getMethod('launchConfigScript'); $launchConfigScriptMethod->setAccessible(true); // Calling getDashboard() results in Url::fromPath() getting called as well == the CLI's death $paneItemsProperty = $moduleReflection->getProperty('paneItems'); $paneItemsProperty->setAccessible(true); // Again, no direct way to access this nor to let the module setup its own translation domain $localeDirProperty = $moduleReflection->getProperty('localedir'); $localeDirProperty->setAccessible(true); $locales = Translator::getAvailableLocaleCodes(); $modules = Icinga::app()->getModuleManager()->loadEnabledModules()->getLoadedModules(); foreach ($this->listDashboardConfigs() as $path) { Logger::info('Migrating dashboard config: %s', $path); $config = Config::fromIni($path); foreach ($modules as $module) { $localePath = $localeDirProperty->getValue($module); if (! is_dir($localePath)) { // Modules without any translations are not affected continue; } $launchConfigScriptMethod->invoke($module); Translator::registerDomain($module->getName(), $localePath); foreach ($locales as $locale) { if ($locale === 'en_US') { continue; } try { Translator::setupLocale($locale); } catch (IcingaException $e) { Logger::debug('Ignoring locale "%s". Reason: %s', $locale, $e->getMessage()); continue; } foreach ($paneItemsProperty->getValue($module) as $paneName => $container) { /** @var DashboardContainer $container */ foreach ($config->toArray() as $section => $options) { if (strpos($section, '.') !== false) { list($paneTitle, $dashletTitle) = explode('.', $section, 2); } else { $paneTitle = $section; $dashletTitle = null; } if (isset($options['disabled']) && mt($module->getName(), $paneName) !== $paneTitle) { // `disabled` is checked because if it's a module's pane that's the only reason // why it's in there. If a user utilized the same label though for a custom pane, // it remains as is. continue; } $dashletName = null; if ($dashletTitle !== null) { foreach ($container->getDashlets() as $name => $url) { if (mt($module->getName(), $name) === $dashletTitle) { $dashletName = $name; break; } } } $newSection = $paneName . ($dashletName ? '.' . $dashletName : ''); $config->removeSection($section); $config->setSection($newSection, $options); Logger::info('Migrated section "%s" to "%s"', $section, $newSection); } } } } $config->saveIni(); } } protected function listDashboardConfigs() { $dashboardConfigPath = Config::resolvePath('dashboards'); try { $dashboardConfigDir = opendir($dashboardConfigPath); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::error('Cannot access dashboard configuration: %s', $e); exit(1); } while ($entry = readdir($dashboardConfigDir)) { $userDashboardPath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$dashboardConfigPath, $entry, 'dashboard.ini']); if (is_file($userDashboardPath)) { yield $userDashboardPath; } } } }