Backend = $this->backendName; ?> = $ps->is_currently_running === '1' ? sprintf('has been running with PID %d ', $ps->process_id) . $this->prefixedTimeSince($ps->program_start_time) : 'is not running'; ?>.
Last status update | = $this->timeSince($ps->status_update_time) ?> ago |
Last check command | = $this->timeSince($ps->last_command_check) ?> ago |
Global host event handler | = $ps->global_host_event_handler ? $ps->global_host_event_handler : 'Not set' ?> |
Global service event handler | = $ps->global_service_event_handler ? $ps->global_service_event_handler : 'Not set' ?> |
Notifications enabled | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->notifications_enabled, 'enablenotifications', 'disablenotifications', false, array('global' => '1') ) ?> notifications_enabled === '1'): ?> Temporarily disable disable_notif_expire_time): ?> Will be re-enabled in = $this->timeUntil($ps->disable_notif_expire_time) ?> |
Execute active service checks | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->active_service_checks_enabled, 'enableactivechecks', 'disableactivechecks', false, array('global' => 'service') ) ?> |
Accept passive service checks | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->passive_service_checks_enabled, 'startacceptingpassivechecks', 'stopacceptingpassivechecks', false, array('global' => 'service') ) ?> |
Execute active host checks | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->active_host_checks_enabled, 'enableactivechecks', 'disableactivechecks', false, array('global' => 'host') ) ?> |
Accept passive host checks | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->passive_host_checks_enabled, 'startacceptingpassivechecks', 'stopacceptingpassivechecks', false, array('global' => 'host') ) ?> |
Eventhandlers enabled | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->event_handlers_enabled, 'enableeventhandler', 'disableeventhandler', false, array('global' => '1') ) ?> |
Obsessing over host checks | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->obsess_over_hosts, 'startobsessing', 'stopobsessing', false, array('global' => 'host') ) ?> |
Obsessing over service checks | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->obsess_over_services, 'startobsessing', 'stopobsessing', false, array('global' => 'service') ) ?> |
Flap detection enabled | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->flap_detection_enabled, 'enableflapdetection', 'disableflapdetection', false, array('global' => '1') ) ?> |
Process performance data | = $cf->toggleSubmitForm( '', $ps->process_performance_data, 'enableperformancedata', 'disableperformancedata', false, array('global' => '1') ) ?> |
Monitoring Process | = $cf->labelSubmitForm( 'Restart', 'Restart the monitoring process', '', 'restartprocess' ) ?> |