only distinct results
* @return bool True in case its a distinct query otherwise false
public function isDistinct()
return $this->distinct;
* Determine whether this query will be ordered explicitly
* @return bool True when an order column has been set
public function hasOrder()
return !empty($this->orderColumns);
* Determine whether this query will be limited explicitly
* @return bool True when an limit count has been set, otherwise false
public function hasLimit()
return $this->limitCount !== null;
* Determine whether an offset is set or not
* @return bool True when an offset > 0 is set
public function hasOffset()
return $this->limitOffset > 0;
* Get the query limit
* @return int The query limit or null if none is set
public function getLimit()
return $this->limitCount;
* Get the query starting offset
* @return int The query offset or null if none is set
public function getOffset()
return $this->limitOffset;
* Implementation specific initialization
* Initialize query
* Overwrite this instead of __construct (it's called at the end of the construct) to
* implement custom initialization logic on construction time
@ -396,103 +59,188 @@ abstract class BaseQuery implements Filterable
* Return all columns set in this query or the default columns if none are set
* Get the data source
* @return array An array of columns
* @return mixed
public function getColumns()
public function getDatasource()
return ($this->columns !== null) ? $this->columns : $this->getDefaultColumns();
* Return all columns used for ordering
* @return array
public function getOrderColumns()
return $this->orderColumns;
public function getFilter()
return $this->filter;
public function clearFilter()
$this->filter = new Tree();
return $this->ds;
* Return a pagination adapter for this query
* Add a where condition to the query by and
* @return \Zend_Paginator
* The syntax of the condition and valid values are defined by the concrete backend-specific query implementation.
* @param string $condition
* @param mixed $value
* @return self
public function paginate($limit = null, $page = null)
if ($page === null || $limit === null) {
$request = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
abstract public function where($condition, $value = null);
if ($page === null) {
$page = $request->getParam('page', 0);
* Add a where condition to the query by or
* The syntax of the condition and valid values are defined by the concrete backend-specific query implementation.
* @param string $condition
* @param mixed $value
* @return self
abstract public function orWhere($condition, $value = null);
public function setOrderColumns(array $orderColumns)
throw new \Exception('This function does nothing and will be removed');
* Sort result set by the given field (and direction)
* Preferred usage:
* <code>
* $query->order('field, 'ASC')
* </code>
* @param string $field
* @param int $direction
* @return self
public function order($field, $direction = null)
if ($direction === null) {
$fieldAndDirection = explode(' ', $field, 2);
if (count($fieldAndDirection) === 1) {
$direction = self::SORT_ASC;
} else {
$field = $fieldAndDirection[0];
$direction = (strtoupper(trim($fieldAndDirection[1])) === 'DESC') ?
Sortable::SORT_DESC : Sortable::SORT_ASC;
if ($limit === null) {
$limit = $request->getParam('limit', 20);
} else {
switch (($direction = strtoupper($direction))) {
case Sortable::SORT_ASC:
case Sortable::SORT_DESC:
$direction = Sortable::SORT_ASC;
$this->limit($limit, $page * $limit);
$this->order[] = array($field, $direction);
return $this;
* Whether an order is set
* @return bool
public function hasOrder()
return !empty($this->order);
* Get the order if any
* @return array|null
public function getOrder()
return $this->order;
* Set a limit count and offset to the query
* @param int $count Number of rows to return
* @param int $offset Start returning after this many rows
* @return self
public function limit($count = null, $offset = null)
$this->limitCount = $count !== null ? (int) $count : null;
$this->limitOffset = (int) $offset;
return $this;
* Whether a limit is set
* @return bool
public function hasLimit()
return $this->limitCount !== null;
* Get the limit if any
* @return int|null
public function getLimit()
return $this->limitCount;
* Whether an offset is set
* @return bool
public function hasOffset()
return $this->limitOffset > 0;
* Get the offset if any
* @return int|null
public function getOffset()
return $this->limitOffset;
* Paginate data
* Auto-detects pagination parameters from request when unset
* @param int $itemsPerPage Number of items per page
* @param int $pageNumber Current page number
* @return Zend_Paginator
public function paginate($itemsPerPage = null, $pageNumber = null)
if ($itemsPerPage === null || $pageNumber === null) {
// Detect parameters from request
$request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
if ($itemsPerPage === null) {
$itemsPerPage = $request->getParam('limit', 20);
if ($pageNumber === null) {
$pageNumber = $request->getParam('page', 0);
$this->limit($itemsPerPage, $pageNumber * $itemsPerPage);
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator(new QueryAdapter($this));
return $paginator;
* Parse a backend specific filter expression and return a Query\Node object
* @param $expression The expression to parse
* @param $parameters Optional parameters for the expression
* @return Node A query node or null if it's an invalid expression
protected function parseFilterExpression($expression, $parameter = null)
$splitted = explode(' ', $expression, 3);
if (count($splitted) === 1 && $parameter) {
return Node::createOperatorNode(Node::OPERATOR_EQUALS, $splitted[0], $parameter);
} elseif (count($splitted) === 2 && $parameter) {
Node::createOperatorNode($splitted[0], $splitted[1], is_string($parameter));
return Node::createOperatorNode(Node::OPERATOR_EQUALS, $splitted[0], $parameter);
} elseif (count($splitted) === 3) {
if (trim($splitted[2]) === '?') {
return Node::createOperatorNode($splitted[1], $splitted[0], $parameter);
} else {
return Node::createOperatorNode($splitted[1], $splitted[0], $splitted[2]);
return null;
* Total result size regardless of limit and offset
* @return int
public function count()
return $this->ds->count($this);
* Fetch result as an array of objects
* Retrieve an array containing all rows of the result set
* @return array
@ -502,9 +250,9 @@ abstract class BaseQuery implements Filterable
* Fetch first result row
* Fetch the first row of the result set
* @return object
* @return mixed
public function fetchRow()
@ -512,19 +260,21 @@ abstract class BaseQuery implements Filterable
* Fetch first result column
* Fetch a column of all rows of the result set as an array
* @return array
* @param int $columnIndex Index of the column to fetch
* @return array
public function fetchColumn()
public function fetchColumn($columnIndex = 0)
return $this->ds->fetchColumn($this);
return $this->ds->fetchColumn($this, $columnIndex);
* Fetch first column value from first result row
* Fetch the first column of the first row of the result set
* @return mixed
* @return string
public function fetchOne()
@ -532,7 +282,9 @@ abstract class BaseQuery implements Filterable
* Fetch result as a key/value pair array
* Fetch all rows of the result set as an array of key-value pairs
* The first column is the key, the second column is the value.
* @return array
@ -540,4 +292,23 @@ abstract class BaseQuery implements Filterable
return $this->ds->fetchPairs($this);
* Count all rows of the result set
* @return int
public function count()
return $this->ds->count($this);
* Set columns
* @param array $columns
* @return self
abstract public function columns(array $columns);