/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */

namespace Icinga\Forms\Config\UserGroup;

use Icinga\Authentication\UserGroup\UserGroupBackend;
use Icinga\Data\ConfigObject;
use Icinga\Data\Inspectable;
use Icinga\Data\Inspection;
use Icinga\Web\Form;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Icinga\Exception\IcingaException;
use Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError;
use Icinga\Forms\ConfigForm;

 * Form for managing user group backends
class UserGroupBackendForm extends ConfigForm
    protected $validatePartial = true;

     * The backend to load when displaying the form for the first time
     * @var string
    protected $backendToLoad;

     * Known custom backends
     * @var array
    protected $customBackends;

     * Create a user group backend by using the given form's values and return its inspection results
     * Returns null for non-inspectable backends.
     * @param   Form    $form
     * @return  Inspection|null
    public static function inspectUserBackend(Form $form)
        $backend = UserGroupBackend::create(null, new ConfigObject($form->getValues()));
        if ($backend instanceof Inspectable) {
            return $backend->inspect();

     * Initialize this form
    public function init()
        $this->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Save Changes'));
        $this->customBackends = UserGroupBackend::getCustomBackendConfigForms();

     * Return a form object for the given backend type
     * @param   string  $type               The backend type for which to return a form
     * @return  Form
     * @throws  InvalidArgumentException    In case the given backend type is invalid
    public function getBackendForm($type)
        switch ($type) {
            case 'db':
                return new DbUserGroupBackendForm();
            case 'ldap':
            case 'msldap':
                return new LdapUserGroupBackendForm();
                if (isset($this->customBackends[$type])) {
                    return new $this->customBackends[$type]();

                throw new InvalidArgumentException(
                    sprintf($this->translate('Invalid backend type "%s" provided'), $type)

     * Populate the form with the given backend's config
     * @param   string  $name
     * @return  $this
     * @throws  NotFoundError   In case no backend with the given name is found
    public function load($name)
        if (! $this->config->hasSection($name)) {
            throw new NotFoundError('No user group backend called "%s" found', $name);

        $this->backendToLoad = $name;
        return $this;

     * Add a new user group backend
     * The backend to add is identified by the array-key `name'.
     * @param   array   $data
     * @return  $this
     * @throws  InvalidArgumentException    In case $data does not contain a backend name
     * @throws  IcingaException             In case a backend with the same name already exists
    public function add(array $data)
        if (! isset($data['name'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Key \'name\' missing');

        $backendName = $data['name'];
        if ($this->config->hasSection($backendName)) {
            throw new IcingaException('A user group backend with the name "%s" does already exist', $backendName);

        $this->config->setSection($backendName, $data);
        return $this;

     * Edit a user group backend
     * @param   string  $name
     * @param   array   $data
     * @return  $this
     * @throws  NotFoundError   In case no backend with the given name is found
    public function edit($name, array $data)
        if (! $this->config->hasSection($name)) {
            throw new NotFoundError('No user group backend called "%s" found', $name);

        $backendConfig = $this->config->getSection($name);
        if (isset($data['name'])) {
            if ($data['name'] !== $name) {
                $name = $data['name'];


        $this->config->setSection($name, $backendConfig->merge($data));
        return $this;

     * Remove a user group backend
     * @param   string  $name
     * @return  $this
    public function delete($name)
        return $this;

     * Create and add elements to this form
     * @param   array   $formData
    public function createElements(array $formData)
        $backendTypes = array(
            'db'        => $this->translate('Database'),
            'ldap'      => 'LDAP',
            'msldap'    => 'ActiveDirectory'

        $customBackendTypes = array_keys($this->customBackends);
        $backendTypes += array_combine($customBackendTypes, $customBackendTypes);

        $backendType = isset($formData['type']) ? $formData['type'] : null;
        if ($backendType === null) {
            $backendType = key($backendTypes);

                'ignore'            => true,
                'required'          => true,
                'autosubmit'        => true,
                'label'             => $this->translate('Backend Type'),
                'description'       => $this->translate('The type of this user group backend'),
                'multiOptions'      => $backendTypes

        $this->addSubForm($this->getBackendForm($backendType)->create($formData), 'backend_form');

     * Populate the configuration of the backend to load
    public function onRequest()
        if ($this->backendToLoad) {
            $data = $this->config->getSection($this->backendToLoad)->toArray();
            $data['type'] = $data['backend'];
            $data['name'] = $this->backendToLoad;

     * Run the configured backend's inspection checks and show the result, if necessary
     * This will only run any validation if the user pushed the 'backend_validation' button.
     * @param   array   $formData
     * @return  bool
    public function isValidPartial(array $formData)
        if (isset($formData['backend_validation']) && parent::isValid($formData)) {
            $inspection = static::inspectUserBackend($this);
            if ($inspection !== null) {
                $join = function ($e) use (&$join) {
                    return is_array($e) ? join("\n", array_map($join, $e)) : $e;
                        'order'         => 0,
                        'value'         => '<strong>' . $this->translate('Validation Log') . "</strong>\n\n"
                            . join("\n", array_map($join, $inspection->toArray())),
                        'decorators'    => array(
                            array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'pre', 'class' => 'log-output')),

                if ($inspection->hasError()) {
                        $this->translate('Failed to successfully validate the configuration: %s'),
                    return false;

            $this->info($this->translate('The configuration has been successfully validated.'));

        return true;

     * Add a submit button to this form and one to manually validate the configuration
     * Calls parent::addSubmitButton() to add the submit button.
     * @return  $this
    public function addSubmitButton()

                'ignore'                => true,
                'label'                 => $this->translate('Validate Configuration'),
                'data-progress-label'   => $this->translate('Validation In Progress'),
                'decorators'            => array('ViewHelper')
            array('btn_submit', 'backend_validation'),
                'decorators' => array(
                    array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'div', 'class' => 'control-group form-controls'))

        return $this;