assertTrue( $dateTime->isValid($now->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s')), 'A string representing a local date and time (with no timezone information) must be considered valid input' ); $this->assertTrue( $dateTime->getValue() instanceof DateTime, 'DateTimePicker::getValue() must return an instance of DateTime if its input is valid' ); } public function testRFC3339Input() { $dateTime = new DateTimePicker( 'name', array( 'local' => false ) ); $now = new DateTime(); $this->assertTrue( $dateTime->isValid($now->format(DateTime::RFC3339)), 'A string representing a global date and time (with timezone information) must be considered valid input' ); $this->assertTrue( $dateTime->getValue() instanceof DateTime, 'DateTimePicker::getValue() must return an instance of DateTime if its input is valid' ); } }