/** * Icinga.UI * * Our user interface */ (function(Icinga, $) { 'use strict'; Icinga.UI = function (icinga) { this.icinga = icinga; this.currentLayout = 'default'; this.debug = false; this.debugTimer = null; this.timeCounterTimer = null; }; Icinga.UI.prototype = { initialize: function () { $('html').removeClass('no-js').addClass('js'); this.enableTimeCounters(); this.triggerWindowResize(); this.fadeNotificationsAway(); }, fadeNotificationsAway: function() { var icinga = this.icinga; $('#notifications li') .not('.fading-out') .not('.persist') .addClass('fading-out') .delay(7000) .fadeOut('slow', function() { icinga.ui.fixControls(); $(this).remove(); }); }, enableDebug: function () { this.debug = true; this.debugTimer = this.icinga.timer.register( this.refreshDebug, this, 1000 ); this.fixDebugVisibility(); return this; }, fixDebugVisibility: function () { if (this.debug) { $('#responsive-debug').css({display: 'block'}); } else { $('#responsive-debug').css({display: 'none'}); } return this; }, disableDebug: function () { if (this.debug === false) { return; } this.debug = false; this.icinga.timer.unregister(this.debugTimer); this.debugTimer = null; this.fixDebugVisibility(); return this; }, reloadCss: function () { var icinga = this.icinga; $('link').each(function() { var $oldLink = $(this); if ($oldLink.attr('type').indexOf('css') > -1) { var $newLink = $oldLink.clone().attr( 'href', icinga.utils.addUrlParams( $(this).attr('href'), { id: new Date().getTime() } ) ).on('load', function() { icinga.ui.fixControls(); $oldLink.remove(); }); $newLink.appendTo($('head')); } }); }, enableTimeCounters: function () { this.timeCounterTimer = this.icinga.timer.register( this.refreshTimeSince, this, 1000 ); return this; }, disableTimeCounters: function () { this.icinga.timer.unregister(this.timeCounterTimer); this.timeCounterTimer = null; return this; }, moveToLeft: function () { var col2 = this.cutContainer($('#col2')); var kill = this.cutContainer($('#col1')); this.pasteContainer($('#col1'), col2); this.fixControls(); }, cutContainer: function ($col) { var props = { 'elements': $('#' + $col.attr('id') + ' > div').detach(), 'data': { 'data-icinga-url': $col.data('icingaUrl'), 'data-icinga-refresh': $col.data('icingaRefresh'), 'data-last-update': $col.data('lastUpdate'), 'data-icinga-module': $col.data('icingaModule') }, 'class': $col.attr('class') }; this.icinga.loader.stopPendingRequestsFor($col); $col.removeData('icingaUrl'); $col.removeData('icingaRefresh'); $col.removeData('lastUpdate'); $col.removeData('icingaModule'); $col.removeAttr('class').attr('class', 'container'); return props; }, pasteContainer: function ($col, backup) { backup['elements'].appendTo($col); $col.attr('class', backup['class']); // TODO: ie memleak? remove first? $col.data('icingaUrl', backup['data']['data-icinga-url']); $col.data('icingaRefresh', backup['data']['data-icinga-refresh']); $col.data('lastUpdate', backup['data']['data-last-update']); $col.data('icingaModule', backup['data']['data-icinga-module']); }, scrollContainerToAnchor: function ($container, anchorName) { // TODO: Generic issue -> we probably should escape attribute value selectors!? var $anchor = $("a[name='" + anchorName.replace(/'/, '\\\'') + "']", $container); if ($anchor.length) { $container.scrollTop(0); $container.scrollTop($anchor.first().position().top); this.icinga.logger.debug('Scrolling ', $container, ' to ', anchorName); } else { this.icinga.logger.info('Anchor "' + anchorName + '" not found in ', $container); } }, triggerWindowResize: function () { this.onWindowResize({data: {self: this}}); }, /** * Our window got resized, let's fix our UI */ onWindowResize: function (event) { var self = event.data.self; if (self.layoutHasBeenChanged()) { self.icinga.logger.info( 'Layout change detected, switching to', self.currentLayout ); } self.fixControls(); self.refreshDebug(); }, layoutHasBeenChanged: function () { var layout = $('html').css('fontFamily').replace(/['",]/g, ''); var matched; if (null !