* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team * */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} use \Icinga\Web\Form; use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Controller; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\OutputFormat; use \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Backend; use \Icinga\Data\SimpleQuery; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Chart\InlinePie; use \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Form\Command\MultiCommandFlagForm; use \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\DataView\HostStatus as HostStatusView; use \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\DataView\ServiceStatus as ServiceStatusView; use \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\DataView\Comment as CommentView; /** * Displays aggregations collections of multiple objects. */ class Monitoring_MultiController extends Controller { public function hostAction() { $multiFilter = $this->getAllParamsAsArray(); $errors = array(); // Fetch Hosts $hostQuery = HostStatusView::fromRequest( $this->_request, array( 'host_name', 'host_in_downtime', 'host_unhandled_service_count', 'host_passive_checks_enabled', 'host_obsessing', 'host_state', 'host_notifications_enabled', 'host_event_handler_enabled', 'host_flap_detection_enabled', 'host_active_checks_enabled', // columns intended for filter-request 'host_problem', 'host_handled' ) )->getQuery(); $this->applyQueryFilter($hostQuery, $multiFilter); $hosts = $hostQuery->fetchAll(); // Fetch comments $commentQuery = $this->applyQueryFilter( CommentView::fromParams(array('backend' => $this->_request->getParam('backend')))->getQuery(), $multiFilter, 'comment_host' ); $comments = array_keys($this->getUniqueValues($commentQuery->fetchAll(), 'comment_internal_id')); // Populate view $this->view->objects = $this->view->hosts = $hosts; $this->view->problems = $this->getProblems($hosts); $this->view->comments = isset($comments) ? $comments : $this->getComments($hosts); $this->view->hostnames = $this->getProperties($hosts, 'host_name'); $this->view->downtimes = $this->getDowntimes($hosts); $this->view->errors = $errors; $this->view->states = $this->countStates($hosts, 'host', 'host_name'); $this->view->pie = $this->createPie($this->view->states, $this->view->getHelper('MonitoringState')->getHostStateColors()); // need the query content to list all hosts $this->view->query = $this->_request->getQuery(); // Handle configuration changes $this->handleConfigurationForm(array( 'host_passive_checks_enabled' => 'Passive Checks', 'host_active_checks_enabled' => 'Active Checks', 'host_notifications_enabled' => 'Notifications', 'host_event_handler_enabled' => 'Event Handler', 'host_flap_detection_enabled' => 'Flap Detection', 'host_obsessing' => 'Obsessing' )); } public function serviceAction() { $multiFilter = $this->getAllParamsAsArray(); $errors = array(); $backendQuery = ServiceStatusView::fromRequest( $this->_request, array( 'host_name', 'host_state', 'service_description', 'service_handled', 'service_state', 'service_in_downtime', 'service_passive_checks_enabled', 'service_notifications_enabled', 'service_event_handler_enabled', 'service_flap_detection_enabled', 'service_active_checks_enabled', 'service_obsessing', // also accept all filter-requests from ListView 'service_problem', 'service_severity', 'service_last_check', 'service_state_type', 'host_severity', 'host_address', 'host_last_check' ) )->getQuery(); $this->applyQueryFilter($backendQuery, $multiFilter); $services = $backendQuery->fetchAll(); // Comments $commentQuery = $this->applyQueryFilter( CommentView::fromParams(array('backend' => $this->_request->getParam('backend')))->getQuery(), $multiFilter, 'comment_host', 'comment_service' ); $comments = array_keys($this->getUniqueValues($commentQuery->fetchAll(), 'comment_internal_id')); // populate the view $this->view->objects = $this->view->services = $services; $this->view->problems = $this->getProblems($services); $this->view->comments = isset($comments) ? $comments : $this->getComments($services); $this->view->hostnames = $this->getProperties($services, 'host_name'); $this->view->servicenames = $this->getProperties($services, 'service_description'); $this->view->downtimes = $this->getDowntimes($services); $this->view->service_states = $this->countStates($services, 'service'); $this->view->host_states = $this->countStates($services, 'host', 'host_name'); $this->view->service_pie = $this->createPie($this->view->service_states, $this->view->getHelper('MonitoringState')->getServiceStateColors()); $this->view->host_pie = $this->createPie($this->view->host_states, $this->view->getHelper('MonitoringState')->getHostStateColors()); $this->view->errors = $errors; // need the query content to list all hosts $this->view->query = $this->_request->getQuery(); $this->handleConfigurationForm(array( 'service_passive_checks_enabled' => 'Passive Checks', 'service_active_checks_enabled' => 