/*! Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2019 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ @color-ok: fade(#77E08E, 50%); @color-critical: #FE5566; @color-critical-handled: fade(#FE5566, 50%); @color-warning: #EAD010; @color-warning-handled: fade(#EAD010, 50%); @color-unknown: #7791E0; @color-unknown-handled: fade(#7791E0, 50%); @color-unreachable: @color-unknown; @color-unreachable-handled: @color-unknown-handled; @color-pending:fade(#FFFFFF, 75%); /* Adapt font color to match handled / unhandled states and maintain readability with text-shadows */ .badge { font-weight: 800; } .state-ok, .state-up { color: @text-color; } .state-warning, .state-critical, .state-down, .state-unknown { &.handled { color: @text-color; } } .state-warning, .state-critical, .state-down, .state-unknown { color: @text-color-inverted; } .state-warning:not(.handled) { text-shadow: 0 0 3px mix(@text-color, @color-warning, 60); } .state-critical:not(.handled), .state-down:not(.handled) { text-shadow: 0 0 1px mix(@text-color, @color-critical, 20); } .state-unknown:not(.handled), .state-unreachable:not(.handled) { text-shadow: 0 0 1px mix(@text-color, @color-unknown, 20); } .processinfo .process > div.backend-running { color: @text-color; }