== (matched = layout.match(/^([a-z]+)-layout$/))) { if (matched[1] === this.currentLayout && $('#layout').hasClass(layout) ) { return false; } else { $('#layout').removeClass(this.currentLayout + '-layout').addClass(layout); this.currentLayout = matched[1]; if (this.currentLayout === 'poor' || this.currentLayout === 'minimal') { this.layout1col(); } return true; } } this.icinga.logger.error( 'Someone messed up our responsiveness hacks, html font-family is', layout ); return false; }, layout1col: function () { if (! $('#layout').hasClass('twocols')) { return; } var $col2 = $('#col2'); icinga.logger.debug('Switching to single col'); $('#layout').removeClass('twocols'); $col2.removeData('icingaUrl'); $col2.removeData('icingaRefresh'); $col2.removeData('lastUpdate'); $col2.removeData('icingaModule'); this.icinga.loader.stopPendingRequestsFor($col2); $col2.html(''); this.fixControls(); }, layout2col: function () { if ($('#layout').hasClass('twocols')) { return; } icinga.logger.debug('Switching to double col'); $('#layout').addClass('twocols'); this.fixControls(); }, getAvailableColumnSpace: function () { return $('#main').width() / this.getDefaultFontSize(); }, setColumnCount: function (count) { if (count === 3) { $('#main > .container').css({ width: '33.33333%' }); } else if (count === 2) { $('#main > .container').css({ width: '50%' }); } else { $('#main > .container').css({ width: '100%' }); } }, setTitle: function (title) { document.title = title; return this; }, getColumnCount: function () { return $('#main > .container').length; }, prepareContainers: function () { var icinga = this.icinga; $('.container').each(function(idx, el) { icinga.events.applyHandlers($(el)); icinga.ui.initializeControls($(el)); }); /* $('#icinga-main').attr( 'icingaurl', window.location.pathname + window.location.search ); */ }, /** * Prepare all multiselectable tables for multi-selection by * removing the regular text selection. */ prepareMultiselectTables: function () { var $rows = $('table.multiselect tr[href]'); $rows.find('td').attr('unselectable', 'on') .css('user-select', 'none') .css('-webkit-user-select', 'none') .css('-moz-user-select', 'none') .css('-ms-user-select', 'none'); }, /** * Add the given table-row to the selection of the closest * table and deselect all other rows of the closest table. * * @param $tr {jQuery} The selected table row. * @returns {boolean} If the selection was changed. */ setTableRowSelection: function ($tr) { var $table = $tr.closest('table.multiselect'); if ($tr.hasClass('active')) { return false; } $table.find('tr[href].active').removeClass('active'); $tr.addClass('active'); return true; }, /** * Toggle the given table row to "on" when not selected, or to "off" when * currently selected. * * @param $tr {jQuery} The table row. * @returns {boolean} If the selection was changed. */ toogleTableRowSelection: function ($tr) { // multi selection if ($tr.hasClass('active')) { $tr.removeClass('active'); } else { $tr.addClass('active'); } return true; }, /** * Add a new selection range to the closest table, using the selected row as * range target. * * @param $tr {jQuery} The target of the selected range. * @returns {boolean} If the selection was changed. */ addTableRowRangeSelection: function ($tr) { var $table = $tr.closest('table.multiselect'); var $rows = $table.find('tr[href]'), from, to; var selected = $tr.first().get(0); $rows.each(function(i, el) { if ($(el).hasClass('active') || el === selected) { if (!from) { from = el; } to = el; } }); var inRange = false; $rows.each(function(i, el){ if (el === from) { inRange = true; } if (inRange) { $(el).addClass('active'); } if (el === to) { inRange = false; } }); return false; }, /** * Focus the given table by deselecting all selections on all other tables. * * Focusing a table is important for environments with multiple tables like * the dashboard. It should only be possible to select rows at one table at a time, * when a user selects a row on a table all rows that are not child of the given table * will be removed from the selection. * * @param table {htmlElement} The table to focus. */ focusTable: function (table) { $('table').filter(function(){ return this !