* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team * */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart use Icinga\Application\Benchmark; use Icinga\Web\Hook; use Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabs; use Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\OutputFormat; use Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\DashboardAction; use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Backend; use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Controller; use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Object\AbstractObject; use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Object\Host; use Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Object\Service; /** * Class Monitoring_ShowController * * Actions for show context */ class Monitoring_ShowController extends Controller { /** * @var Backend */ protected $backend; protected $grapher; /** * Initialize the controller */ public function init() { if ($this->getRequest()->getActionName() === 'host') { $this->view->object = new Host($this->params); } elseif ($this->getRequest()->getActionName() === 'service') { $this->view->object = new Service($this->params); } else { // TODO: Well... this could be done better $this->view->object = AbstractObject::fromParams($this->params); } if (Hook::has('ticket')) { $this->view->tickets = Hook::first('ticket'); } if (Hook::has('grapher')) { $this->grapher = Hook::first('grapher'); } $this->createTabs(); } /** * Service overview */ public function serviceAction() { $o = $this->view->object; $this->setAutorefreshInterval(10); $this->view->title = $o->service_description . ' on ' . $o->host_name; $this->getTabs()->activate('service'); $o->populate(); if ($this->grapher && $this->grapher->hasGraph($o->host_name, $o->service_description)) { $this->view->grapherHtml = $this->grapher->getPreviewImage($o->host_name, $o->service_description); } } /** * Host overview */ public function hostAction() { $o = $this->view->object; $this->setAutorefreshInterval(10); $this->getTabs()->activate('host'); $this->view->title = $o->host_name; $o->populate(); if ($this->grapher && $this->grapher->hasGraph($o->host_name)) { $this->view->grapherHtml = $this->grapher->getPreviewImage($o->host_name); } } public function historyAction() { $this->getTabs()->activate('history'); //$this->view->object->populate(); $this->view->object->fetchEventHistory(); $this->handleFormatRequest($this->view->object->eventhistory); $this->view->history = $this->view->object->eventhistory ->paginate($this->params->get('limit', 50)); } public function servicesAction() { $this->getTabs()->activate('services'); $this->_setParam('service', ''); // TODO: This used to be a hack and still is. Modifying query string here. $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = (string) $this->params->without('service')->set('limit', ''); $this->view->services = $this->view->action('services', 'list', 'monitoring', array( 'view' => 'compact', 'sort' => 'service_description', )); } /** * Creating tabs for this controller * @return Tabs */ protected function createTabs() { if (($object = $this->view->object) === null) { return; } $tabs = $this->getTabs(); $params = array( 'host' => $object->host_name, ); if ($object instanceof Service) { $params['service'] = $object->service_description; } elseif ($service = $this->_getParam('service')) { $params['service'] = $service; } $tabs->add( 'host', array( 'title' => 'Host', 'icon' => 'img/icons/host.png', 'url' => 'monitoring/show/host', 'urlParams' => $params, ) ); if (isset($params['service'])) { $tabs->add( 'service', array( 'title' => 'Service', 'icon' => 'img/icons/service.png', 'url' => 'monitoring/show/service', 'urlParams' => $params, ) ); } $tabs->add( 'services', array( 'title' => 'Services', 'icon' => 'img/icons/service.png', 'url' => 'monitoring/show/services', 'urlParams' => $params, ) ); $tabs->add( 'history', array( 'title' => 'History', 'icon' => 'img/icons/history.png', 'url' => 'monitoring/show/history', 'urlParams' => $params, ) ); $tabs->extend(new OutputFormat()) ->extend(new DashboardAction()); } } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd