translate('Downtimes'); ?> hasPermission('monitoring/command/downtime/schedule')) { /** @var \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Object\MonitoredObject $object */ if ($object->getType() === $object::TYPE_HOST) { echo $this->qlink( $this->translate('Schedule downtime'), 'monitoring/host/schedule-downtime', array('host' => $object->getName()), array( 'icon' => 'plug', 'data-base-target' => '_self', 'title' => $this->translate( 'Schedule a downtime to suppress all problem notifications within a specific period of time' ) ) ); } else { echo $this->qlink( $this->translate('Schedule downtime'), 'monitoring/service/schedule-downtime', array('host' => $object->getHost()->getName(), 'service' => $object->getName()), array( 'icon' => 'plug', 'data-base-target' => '_self', 'title' => $this->translate( 'Schedule a downtime to suppress all problem notifications within a specific period of time' ) ) ); } } else { echo '-'; } ?> downtimes as $downtime) { // Ticket hook sample $commentText = $this->tickets ? preg_replace_callback( $this->tickets->getPattern(), array($this->tickets, 'createLink'), $this->escape($downtime->comment) ) : $this->escape($downtime->comment); if ((bool) $downtime->is_in_effect) { $state = sprintf( $this->translate('in downtime %s', 'Last format parameter represents the time in downtime'), $this->timeSince($downtime->start) ); } else { if ((bool) $downtime->is_fixed) { $state = sprintf( $this->translate('scheduled %s', 'Last format parameter represents the time scheduled'), $this->timeUntil($downtime->start) ); } else { $state = sprintf( $this->translate('scheduled flexible %s', 'Last format parameter represents the time scheduled'), $this->timeUntil($downtime->start) ); } } ?> escape($downtime->author_name); ?> (timeAgo($downtime->entry_time); ?>) populate( array( 'downtime_id' => $downtime->id, 'downtime_is_service' => $object->getType() === $object::TYPE_SERVICE ) ); echo $delDowntimeForm; } ?> translate('Downtime'); ?> - ', $commentText); ?>