/*! Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ @colorMainLayout: @icinga-blue; @colorMainBackground: @body-bg-color; @colorMainForeground: @text-color; @colorMainLink: @text-color; @colorSecondary: @gray-lightest; @colorGray: @gray-lightest; @colorLinkDefault: @text-color; @colorTextDefault: @text-color; @colorTextDarkDefault: @text-color; @colorOk: @color-ok; @colorWarning: #ffaa44; @colorWarningHandled: #ffcc66; @colorCritical: #ff5566; @colorCriticalHandled: #ff99aa; @colorUnknown: #aa44ff; @colorUnknownHandled: #cc77ff; @colorUnreachable: #aa44ff; @colorUnreachableHandled: #cc77ff; @colorPending: #77aaff; @colorInvalid: #999; @colorFormNotificationInfo: #77aaff; @colorFormNotificationWarning: #ffaa44; @colorFormNotificationError: #ff5566; @colorPetrol: @icinga-blue; table.action { .common-table(); } table.avp { .name-value-table(); tbody th { background-color: #f1f1f1; } } .code() { // Some 3rd party modules (e.g. vsphere) use this mixin (though we never had it) // With lessphp version 0.5.0 using undefined mixins now throws exceptions // Since we can't rely that users upgrade those modules first, we provide the mixin for compatibility here }