compact): ?> render('list/components/hostssummary.phtml') ?> render('partials/host/objects-header.phtml'); ?>

icon('reschedule') ?> translate('Commands') ?>

translatePlural( 'Issue commands to %s selected host:', 'Issue commands to all %s selected hosts:', count($objects) ), '' . count($objects) . '') ?>

translate('No hosts found matching the filter'); ?>
qlink( $this->translate('Reschedule next checks'), $rescheduleAllLink, null, array('icon' => 'reschedule') ); ?>
qlink( $this->translate('Schedule downtimes'), $downtimeAllLink, null, array('icon' => 'plug') ); ?>
qlink( $this->translate('Submit passive check results'), $processCheckResultAllLink, null, array('icon' => 'reply') ); ?>
qlink( $this->translate('Add comments'), $addCommentLink, null, array('icon' => 'comment') ); ?> hasPermission('monitoring/command/send-custom-notification')): ?>
qlink( sprintf($this->translate('Send a custom notification for all %u hosts'), $hostCount), $sendCustomNotificationLink, null, array('icon' => 'comment') ); ?>

icon('attention-alt') ?> translatePlural( 'Problem', 'Problems', $unhandledCount + $problemCount ) ?>

translatePlural( 'There is %s problem.', 'There are %s problems.', $problemCount ), '' . $problemCount . '' ); ?>

qlink( sprintf( $this->translatePlural( 'Schedule a downtime for %u problem host', 'Schedule a downtime for %u problem hosts', $problemCount ), $problemCount ), $downtimeLink, null, array('icon' => 'plug') ); ?>

translatePlural( 'There is %s unhandled problem host, issue commands to the problematic host:', 'There are %s unhandled problem hosts, issue commands to the problematic hosts:', $unhandledCount ), '' . $unhandledCount . '' ); ?>

qlink( sprintf( $this->translatePlural( 'Schedule a downtime for %u unhandled problem host', 'Schedule a downtime for %u unhandled problem hosts', $unhandledCount ), $unhandledCount ), $downtimeUnhandledLink, null, array('icon' => 'plug') ); ?>
qlink( sprintf( $this->translatePlural( 'Acknowledge %u unhandled problem host', 'Acknowledge %u unhandled problem hosts', $unhandledCount ), $unhandledCount ), $acknowledgeUnhandledLink, null, array('icon' => 'ok') ); ?> 0): ?>

icon('ok', $this->translate('Acknowledgements')) ?> translate('Acknowledgements') ?>

translatePlural( '%s Acknowledged Host Problem', '%s Acknowledged Host Problems', $acknowledgedCount ), '' . $acknowledgedCount . '' ); ?>
getScheduledDowntimes()) ?>

icon('plug', $this->translate('Downtimes'))?> translate('Downtimes')?>

qlink( sprintf( $this->translatePlural( '%s scheduled downtime', '%s scheduled downtimes', $scheduledDowntimeCount ), $scheduledDowntimeCount ), $showDowntimesLink, null, array('data-base-target' => '_next') );?> translate('on all selected hosts.')) ?> 0): ?>
qlink( sprintf( $this->translatePlural( '%s host', '%s hosts', $inDowntimeCount ), $inDowntimeCount ), $inDowntimeLink, null, array('data-base-target' => '_next') ); ?> translate('are currently in downtime.') ?> getComments())) > 0): ?>

icon('comment', $this->translate('Comments'))?> translate('Comments') ?>

qlink( sprintf( $this->translatePlural( '%s comment', '%s comments', $commentCount ), $commentCount ), $commentsLink, null, array('data-base-target' => '_next') ); ?> translate('on all selected hosts.') ?>