setName('form_config_monitoring_instance'); $this->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Save Changes')); } /** * Get a form object for the given instance type * * @param string $type The instance type for which to return a form * * @return LocalInstanceForm|RemoteInstanceForm * * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case the given instance type is invalid */ public function getInstanceForm($type) { switch (strtolower($type)) { case LocalCommandFile::TRANSPORT: $form = new LocalInstanceForm(); break; case RemoteCommandFile::TRANSPORT; $form = new RemoteInstanceForm(); break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf($this->translate('Invalid instance type "%s" given'), $type) ); } return $form; } /** * Add a new instance * * The resource to add is identified by the array-key `name'. * * @param array $values The values to extend the configuration with * * @return $this * * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case the resource already exists */ public function add(array $values) { $name = isset($values['name']) ? $values['name'] : ''; if (! $name) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Instance name missing')); } if ($this->config->hasSection($name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Instance already exists')); } unset($values['name']); $this->config->setSection($name, $values); return $this; } /** * Edit an existing instance * * @param string $name The name of the resource to edit * @param array $values The values to edit the configuration with * * @return array The edited resource configuration * * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case the resource name is missing or invalid */ public function edit($name, array $values) { if (! $name) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Old instance name missing')); } elseif (! ($newName = isset($values['name']) ? $values['name'] : '')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('New instance name missing')); } elseif (! $this->config->hasSection($name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Unknown instance name provided')); } unset($values['name']); $this->config->setSection($name, $values); return $this->config->getSection($name); } /** * Remove a instance * * @param string $name The name of the resource to remove * * @return array The removed resource configuration * * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case the resource name is missing or invalid */ public function remove($name) { if (! $name) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Instance name missing')); } elseif (! $this->config->hasSection($name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->translate('Unknown instance name provided')); } $instanceConfig = $this->config->getSection($name); $this->config->removeSection($name); return $instanceConfig; } /** * @see Form::onRequest() For the method documentation. * @throws ConfigurationError In case the instance name is missing or invalid */ public function onRequest() { $instanceName = $this->request->getQuery('instance'); if ($instanceName !== null) { if (! $instanceName) { throw new ConfigurationError($this->translate('Instance name missing')); } if (! $this->config->hasSection($instanceName)) { throw new ConfigurationError($this->translate('Unknown instance name given')); } $instanceConfig = $this->config->getSection($instanceName)->toArray(); $instanceConfig['name'] = $instanceName; $this->populate($instanceConfig); } } /** * (non-PHPDoc) * @see Form::onSuccess() For the method documentation. */ public function onSuccess() { $instanceName = $this->request->getQuery('instance'); try { if ($instanceName === null) { // create new instance $this->add($this->getValues()); $message = $this->translate('Instance "%s" created successfully.'); } else { // edit existing instance $this->edit($instanceName, $this->getValues()); $message = $this->translate('Instance "%s" edited successfully.'); } } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { Notification::error($e->getMessage()); return; } if ($this->save()) { Notification::success(sprintf($message, $this->getElement('name')->getValue())); } else { return false; } } /** * (non-PHPDoc) * @see Form::createElements() For the method documentation. */ public function createElements(array $formData = array()) { $instanceType = isset($formData['transport']) ? $formData['transport'] : LocalCommandFile::TRANSPORT; $this->addElements(array( array( 'text', 'name', array( 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Instance Name') ) ), array( 'select', 'transport', array( 'required' => true, 'autosubmit' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Instance Type'), 'multiOptions' => array( LocalCommandFile::TRANSPORT => $this->translate('Local Command File'), RemoteCommandFile::TRANSPORT => $this->translate('Remote Command File') ), 'value' => $instanceType ) ) )); $this->addElements($this->getInstanceForm($instanceType)->createElements($formData)->getElements()); } }