* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team * */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Chart\Graph; use \DOMElement; use \Icinga\Chart\Primitive\Drawable; use \Icinga\Chart\Primitive\Path; use \Icinga\Chart\Primitive\Circle; use \Icinga\Chart\Primitive\Styleable; use \Icinga\Chart\Render\RenderContext; /** * LineGraph implementation for drawing a set of datapoints as * a connected path */ class LineGraph extends Styleable implements Drawable { /** * The dataset to use * * @var array */ private $dataset; /** * True to show dots for each datapoint * * @var bool */ private $showDataPoints = false; /** * When true, the path will be discrete, i.e. showing hard steps instead of a direct line * * @var bool */ private $isDiscrete = false; /** * The default stroke width * @var int */ public $strokeWidth = 5; /** * Create a new LineGraph displaying the given dataset * * @param array $dataset An array of [x, y] arrays to display */ public function __construct(array $dataset) { usort($dataset, array($this, 'sortByX')); $this->dataset = $dataset; } /** * Set datapoints to be emphased via dots * * @param bool $bool True to enable datapoints, otherwise false */ public function setShowDataPoints($bool) { $this->showDataPoints = $bool; } /** * Sort the daset by the xaxis * * @param array $v1 * @param array $v2 * @return int */ private function sortByX(array $v1, array $v2) { if ($v1[0] === $v2[0]) { return 0; } return ($v1[0] < $v2[0]) ? -1 : 1; } /** * Configure this style * * @param array $cfg The configuration as given in the drawLine call */ public function setStyleFromConfig(array $cfg) { $fill = false; foreach ($cfg as $elem => $value) { if ($elem === 'color') { $this->setStrokeColor($value); } elseif ($elem === 'width') { $this->setStrokeWidth($value); } elseif ($elem === 'showPoints') { $this->setShowDataPoints($value); } elseif ($elem === 'fill') { $fill = $value; } elseif ($elem === 'discrete') { $this->isDiscrete = true; } } if ($fill) { $this->setFill($this->strokeColor); $this->setStrokeColor('black'); } } /** * Render this BarChart * * @param RenderContext $ctx The rendering context to use for drawing * * @return DOMElement $dom Element */ public function toSvg(RenderContext $ctx) { $path = new Path($this->dataset); if ($this->isDiscrete) { $path->setDiscrete(true); } $path->setStrokeColor($this->strokeColor); $path->setStrokeWidth($this->strokeWidth); $path->setAttribute('data-icinga-graph-type', 'line'); if ($this->fill !== 'none') { $firstX = $this->dataset[0][0]; $lastX = $this->dataset[count($this->dataset)-1][0]; $path->prepend(array($firstX, 100)) ->append(array($lastX, 100)); $path->setFill($this->fill); } $path->setAdditionalStyle('clip-path: url(#clip);'); $path->setId($this->id); $group = $path->toSvg($ctx); if ($this->showDataPoints === true) { foreach ($this->dataset as $point) { $dot = new Circle($point[0], $point[1], $this->strokeWidth*5); $dot->setFill('black'); $group->appendChild($dot->toSvg($ctx)); } } return $group; } }