In case you clicked a (submit) button in an action row this also
also triggered that row's click handler. As the event is going to be
stopped there, this leads to "unsubmittable forms". Fixed.
Need this for another fix and there is no such jQuery function. As this
seems to also be inconsistant across browsers I thought this would
definitively be worth a custom jQuery plugin.
History tries to load additional URLs separated by #! on page load. This
makes no sense on login page. However we need to preserve them when logging
refs #6935
I'm unsure whether this is a jQuery bug or not. The removeData()
function has no effect unless there is a matching data attribute.
Makes IMO no sense, as adding the attribute automagically adds data,
so why should removing it differ.
This patch makes sure that the corresponding attribute is removed too.
Fixes "dashboard sometimes flickering on refresh".
refs #6536
Our redirection helper catching forms redirecting to their source
while being shown right-hand left a pending request. Abort was triggered,
but had no effect as the request has already been completed.
An XHR redirection in a right-side container pointing to the URL
shown on the left should close it's own container and refresh the
lefthand one.
refs #6436fixes#6435
When redrawing a container we should cancel it's subcontainers pending
requests. This also fixes stopPendingRequestsFor(), it didn't really
work before.
Once replacing the whole layout we used to override notifications.
This is now fixed, they are going to be detached and re-attached
before and after re-rendering the page content.
Well... I didn't want to commit this before creating single-button
forms for enabling/disabling modules. However part of this accidentally
made it through, so let's finish it.
Still some work to do, but it already looks far better like this.
refs #4095
Just playing around, I'm still unsure whether this really helps. The
motivation behind this patch are icons loaded again after not being
displayed for a little while.
Remains disabled unless we know whether and for which scenarios
(cache disabled, HTTPS...) this really helps.
Implementation made wrong assumptions. A form is submitted when the
submit button has been pressed. It's value is then filled, it also
is when you're just pressing "RETURN". RETURN triggers the FIRST
submit button in a form. This way we are also able to find out which
form button has been pressed.
Current implementation is still poor, however isSubmitted works as
expected right now - and so does autosubmission.
We would loose our focus if autorefresh takes place. So we don't render
the new content in case a form field in the very same container carries
the focus. It would be great to have a better solution one far day, but
for now it plays fine like this.
* Removed obsolete checks (event is only triggered for multiselect tables)
* allows deselecting last row, closing "detail view"
* fix bug when unselecting one of two rows, it used to keep the wrong one
* play nice with other involved non-row-level links