* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} use Icinga\Web\ActionController; use Icinga\Web\Url; use Icinga\Application\Icinga; use Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard; use Icinga\Config\Config as IcingaConfig; use Icinga\Form\Dashboard\AddUrlForm; use Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError; /** * Handle creation, removal and displaying of dashboards, panes and components * * @see Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard for more information about dashboards */ class DashboardController extends ActionController { /** * Retrieve a dashboard from the provided config * * @param string $config The config to read the dashboard from, or 'dashboard/dashboard' if none is given * * @return Dashboard */ private function getDashboard($config = 'dashboard/dashboard') { $dashboard = new Dashboard(); $dashboard->readConfig(IcingaConfig::app($config)); return $dashboard; } /** * Remove a component from the pane identified by the 'pane' parameter * */ public function removecomponentAction() { $pane = $this->_getParam('pane'); $dashboard = $this->getDashboard(); try { $dashboard->removeComponent( $pane, $this->_getParam('component') )->store(); $this->redirectNow(Url::fromPath('dashboard', array('pane' => $pane))); } catch (ConfigurationError $exc ) { $this->_helper->viewRenderer('show_configuration'); $this->view->exceptionMessage = $exc->getMessage(); $this->view->iniConfigurationString = $dashboard->toIni(); } } /** * Display the form for adding new components or add the new component if submitted * */ public function addurlAction() { $form = new AddUrlForm(); $form->setRequest($this->_request); $this->view->form = $form; if ($form->isSubmittedAndValid()) { $dashboard = $this->getDashboard(); $dashboard->setComponentUrl( $form->getValue('pane'), $form->getValue('component'), ltrim($form->getValue('url'), '/') ); try { $dashboard->store(); $this->redirectNow( Url::fromPath('dashboard', array('pane' => $form->getValue('pane'))) ); } catch (ConfigurationError $exc) { $this->_helper->viewRenderer('show_configuration'); $this->view->exceptionMessage = $exc->getMessage(); $this->view->iniConfigurationString = $dashboard->toIni(); } } } /** * Display the dashboard with the pane set in the 'pane' request parameter * * If no pane is submitted or the submitted one doesn't exist, the default pane is * displayed (normally the first one) * */ public function indexAction() { $dashboard = $this->getDashboard(); if ($this->_getParam('pane')) { $pane = $this->_getParam('pane'); $dashboard->activate($pane); } $this->view->tabs = $dashboard->getTabs(); $this->view->tabs->add( 'Add', array( 'title' => 'Add Url', 'iconCls' => 'plus', 'url' => Url::fromPath('dashboard/addurl') ) ); $this->view->dashboard = $dashboard; } } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd