define(['jquery','raphael'], function($,Raphael) { return function(el) { this.el = $(el); this.height = this.el.height(); this.width = this.el.width(); this.dataSet = {}; this.paper= null; this.radius = 0; = 0; var construct = (function(el,cfg) { cfg = cfg || {} this.radius = cfg.radius || Math.min(this.width,this.height)/4 this.x = cfg.x || this.width/2; this.y = cfg.y || this.height/2; this.paper = getPaper(); console.log(this.el); }).bind(this); var getSection = function(alpha) { return { right: alpha < 180, left: alpha > 180, top: alpha < 90 || alpha > 270, bottom: alpha > 90 && alpha < 270 } } var getCoordsForAngle = (function(alpha) { var a = (90 - alpha) * Math.PI / 180; return { tx : this.x + (this.radius) * Math.cos(a), ty : this.y - (this.radius) * Math.sin(a) } }).bind(this); var drawSubCircle = (function(coords, color,percentage) {,coords.ty,0).attr({ fill: color, stroke: 'none' }).animate({r: this.radius/2},500, "easeOut"); }).bind(this); var indicateMouseOver = function() { this.animate({"stroke-width": 30 }, 400, "bounce"); } var indicateMouseOut = function() { this.animate({"stroke-width": 18}, 400, "bounce"); } var drawSubArcFor = (function(elem,rot) { var percentage = elem.items.length/*100; // how much percentage this sub arc requires var alpha = rot + percentage / 100 * 180; // this is the end angle for the arc var coords = getCoordsForAngle(alpha); var pos = getSection(alpha); if(elem.items.length > 10) drawSubCircle(coords,elem.color,percentage/100); var subArc = this.paper.path().attr({ "stroke": elem.color, "stroke-width": 18, arc: [this.x, this.y, 0, 100, this.radius] });"percentage",percentage);"item",elem); subArc.transform("r" + rot + "," + this.x + "," + this.y).animate({ arc: [this.x, this.y, percentage, 100, this.radius] }, 500, "easeOut"); var text = this.paper .text(coords.tx,coords.ty,elem.items.length) .attr({'text-anchor': alpha < 180 ? 'start' : 'end'}); subArc.hover(indicateMouseOver,indicateMouseOut); return percentage / 100 * 360; }).bind(this); var drawContainerCircle = (function() { var rot = 0; = 0; for (var i = 0;i 180), 1, x, y] ]; } return { path: path }; }; return paper; }).bind(this); this.drawFor = function(dataSet) { this.dataSet = dataSet; drawContainerCircle(); } construct.apply(this,arguments); } });