== table; }).find('tr[href]').removeClass('active'); }, refreshDebug: function () { var size = this.getDefaultFontSize().toString(); var winWidth = $( window ).width(); var winHeight = $( window ).height(); var loading = ''; $.each(this.icinga.loader.requests, function (el, req) { if (loading === '') { loading = '
'; } loading += el + ' => ' + req.url; }); $('#responsive-debug').html( ' Time: ' + this.icinga.utils.formatHHiiss(new Date()) + '
1em: ' + size + 'px
Win: ' + winWidth + 'x'+ winHeight + 'px
' + ' Layout: ' + this.currentLayout + loading ); }, refreshTimeSince: function () { $('.timesince').each(function (idx, el) { var m = el.innerHTML.match(/^(-?\d+)m\s(-?\d+)s/); if (m !== null) { var nm = parseInt(m[1]); var ns = parseInt(m[2]); if (ns < 59) { ns++; } else { ns = 0; nm++; } $(el).html(nm + 'm ' + ns + 's'); } }); $('.timeunless').each(function (idx, el) { var m = el.innerHTML.match(/^(-?\d+)m\s(-?\d+)s/); if (m !== null) { var nm = parseInt(m[1]); var ns = parseInt(m[2]); var signed = ''; var sec = 0; if (nm < 0) { signed = '-'; nm = nm * -1; sec = nm * 60 + ns; sec++; } else if (nm == 0 && ns == 0) { signed = '-'; sec = 1; } else if (nm == 0 && m[1][0] == '-') { signed = '-'; sec = ns; sec++; } else if (nm == 0 && m[1][0] != '-') { sec = ns; sec--; } else { signed = ''; sec = nm * 60 + ns; sec--; } nm = Math.floor(sec/60); ns = sec - nm * 60; $(el).html(signed + nm + 'm ' + ns + 's'); } }); }, createFontSizeCalculator: function () { var $el = $('
'); $('#layout').append($el); return $el; }, getDefaultFontSize: function () { var $calc = $('#fontsize-calc'); if (! $calc.length) { $calc = this.createFontSizeCalculator(); } return $calc.width() / 1000; }, initializeControls: function (parent) { var self = this; $('.controls', parent).each(function (idx, el) { var $el = $(el); if (! $el.next('.fake-controls').length) { var newdiv = $('
'); newdiv.css({ height: $el.css('height') }); $el.after(newdiv); } }); this.fixControls(parent); }, fixControls: function ($parent) { var self = this; if ('undefined' === typeof $parent) { $('#header').css({height: 'auto'}); $('#main').css({top: $('#header').css('height')}); $('#sidebar').css({top: $('#header').height() + 'px'}); $('#header').css({height: $('#header').height() + 'px'}); $('#inner-layout').css({top: $('#header').css('height')}); $('.container').each(function (idx, container) { self.fixControls($(container)); }); return; } // Enable this only in case you want to track down UI problems // self.icinga.logger.debug('Fixing controls for ', $parent); $('.controls', $parent).each(function (idx, el) { var $el = $(el); var $fake = $el.next('.fake-controls'); var y = $parent.scrollTop(); $el.css({ position : 'fixed', top : $parent.offset().top, // Firefox gives 1px too much depending on total width. // TODO: find a better solution for -1 width : ($fake.width() - 1) + 'px' }); $fake.css({ height : $el.css('height'), display : 'block' }); }); }, toggleFullscreen: function () { $('#layout').toggleClass('fullscreen-layout'); this.fixControls(); }, getWindowId: function () { if (! this.hasWindowId()) { return undefined; } return window.name.match(/^Icinga_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/)[1]; }, hasWindowId: function () { var res = window.name.match(/^Icinga_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/); return typeof res === 'object' && null !== res; }, setWindowId: function (id) { this.icinga.logger.debug('Setting new window id', id); window.name = 'Icinga_' + id; }, destroy: function () { // This is gonna be hard, clean up the mess this.icinga = null; this.debugTimer = null; this.timeCounterTimer = null; } }; }(Icinga, jQuery));