<?php /* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ namespace Icinga\Module\Monitoring; use Exception; use Icinga\Module\Setup\Step; use Icinga\Application\Config; use Icinga\Exception\IcingaException; class BackendStep extends Step { protected $data; protected $backendIniError; protected $resourcesIniError; public function __construct(array $data) { $this->data = $data; } public function apply() { $success = $this->createBackendsIni(); $success &= $this->createResourcesIni(); return $success; } protected function createBackendsIni() { $config = array(); $config[$this->data['backendConfig']['name']] = array( 'type' => $this->data['backendConfig']['type'], 'resource' => $this->data['resourceConfig']['name'] ); try { Config::fromArray($config) ->setConfigFile(Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/backends.ini')) ->saveIni(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->backendIniError = $e; return false; } $this->backendIniError = false; return true; } protected function createResourcesIni() { $resourceConfig = $this->data['resourceConfig']; $resourceName = $resourceConfig['name']; unset($resourceConfig['name']); try { $config = Config::app('resources', true); $config->setSection($resourceName, $resourceConfig); $config->saveIni(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->resourcesIniError = $e; return false; } $this->resourcesIniError = false; return true; } public function getSummary() { $pageTitle = '<h2>' . mt('monitoring', 'Monitoring Backend', 'setup.page.title') . '</h2>'; $backendDescription = '<p>' . sprintf( mt( 'monitoring', 'Icinga Web 2 will retrieve information from your monitoring environment' . ' using a backend called "%s" and the specified resource below:' ), $this->data['backendConfig']['name'] ) . '</p>'; if ($this->data['resourceConfig']['type'] === 'db') { $resourceTitle = '<h3>' . mt('monitoring', 'Database Resource') . '</h3>'; $resourceHtml = '' . '<table>' . '<tbody>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Resource Name') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['name'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Database Type') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['db'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Host') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['host'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Port') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['port'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Database Name') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['dbname'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Username') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['username'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Password') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . str_repeat('*', strlen($this->data['resourceConfig']['password'])) . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</tbody>' . '</table>'; } else { // $this->data['resourceConfig']['type'] === 'livestatus' $resourceTitle = '<h3>' . mt('monitoring', 'Livestatus Resource') . '</h3>'; $resourceHtml = '' . '<table>' . '<tbody>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Resource Name') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['name'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '<tr>' . '<td><strong>' . t('Socket') . '</strong></td>' . '<td>' . $this->data['resourceConfig']['socket'] . '</td>' . '</tr>' . '</tbody>' . '</table>'; } return $pageTitle . '<div class="topic">' . $backendDescription . $resourceTitle . $resourceHtml . '</div>'; } public function getReport() { $report = array(); if ($this->backendIniError === false) { $report[] = sprintf( mt('monitoring', 'Monitoring backend configuration has been successfully written to: %s'), Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/backends.ini') ); } elseif ($this->backendIniError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf( mt( 'monitoring', 'Monitoring backend configuration could not be written to: %s. An error occured:' ), Config::resolvePath('modules/monitoring/backends.ini') ); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->backendIniError)); } if ($this->resourcesIniError === false) { $report[] = sprintf( mt('monitoring', 'Resource configuration has been successfully updated: %s'), Config::resolvePath('resources.ini') ); } elseif ($this->resourcesIniError !== null) { $report[] = sprintf( mt('monitoring', 'Resource configuration could not be udpated: %s. An error occured:'), Config::resolvePath('resources.ini') ); $report[] = sprintf(mt('setup', 'ERROR: %s'), IcingaException::describe($this->resourcesIniError)); } return $report; } }