assertEquals(200, $d->getValue(), "Asserting the numeric value of px input to be correctly parsed"); $this->assertEquals(Dimension::UNIT_PX, $d->getUnit(), "Asserting the unit of px input to be correctly parsed"); $d = Dimension::fromString("40%"); $this->assertEquals(40, $d->getValue(), "Asserting the numeric value of % input to be correctly parsed"); $this->assertEquals(Dimension::UNIT_PERCENT, $d->getUnit(), "Asserting the unit of % input to be correctly parsed"); $d = Dimension::fromString("4044em"); $this->assertEquals(4044, $d->getValue(), "Asserting the numeric value of em input to be correctly parsed"); $this->assertEquals(Dimension::UNIT_EM, $d->getUnit(), "Asserting the unit of em input to be correctly parsed"); $d = Dimension::fromString("010pt"); $this->assertEquals(10, $d->getValue(), "Asserting the numeric value of pt input to be correctly parsed"); $this->assertEquals(Dimension::UNIT_PT, $d->getUnit(), "Asserting the unit of pt input to be correctly parsed"); } /** * Test string creation from Dimension * */ public function testStringCreation() { $d = new Dimension(1000, Dimension::UNIT_PX); $this->assertEquals("1000px", (string) $d, "Asserting value-unit string creation to be correct"); $d = new Dimension(40.5, Dimension::UNIT_PT); $this->assertEquals("40pt", (string) $d, "Asserting float values being truncated by now"); } /** * */ public function testInvalidDimensions() { $d = new Dimension(-20, Dimension::UNIT_PX); $this->assertFalse($d->isDefined(), "Asserting a negative dimension to be considered invalid"); } }