# Installation ## configure && make ### Basic installation If you like to configurea and install icinga2-web from the command line or if you want to create packages, configure and make is the best choice for installation. ` ./configure && make install && make install-apache2-config ` will install the application to the default target (/usr/local/icinga2-web). Also an apache configuration entry is added to your apache server, so you should restart your web server according to your systems configuration. ### Installation directory If you want to install the application to a different directory, use the --prefix flag in your configure call: ` ./configure --prefix=/my/target/directory ` ### Authentication By default, icinga2-web will be installed to authenticate againts its internal database, but you can configure it to use ldap-authentication by adding the `--with-ldap-authentication` flag. You must provide the authentication details for your ldap server by using the --with-ldap-* flags. To see a full list of the flags, call `./configure --help` ### Icinga backend The default option for icinga2web is to configure all icinga backends with the default settings (for example /usr/local/icinga/ as the icinga directory) but only enable statusdat. To use a different backend, call `--with-icinga-backend=` and provide ido, livestatus or statusdat as an option. To further configure your backend, take a look at the various options described in `./configure --help` Quick and Dirty ---------------- tdb.