_request->isPost()) { // We do not need to display a view.. $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); // ..nor the overall site layout in case its a POST request. $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $instance = $this->_request->getPost("instance"); $target_config = Config::getInstance()->getModuleConfig("instances", "monitoring"); if ($instance) { if (isset($target_config[$instance])) { $this->target = new CommandPipe($target_config[$instance]); } else { throw new ConfigurationError("Instance $instance is not configured"); } } else { $target_info = $target_config->current(); // Take the very first section if ($target_info === false) { throw new ConfigurationError("Not any instances are configured yet"); } else { $this->target = new CommandPipe($target_info); } } } } private function selectCommandTargets($hostname, $servicename = null) { $target = "hostlist"; $filter = array(); if (!$hostname && !$servicename) { throw new MissingParameterException("Missing host and service definition"); } if ($hostname) { $filter["host_name"] = $hostname; } if ($servicename) { $filter["service_description"] = $servicename; $target = "servicelist"; } return Backend::getInstance()->select()->from($target)->applyFilters($filter)->fetchAll(); } private function getParameter($name, $mandatory = true) { $value = $this->_request->getParam($name); if ($mandatory && !$value) { throw new MissingParameterException("Missing parameter $name"); } return $value; } public function restartAction() { $form = new Confirmation("Restart Icinga?", Confirmation::YES_NO); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid() && $form->isConfirmed()) { $this->target->restartIcinga(); } } else { $form->setAction($this->view->url()); $this->view->form = $form; } } public function schedulecheckAction() { $form = new SendCommand("Schedule Host/Service check"); $form->addDatePicker("checkDate", "Check date", date("m-d-Y")); $form->addTimePicker("checkTime", "Check time", date("h:i A")); $form->addCheckbox("forceCheck", "Force check", false); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid()) { $withChilds = false; $services = $form->getServices(); $time = sprintf("%s %s", $form->getDate("checkDate"), $form->getTime("checkTime")); if (!$services || $services === "all") { $withChilds = $services === "all"; $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts()); } else { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts(), $services); } if ($form->isChecked("forceCheck")) { $this->target->scheduleForcedCheck($targets, $time, $withChilds); } else { $this->target->scheduleCheck($targets, $time, $withChilds); } } } else { $form->setServices($this->getParameter("services", false)); $form->setHosts($this->getParameter("hosts")); $form->setAction($this->view->url()); $form->addSubmitButton("Commit"); $this->view->form = $form; } } public function sendAcknowledge() { $author = "AUTHOR"; //@TODO: get from auth backend $comment = $this->getMandatoryParameter("comment"); $persistent = $this->_request->getPost("persistent", false) == "true"; $commentObj = new \Icinga\Protocol\Commandpipe\Comment($author, $comment, $persistent); $notify = $this->_request->getPost("notify", false) == "true"; $sticky = $this->_request->getPost("sticky", false) == "true"; $expire = intval($this->_request->getPost("expire", false)); if (!$expire) { $expire = -1; } $ack = new \Icinga\Protocol\Commandpipe\Acknowledgement($commentObj, $notify, $expire, $sticky); $this->target->acknowledge($this->selectCommandTargets(), $ack); } public function sendScheduledowntime() { $author = "AUTHOR"; //@TODO: get from auth backend $comment = $this->getMandatoryParameter("comment"); $persistent = $this->_request->getPost("persistent", false) == "true"; $commentObj = new \Icinga\Protocol\Commandpipe\Comment($author, $comment, $persistent); $start = intval($this->_request->getPost("start", time())); $end = intval($this->getMandatoryParameter("end")); $duration = $this->_request->getPost("duration", false); if ($duration !== false) { $duration = intval($duration); } $downtime = new \Icinga\Protocol\Commandpipe\Downtime($start, $end, $commentObj, $duration); $this->target->scheduleDowntime($this->selectCommandTargets(), $downtime); } public function enableactivechecksAction() { // @TODO: Elaborate how "withChilds" and "forHosts" can be utilised $form = new SendCommand("Enable active checks?"); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid()) { $withChilds = $forHosts = false; $services = $form->getServices(); if ($services) { $withChilds = $services === "all"; $form->addCheckbox("forHosts", "", false); $forHosts = $form->isChecked("forHosts"); if ($withChilds) { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts()); } else { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts(), $services); } } else { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts()); } $this->target->enableActiveChecks($targets); } } else { $services = $this->getParameter("services", false); if ($services) { $form->addCheckbox("forHosts", "Enable for hosts too?", false); } $form->setServices($services); $form->setHosts($this->getParameter("hosts")); $form->setAction($this->view->url()); $form->addSubmitButton("Commit"); $this->view->form = $form; } } public function disableactivechecksAction() { // @TODO: Elaborate how "withChilds" and "forHosts" can be utilised $form = new SendCommand("Disable active checks?"); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid()) { $withChilds = $forHosts = false; $services = $form->getServices(); if ($services) { $withChilds = $services === "all"; $form->addCheckbox("forHosts", "", false); $forHosts = $form->isChecked("forHosts"); if ($withChilds) { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts()); } else { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts(), $services); } } else { $targets = $this->selectCommandTargets($form->getHosts()); } $this->target->disableActiveChecks($targets); } } else { $services = $this->getParameter("services", false); if ($services) { $form->addCheckbox("forHosts", "Disable for hosts too?", false); } $form->setServices($services); $form->setHosts($this->getParameter("hosts")); $form->setAction($this->view->url()); $form->addSubmitButton("Commit"); $this->view->form = $form; } } public function sendPassivechecks() { if ($this->getMandatoryParameter("enable")) { $this->target->enablePassiveChecks($this->selectCommandTargets()); } else { $this->target->disablePassiveChecks($this->selectCommandTargets()); } } public function sendFlappingdetection() { if ($this->getMandatoryParameter("enable")) { $this->target->enableFlappingDetection($this->selectCommandTargets()); } else { $this->target->disableFlappingDetection($this->selectCommandTargets()); } } public function sendComment() { $author = "AUTHOR"; //@TODO: get from auth backend $comment = $this->getMandatoryParameter("comment"); $persistent = $this->_request->getPost("persistent", false) == "true"; $commentObj = new \Icinga\Protocol\Commandpipe\Comment($author, $comment, $persistent); $this->target->addComment($this->selectCommandTargets(), $commentObj); } public function sendDeletecomment() { if ($this->_request->getPost("comments")) { $comments = array(); foreach ($this->_request->getPost("comments") as $id => $content) { $comment = new StdClass(); $comment->comment_id = $id; $value = explode(";", $content, 2); $comment->host_name = $value[0]; if (isset($value[1])) { $comment->service_description = $value[1]; } $comments[] = $comment; } $this->target->removeComment($comments); } else { $this->target->removeComment($this->selectCommandTargets()); } } public function sendDeletedowntime() { if ($this->_request->getPost("downtimes")) { $downtimes = array(); foreach ($this->_request->getPost("comments") as $id => $content) { $downtime = new StdClass(); $downtime->downtime_id = $id; $value = explode(";", $content, 2); $downtime->host_name = $value[0]; if (isset($value[1])) { $downtime->service_description = $value[1]; } $downtimes[] = $downtime; } $this->target->removeDowntime($downtimes); } else { $this->target->removeDowntime($this->selectCommandTargets()); } } }