; resources.ini
; The configuration file *resources.ini* contains data sources that
; can be referenced in other configurations. This allows you to manage
; all connections to SQL databases in one single place, avoiding the need
; to edit several different configuration files, when the connection
; information of a resource change.
; Each section represents a resource, with the section name being the
; identifier used to reference this certain section. Depending on the
; resource type, each section contains different properties. The property
; *type* defines the resource type and thus how the properties are going to
; be interpreted. Currently only the resource type *db* is available.

type                = db
db                  = @internal_db_type@
host                = @internal_db_host@
port                = @internal_db_port@
password            = @internal_db_password@
username            = @internal_db_user@
dbname              = @internal_db_name@

type                = db
db                  = @ido_db_type@
host                = @ido_host@
port                = @ido_port@
password            = @ido_password@
username            = @ido_user@
dbname              = @ido_db_name@

type                = statusdat
status_file         = @statusdat_file@
object_file         = @objects_cache_file@

type                = livestatus
socket              = @livestatus_socket@

type                = ldap
hostname            = @ldap_host@
port                = @ldap_port@
root_dn             = "@ldap_rootdn@"
bind_dn             = "@ldap_binddn@"
bind_pw             = @ldap_bindpass@