'Active Checks', 'service_notifications_enabled' => 'Notifications', 'service_event_handler_enabled' => 'Event Handler', 'service_flap_detection_enabled' => 'Flap Detection', 'service_obsessing' => 'Obsessing', )); } /** * Apply the query-filter received * * @param $backendQuery SimpleQuery The query to apply the filter to * @param $filter array Containing the queries of the current request, converted into an * array-structure. * @param $hostColumn string The name of the host-column in the SimpleQuery, defaults to 'host_name' * @param $serviceColumn string The name of the service-column in the SimpleQuery, defaults to 'service-description' * * @return SimpleQuery The given SimpleQuery */ private function applyQueryFilter( SimpleQuery $backendQuery, array $filter, $hostColumn = 'host_name', $serviceColumn = 'service_description' ) { // fetch specified hosts foreach ($filter as $index => $expr) { // Every query entry must define at least the host. if (!array_key_exists('host', $expr)) { $errors[] = 'Query ' . $index . ' misses property host.'; continue; } // apply filter expressions from query $backendQuery->orWhere($hostColumn, $expr['host']); if (array_key_exists('service', $expr)) { $backendQuery->andWhere($serviceColumn, $expr['service']); } } return $backendQuery; } /** * Create an array with all unique values as keys. * * @param array $values The array containing the objects * @param $key The key to access * * @return array */ private function getUniqueValues($values, $key) { $unique = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $unique[$value[$key]] = $value[$key]; } else { $unique[$value->$key] = $value->$key; } } return $unique; } /** * Get the numbers of problems of the given objects * * @param $objects The objects containing the problems * * @return int The problem count */ private function getProblems($objects) { $problems = 0; foreach ($objects as $object) { if (property_exists($object, 'host_unhandled_service_count')) { $problems += $object->host_unhandled_service_count; } else if ( property_exists($object, 'service_handled') && !$object->service_handled && $object->service_state > 0 ) { $problems++; } } return $problems; } private function countStates($objects, $type = 'host', $unique = null) { $known = array(); if ($type === 'host') { $states = array_fill_keys($this->view->getHelper('MonitoringState')->getHostStateNames(), 0); } else { $states = array_fill_keys($this->view->getHelper('MonitoringState')->getServiceStateNames(), 0); } foreach ($objects as $object) { if (isset($unique)) { if (array_key_exists($object->$unique, $known)) { continue; } $known[$object->$unique] = true; } $states[$this->view->monitoringState($object, $type)]++; } return $states; } private function createPie($states, $colors) { $chart = new InlinePie(array_values($states), $colors); $chart->setLabels(array_keys($states))->setHeight(100)->setWidth(100); return $chart; } private function getComments($objects) { $unique = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { $unique = array_merge($unique, $this->getUniqueValues($object->comments, 'comment_internal_id')); } return array_keys($unique); } private function getProperties($objects, $property) { $objectnames = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { $objectnames[] = $object->$property; } return $objectnames; } private function getDowntimes($objects) { $downtimes = array(); foreach ($objects as $object) { if ( (property_exists($object, 'host_in_downtime') && $object->host_in_downtime) || (property_exists($object, 'service_in_downtime') && $object->service_in_downtime) ) { $downtimes[] = true; } } return $downtimes; } /** * Handle the form to edit configuration flags. * * @param $flags array The used flags. */ private function handleConfigurationForm(array $flags) { $this->view->form = $form = new MultiCommandFlagForm($flags); $this->view->formElements = $form->buildCheckboxes(); $form->setRequest($this->_request); if ($form->isSubmittedAndValid()) { // TODO: Handle commands $changed = $form->getChangedValues(); } if ($this->_request->isPost() === false) { $this->view->form->initFromItems($this->view->objects); } } /** * "Flips" the structure of the objects created by _getAllParams * * Regularly, _getAllParams would return queries like host[0]=value1&service[0]=value2 as * two entirely separate arrays. Instead, we want it as one single array, containing one single object * for each index, containing all of its members as keys. * * @return array An array of all query parameters (See example above) * * array(
* 0 => array(host => value1, service => value2),
* ...
* ) *
*/ private function getAllParamsAsArray() { $details = $this->_getAllParams(); $queries = array(); foreach ($details as $property => $values) { if (!is_array($values)) { continue; } foreach ($values as $index => $value) { if (!array_key_exists($index, $queries)) { $queries[$index] = array(); } $queries[$index][$property] = $value; } } return $queries; } }