backend = $backend; } /** * Get the object's data view * * @return \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\DataView\DataView */ abstract protected function getDataView(); /** * Fetch the object's properties * * @return bool */ public function fetch() { $this->properties = $this->getDataView()->getQuery()->fetchRow(); return $this->properties !== false; } /** * Get the type of the object * * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * Require the object's type to be one of the given types * * @param array $oneOf * * @return bool * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the object's type is not one of the given types. */ public function assertOneOf(array $oneOf) { if (! in_array($this->type, $oneOf)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException; } return true; } /** * Set the object's properties * * @param object $properties * * @return $this */ public function setProperties($properties) { $this->properties = (object) $properties; return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's comments * * @return $this */ public function fetchComments() { $comments = $this->backend->select()->from('comment', array( 'id' => 'comment_internal_id', 'timestamp' => 'comment_timestamp', 'author' => 'comment_author', 'comment' => 'comment_data', 'type' => 'comment_type', )) ->where('comment_type', array('comment', 'ack')) ->where('comment_objecttype', $this->type) ->where('comment_host', $this->host_name); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_SERVICE) { $comments->where('comment_service', $this->service_description); } $this->comments = $comments->getQuery()->fetchAll(); return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's downtimes * * @return $this */ public function fetchDowntimes() { $downtimes = $this->backend->select()->from('downtime', array( 'id' => 'downtime_internal_id', 'objecttype' => 'downtime_objecttype', 'comment' => 'downtime_comment', 'author' => 'downtime_author', 'start' => 'downtime_start', 'scheduled_start' => 'downtime_scheduled_start', 'end' => 'downtime_end', 'duration' => 'downtime_duration', 'is_flexible' => 'downtime_is_flexible', 'is_fixed' => 'downtime_is_fixed', 'is_in_effect' => 'downtime_is_in_effect', 'entry_time' => 'downtime_entry_time', 'host' => 'downtime_host', 'service' => 'downtime_service' )) ->where('downtime_objecttype', $this->type) ->where('downtime_host', $this->host_name) ->order('downtime_is_in_effect', 'DESC') ->order('downtime_scheduled_start', 'ASC'); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_SERVICE) { $downtimes->where('downtime_service', $this->service_description); } $this->downtimes = $downtimes->getQuery()->fetchAll(); return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's host groups * * @return $this */ public function fetchHostgroups() { $hostGroups = $this->backend->select()->from('hostgroup', array( 'hostgroup_name', 'hostgroup_alias' )) ->where('host_name', $this->host); $this->hostgroups = $hostGroups->getQuery()->fetchPairs(); return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's custom variables * * @return $this */ public function fetchCustomvars() { $blacklist = array(); $blacklistPattern = '/^(.*pw.*|.*pass.*|community)$/i'; if ($security = Config::module('monitoring')->get('security')) { $blacklistConfig = $security->get('protected_customvars', ''); foreach (explode(',', $blacklistConfig) as $customvar) { $nonWildcards = array(); foreach (explode('*', $customvar) as $nonWildcard) { $nonWildcards[] = preg_quote($nonWildcard, '/'); } $blacklist[] = implode('.*', $nonWildcards); } $blacklistPattern = '/^(' . implode('|', $blacklist) . ')$/i'; } $query = $this->backend->select()->from('customvar', array( 'varname', 'varvalue', 'is_json' )) ->where('object_type', $this->type) ->where('host_name', $this->host_name); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_SERVICE) { $query->where('service_description', $this->service_description); } $this->customvars = array(); $customvars = $query->getQuery()->fetchAll(); foreach ($customvars as $name => $cv) { $name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($cv->varname))); if ($blacklistPattern && preg_match($blacklistPattern, $cv->varname)) { $this->customvars[$name] = '***'; } elseif ($cv->is_json) { $this->customvars[$name] = json_decode($cv->varvalue); } else { $this->customvars[$name] = $cv->varvalue; } } return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's contacts * * @return $this */ public function fetchContacts() { $contacts = $this->backend->select()->from('contact', array( 'contact_name', 'contact_alias', 'contact_email', 'contact_pager', )); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_SERVICE) { $contacts->where('service_host_name', $this->host_name); $contacts->where('service_description', $this->service_description); } else { $contacts->where('host_name', $this->host_name); } $this->contacts = $contacts->getQuery()->fetchAll(); return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's service groups * * @return $this */ public function fetchServicegroups() { $serviceGroups = $this->backend->select()->from('servicegroup', array( 'servicegroup_name', 'servicegroup_alias' )) ->where('service_host_name', $this->host_name) ->where('service_description', $this->service_description); $this->servicegroups = $serviceGroups->getQuery()->fetchPairs(); return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's contact groups * * @return $this */ public function fetchContactgroups() { $contactsGroups = $this->backend->select()->from('contactgroup', array( 'contactgroup_name', 'contactgroup_alias' )) ->where('host_name', $this->host_name); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_SERVICE) { $contactsGroups->where('service_description', $this->service_description); } $this->contactgroups = $contactsGroups->getQuery()->fetchAll(); return $this; } /** * Fetch the object's event history * * @return $this */ public function fetchEventhistory() { $eventHistory = $this->backend->select()->from('eventHistory', array( 'object_type', 'host_name', 'service_description', 'timestamp', 'state', 'attempt', 'max_attempts', 'output', 'type' )) ->order('timestamp', 'DESC') ->where('host_name', $this->host_name); if ($this->type === self::TYPE_SERVICE) { $eventHistory->where('service_description', $this->service_description); } $this->eventhistory = $eventHistory->getQuery(); return $this; } /** * Fetch stats * * @return $this */ public function fetchStats() { $this->stats = $this->backend->select()->from('statusSummary', array( 'services_total', 'services_ok', 'services_problem', 'services_problem_handled', 'services_problem_unhandled', 'services_critical', 'services_critical_unhandled', 'services_critical_handled', 'services_warning', 'services_warning_unhandled', 'services_warning_handled', 'services_unknown', 'services_unknown_unhandled', 'services_unknown_handled', 'services_pending', )) ->where('service_host_name', $this->host_name) ->getQuery() ->fetchRow(); return $this; } /** * Fetch all available data of the object * * @return $this */ public function populate() { $this ->fetchComments() ->fetchContacts() ->fetchContactgroups() ->fetchCustomvars() ->fetchDowntimes(); // Call fetchHostgroups or fetchServicegroups depending on the object's type $fetchGroups = 'fetch' . ucfirst($this->type) . 'groups'; $this->$fetchGroups(); return $this; } public function __get($name) { if (property_exists($this->properties, $name)) { return $this->properties->$name; } elseif (property_exists($this, $name) && $this->$name !== null) { return $this->$name; } elseif (property_exists($this, $name)) { $fetchMethod = 'fetch' . ucfirst($name); $this->$fetchMethod(); return $this->$name; } if (substr($name, 0, strlen($this->prefix)) !== $this->prefix) { $prefixedName = $this->prefix . strtolower($name); if (property_exists($this->properties, $prefixedName)) { return $this->properties->$prefixedName; } } throw new InvalidPropertyException('Can\'t access property \'%s\'. Property does not exist.', $name); } public function __isset($name) { if (property_exists($this->properties, $name)) { return isset($this->properties->$name); } elseif (property_exists($this, $name)) { return isset($this->$name); } return false; } /** * @deprecated */ public static function fromParams(UrlParams $params) { if ($params->has('service') && $params->has('host')) { return new Service(MonitoringBackend::instance(), $params->get('host'), $params->get('service')); } elseif ($params->has('host')) { return new Host(MonitoringBackend::instance(), $params->get('host')); } return null; } }