asArray(), 0, ($compact ? 5 : null)); foreach ($pset as $label => $perfdata) { if (!$perfdata->isPercentage() && $perfdata->getMaximumValue() === null) { continue; } $pieChart = $this->createInlinePie($perfdata, $label, htmlspecialchars($label)); if ($compact) { if (! $float) { $result .= $pieChart->render(); } else { $result .= '
' . $pieChart->render() . '
'; } } else { if (! $perfdata->isPercentage()) { $pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)'); } $pieChart->setStyle('float: left; margin: 0.2em 0.5em 0.2em 0.5em;'); $table[] = '' . $pieChart->render() . htmlspecialchars($label) . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($this->formatPerfdataValue($perfdata)) . ' '; } } // TODO: What if we have both? And should we trust sprintf-style placeholders in perfdata titles? if (empty($table)) { return $compact ? $result : $perfdataStr; } else { return '' . implode("\n", $table) . '
'; } } protected function calculatePieChartData(Perfdata $perfdata) { $rawValue = $perfdata->getValue(); $minValue = $perfdata->getMinimumValue() !== null ? $perfdata->getMinimumValue() : 0; $maxValue = $perfdata->getMaximumValue(); $usedValue = ($rawValue - $minValue); $unusedValue = ($maxValue - $minValue) - $usedValue; $gray = $unusedValue; $green = $orange = $red = 0; // TODO(#6122): Add proper treshold parsing. if ($perfdata->getCriticalThreshold() && $perfdata->getValue() > $perfdata->getCriticalThreshold()) { $red = $usedValue; } elseif ($perfdata->getWarningThreshold() && $perfdata->getValue() > $perfdata->getWarningThreshold()) { $orange = $usedValue; } else { $green = $usedValue; } return array($green, $orange, $red, $gray); } protected function formatPerfdataValue(Perfdata $perfdata) { if ($perfdata->isBytes()) { return Format::bytes($perfdata->getValue()); } elseif ($perfdata->isSeconds()) { return Format::seconds($perfdata->getValue()); } elseif ($perfdata->isPercentage()) { return $perfdata->getValue() . '%'; } return $perfdata->getValue(); } protected function createInlinePie(Perfdata $perfdata, $title, $label = '') { $pieChart = new InlinePie($this->calculatePieChartData($perfdata), $title); $pieChart->setLabel($label); $pieChart->setHideEmptyLabel(); //$pieChart->setHeight(32)->setWidth(32); if ($perfdata->isBytes()) { $pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)'); $pieChart->setNumberFormat(InlinePie::NUMBER_FORMAT_BYTES); } else if ($perfdata->isSeconds()) { $pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}} ({{percent}}%)'); $pieChart->setNumberFormat(InlinePie::NUMBER_FORMAT_TIME); } else { $pieChart->setTooltipFormat('{{label}}: {{formatted}}%'); $pieChart->setNumberFormat(InlinePie::NUMBER_FORMAT_RATIO); $pieChart->setHideEmptyLabel(); } return $pieChart; } }