* Benchmark::measure('Program started'); * // ...do something... * Benchmark::measure('Task finieshed'); * Benchmark::dump(); * */ class Benchmark { const TIME = 0x01; const MEMORY = 0x02; protected static $instance; protected $start; protected $measures = array(); /** * Add a measurement to your benchmark * * The same identifier can also be used multiple times * * @param string A comment identifying the current measurement * @return void */ public static function measure($message) { self::getInstance()->measures[] = (object) array( 'timestamp' => microtime(true), 'memory_real' => memory_get_usage(true), 'memory' => memory_get_usage(), 'message' => $message ); } /** * Throws all measurements away * * This empties your measurement table and allows you to restart your * benchmark from scratch * * @return void */ public static function reset() { self::$instance = null; } /** * Rerieve benchmark start time * * This will give you the timestamp of your first measurement * * @return float */ public static function getStartTime() { return self::getInstance()->start; } /** * Dump benchmark data * * Will dump a text table if running on CLI and a simple HTML table * otherwise. Use Benchmark::TIME and Benchmark::MEMORY to choose whether * you prefer to show either time or memory or both in your output * * @param int Whether to get time and/or memory summary * @return string */ public static function dump($what = null) { if (Icinga::app()->isCli()) { echo self::renderToText($what); } else { echo self::renderToHtml($what); } } /** * Render benchmark data to a simple text table * * Use Benchmark::TIME and Icinga::MEMORY to choose whether you prefer to * show either time or memory or both in your output * * @param int Whether to get time and/or memory summary * @return string */ public static function renderToText($what = null) { $data = self::prepareDataForRendering($what); $sep = '+'; $title = '|'; foreach ($data->columns as & $col) { $col->format = ' %' . ($col->align === 'right' ? '' : '-') . $col->maxlen . 's |'; $sep .= str_repeat('-', $col->maxlen) . '--+'; $title .= sprintf($col->format, $col->title); } $out = $sep . "\n" . $title . "\n" . $sep . "\n"; foreach ($data->rows as & $row) { $r = '|'; foreach ($data->columns as $key => & $col) { $r .= sprintf($col->format, $row[$key]); } $out .= $r . "\n"; } $out .= $sep . "\n"; return $out; } /** * Render benchmark data to a simple HTML table * * Use Benchmark::TIME and Benchmark::MEMORY to choose whether you prefer * to show either time or memory or both in your output * * @param int Whether to get time and/or memory summary * @return string */ public static function renderToHtml($what = null) { $data = self::prepareDataForRendering($what); // TODO: Move formatting to CSS file $html = '' . "\n" . ''; foreach ($data->columns as & $col) { if ($col->title === 'Time') { continue; } $html .= sprintf( '', $col->align, htmlspecialchars($col->title) ); } $html .= "\n"; foreach ($data->rows as & $row) { $html .= ''; foreach ($data->columns as $key => & $col) { if ($col->title === 'Time') { continue; } $html .= sprintf( '', $col->align, $row[$key] ); } $html .= "\n"; } $html .= "
\n"; return $html; } /** * Prepares benchmark data for output * * Use Benchmark::TIME and Benchmark::MEMORY to choose whether you prefer * to have either time or memory or both in your output * * @param int Whether to get time and/or memory summary * @return array */ protected static function prepareDataForRendering($what = null) { if ($what === null) { $what = self::TIME | self::MEMORY; } $columns = array( (object) array( 'title' => 'Time', 'align' => 'left', 'maxlen' => 4 ), (object) array( 'title' => 'Description', 'align' => 'left', 'maxlen' => 11 ) ); if ($what & self::TIME) { $columns[] = (object) array( 'title' => 'Off (ms)', 'align' => 'right', 'maxlen' => 11 ); $columns[] = (object) array( 'title' => 'Dur (ms)', 'align' => 'right', 'maxlen' => 13 ); } if ($what & self::MEMORY) { $columns[] = (object) array( 'title' => 'Mem (diff)', 'align' => 'right', 'maxlen' => 10 ); $columns[] = (object) array( 'title' => 'Mem (total)', 'align' => 'right', 'maxlen' => 11 ); } $bench = self::getInstance(); $last = $bench->start; $rows = array(); $lastmem = 0; foreach ($bench->measures as $m) { $micro = sprintf( '%03d', round(($m->timestamp - floor($m->timestamp)) * 1000) ); $vals = array( date('H:i:s', (int) $m->timestamp) . '.' . $micro, $m->message ); if ($what & self::TIME) { $m->relative = $m->timestamp - $bench->start; $m->offset = $m->timestamp - $last; $last = $m->timestamp; $vals[] = sprintf('%0.3f', $m->relative * 1000); $vals[] = sprintf('%0.3f', $m->offset * 1000); } if ($what & self::MEMORY) { $mem = $m->memory - $lastmem; $lastmem = $m->memory; $vals[] = Format::bytes($mem); $vals[] = Format::bytes($m->memory); } $row = & $rows[]; foreach ($vals as $col => $val) { $row[$col] = $val; $columns[$col]->maxlen = max( strlen($val), $columns[$col]->maxlen ); } } return (object) array( 'columns' => $columns, 'rows' => $rows ); } /** * Singleton * * Benchmark is run only once, but you are not allowed to directly access * the getInstance() method * * @return self */ protected static function getInstance() { if (self::$instance === null) { self::$instance = new Benchmark(); self::$instance->start = microtime(true); } return self::$instance; } /** * Constructor * * Singleton usage is enforced, the only way to instantiate Benchmark is by * starting your measurements * * @return void */ protected function __construct() { } }