If an element has a description, the description is now added to the element's label as title.
The CSS class has-feedback ensurers that the help icon is rendererd. If everything is working fine,
I'll the remove the super duper Help decorator.
This works by "disabling" hidden elements which causes the browser not
to submit them. Due to a bug in Zend we need to manually ensure that
Form::isValid does not overwrite the value of disabled elements with null.
In case createElements() would still return the elements while requiring
the caller to add them to the form all form dependent configurations get
lost. (displaygroups, belongTo, ...) Wizards or parent forms can still
retrieve only input relevant fields by just calling createElements() and
refs #5525
Replaced `ElementWrapper' and `HelpText' with Zend's `HtmlTag' and `Label' respectively.
Instances of Zend_Form_Element returned by `Form::createElements()' now receive our desired default decorators.
refs #5525
`Form::getName()' auto-detects the form's name if it's not set and sets the form's name using `Zend_Form::setName()'.
`Zend_Form::setName()' then filters the form name stripping backslash '\' characters. The first call to `Form::getName()'
did not regard the filtering and thus returned the unfiltered name which led to `Form::wasSent()' returning `false'.
refs #5525
This allows us to write generic forms like the ConfirmRemoval form but to
utilize handleRequest() while providing a closure in the array that is passed
to a form's constructor.
refs #5525
We require forms to set autosubmit=true on elements which are supposed
to be submitted automatically now. The base form then ensures that this
works in JS environments and non-JS environments as well by applying the
right changes to the HTML.
refs #5525
There is currently no usecase for onFailure() but for onShow() wherewith
the case is covered when a form needs to be prepared before showing it
to the user while the form was not submitted in any way.
refs #5525
This way concrete form implementations can also simply fetch form
dependent request values without referring to the form's submission
refs #5525
How forms are being validated should not be a task that is part of the
controller action, but should be handled by the form base class as it is
most of the time the same procedure. Now a controller action just sets
up the form to use, calls handleRequest() and acts upon its return value.
(e.g. calling handleRequest() from another form or any redirection)
refs #5525
It is not sufficient to just check whether all required elements are being
submitted. We definetely need to check whether the submit button was
pressed. But doing this and providing a standard button with a static name
simultaneously will produce conflicts if forms are using the same action
urls. To fix this, we'll add an additional form-identification check by using
a form's name or class.
refs #5525
Setting an url with parameters named like form elements in a form with
method POST causes Zend to ignore any POST data because GET will be
processed with higher priority.
Since we are using mainly createElement and addElement is only an alias for
createElement if no object is passed our changes to addElement can safely
be moved to createElement.
refs #5525
Form creation must not depend on specific function calls. If a forms' elements are required and missing, create them. Form::isValid() must be
able to determine whether a form can be processed or not without to rely
on a particular button value.
refs #5525
As the new auto-submission implementation does not depend on whether
a submit button was pressed or not we need another way to determine
whether a form should be processed.
refs #5525
We either demand the user to add a submit button or provide a implicit
function call to be implemented by him, adding additional elements once
the form gets rendered.
refs #5525
We eagerly waited badly for a new approach to build forms, so here it is.
Should be the best compromise between the Zend_Form functionality and
our requirements regarding automatic submits.
refs #5525
This reverts commit 88d4262e7c, reversing
changes made to 6fae333048.
We have to live with some badly designed forms right now. Some have
submit buttons but don't know about, others don't have such but link
to foreign controllers fiddling with the form and adding different
button AFTER the form got submitted - it's a mess.
Relaxing the submission check to "just check whether btn_submit has
a value" fixes most of this. However I do not consider this being a
solution for the long run.
refs #6540
Implementation made wrong assumptions. A form is submitted when the
submit button has been pressed. It's value is then filled, it also
is when you're just pressing "RETURN". RETURN triggers the FIRST
submit button in a form. This way we are also able to find out which
form button has been pressed.
Current implementation is still poor, however isSubmitted works as
expected right now - and so does autosubmission.
- The ActionController is now able to render a seperate detail view
- All list scripts select the currently active row from the detail view with
the 'active' class
- Autosubmit is now again attached to the onchange attribute (to prevent issues
when js can't load correctly)
- Logout is now recognized and causes a page refresh (will be made more generic)
- Add history mock for testing url changes
- Update all grids to implement the app/mainDetailGrid component
refs #4611
configForm.js is now form.js and applied on all forms,
the autosubmit is now a special attribute for input fields,
so the PHP code doesn't create JS snippets anymore
refs #4622