[] */ class SetupCommand extends Command { /** * Display the current setup token * * Shows you the current setup token used to authenticate when installing Icinga Web 2 using the web-based wizard * * USAGE: * * icingacli setup showToken */ public function showTokenAction() { $token = file_get_contents($this->app->getConfigDir() . '/setup.token'); if (! $token) { $this->fail( $this->translate('Nothing to show. Please create a new setup token using the generateToken action.') ); } printf($this->translate("The current setup token is: %s\n"), $token); } /** * Create a new setup token * * Re-generates the setup token used to authenticate when installing Icinga Web 2 using the web-based wizard. * * USAGE: * * icingacli setup generateToken */ public function generateTokenAction() { if (false === $this->isSuperUser()) { $this->fail($this->translate('This action needs to be run as super user in order to work properly!')); return false; } $token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8)); $filepath = $this->app->getConfigDir() . '/setup.token'; if (false === file_put_contents($filepath, $token)) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Cannot write setup token "%s" to disk.'), $filepath)); } if (false === chmod($filepath, 0660)) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Cannot change access mode of "%s" to %o.'), $filepath, 0660)); } printf($this->translate("The newly generated setup token is: %s\n"), $token); } /** * Create the configuration directory * * This command creates the configuration directory for Icinga Web 2. The `group' argument * is mandatory and should be the groupname of the user your web server is running as. * * USAGE: * * icingacli setup createConfigDirectory [options] * * OPTIONS: * * --mode The access mode to use. Default is: 2775 * --path The path to the configuration directory. If omitted the default is used. * * EXAMPLES: * * icingacli setup createConfigDirectory apache * icingacli setup createConfigDirectory apache --mode 2770 * icingacli setup createConfigDirectory apache --path /some/path */ public function createConfigDirectoryAction() { if (false === $this->isSuperUser()) { $this->fail($this->translate('This action needs to be run as super user in order to work properly!')); return false; } $group = $this->params->getStandalone(); if ($group === null) { $this->fail($this->translate('The `group\' argument is mandatory.')); return false; } $path = $this->params->get('path', $this->app->getConfigDir()); if (file_exists($path)) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Path "%s" already exists.'), $path)); return false; } $mode = octdec($this->params->get('mode', '2775')); if (false === mkdir($path)) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Unable to create path: %s'), $path)); return false; } $old = umask(0); // Prevent $mode from being mangled by the system's umask ($old) chmod($path, $mode); umask($old); chgrp($path, $group); } /** * Return whether the current user is a super user * * @return bool */ protected function isSuperUser() { return intval(shell_exec('echo $EUID')) === 0; } }