db = $this->ds->getDbAdapter(); parent::init(); } public function where($condition, $value = null) { // $this->count = $this->select = null; return parent::where($condition, $value); } protected function dbSelect() { if ($this->select === null) { $this->select = $this->db->select()->from($this->target, array()); } return clone $this->select; } /** * Get the select query * * Applies order and limit if any * * @return Zend_Db_Select */ public function getSelectQuery() { $select = $this->dbSelect(); // Add order fields to select for postgres distinct queries (#6351) if ($this->hasOrder() && $this->getDatasource()->getDbType() === 'pgsql' && $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::DISTINCT) === true) { foreach ($this->getOrder() as $fieldAndDirection) { if (array_search($fieldAndDirection[0], $this->columns) === false) { $this->columns[] = $fieldAndDirection[0]; } } } if ($this->group) { $select->group($this->group); } $select->columns($this->columns); $this->applyFilterSql($select); if ($this->hasLimit() || $this->hasOffset()) { $select->limit($this->getLimit(), $this->getOffset()); } if ($this->hasOrder()) { foreach ($this->getOrder() as $fieldAndDirection) { $select->order( $fieldAndDirection[0] . ' ' . $fieldAndDirection[1] ); } } return $select; } public function applyFilterSql($query) { $where = $this->renderFilter($this->filter); if ($where !== '') { $query->where($where); } } protected function renderFilter($filter, $level = 0) { $str = ''; if ($filter instanceof FilterChain) { if ($filter instanceof FilterAnd) { $op = ' AND '; } elseif ($filter instanceof FilterOr) { $op = ' OR '; } elseif ($filter instanceof FilterNot) { $op = ' AND '; $str .= ' NOT '; } else { throw new IcingaException( 'Cannot render filter: %s', $filter ); } $parts = array(); if (! $filter->isEmpty()) { foreach ($filter->filters() as $f) { $parts[] = $this->renderFilter($f, $level + 1); } if ($level > 0) { $str .= ' (' . implode($op, $parts) . ') '; } else { $str .= implode($op, $parts); } } } else { $str .= $this->whereToSql($filter->getColumn(), $filter->getSign(), $filter->getExpression()); } return $str; } protected function escapeForSql($value) { // bindParam? bindValue? if (is_array($value)) { $ret = array(); foreach ($value as $val) { $ret[] = $this->escapeForSql($val); } return implode(', ', $ret); } else { //if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $value)) { // return $value; //} else { return $this->db->quote($value); //} } } protected function escapeWildcards($value) { return preg_replace('/\*/', '%', $value); } protected function valueToTimestamp($value) { // We consider integers as valid timestamps. Does not work for URL params if (ctype_digit($value)) { return $value; } $value = strtotime($value); if (! $value) { /* NOTE: It's too late to throw exceptions, we might finish in __toString throw new IcingaException(sprintf( '"%s" is not a valid time expression', $value )); */ } return $value; } protected function timestampForSql($value) { // TODO: do this db-aware return $this->escapeForSql(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value)); } /** * Check for timestamp fields * * TODO: This is not here to do automagic timestamp stuff. One may * override this function for custom voodoo, IdoQuery right now * does. IMO we need to split whereToSql functionality, however * I'd prefer to wait with this unless we understood how other * backends will work. We probably should also rename this * function to isTimestampColumn(). * * @param string $field Field Field name to checked * @return bool Whether this field expects timestamps */ public function isTimestamp($field) { return false; } public function whereToSql($col, $sign, $expression) { if ($this->isTimestamp($col)) { $expression = $this->valueToTimestamp($expression); } if (is_array($expression) && $sign === '=') { // TODO: Should we support this? Doesn't work for blub* return $col . ' IN (' . $this->escapeForSql($expression) . ')'; } elseif (strpos($expression, '*') === false) { return $col . ' ' . $sign . ' ' . $this->escapeForSql($expression); } else { return $col . ' LIKE ' . $this->escapeForSql($this->escapeWildcards($expression)); } } /** * Get the count query * * @return Zend_Db_Select */ public function getCountQuery() { // TODO: there may be situations where we should clone the "select" $count = $this->dbSelect(); $this->applyFilterSql($count); if ($this->useSubqueryCount) { $count->columns($this->columns); $columns = array('cnt' => 'COUNT(*)'); return $this->db->select()->from($count, $columns); } if ($this->maxCount !== null) { return $this->db->select()->from($count->limit($this->maxCount)); } $count->columns(array('cnt' => 'COUNT(*)')); return $count; } /** * Count all rows of the result set * * @return int */ public function count() { if ($this->count === null) { Benchmark::measure('DB is counting'); $this->count = $this->db->fetchOne($this->getCountQuery()); Benchmark::measure('DB finished count'); } return $this->count; } /** * Return the select and count query as a textual representation * * @return string A string containing the select and count query, using unix style newlines as linebreaks */ public function dump() { return "QUERY\n=====\n" . $this->getSelectQuery() . "\n\nCOUNT\n=====\n" . $this->getCountQuery() . "\n\n"; } /** * @return string */ public function __toString() { return (string) $this->getSelectQuery(); } /** * Add a GROUP BY clause * * @param string|array $group * * @return $this */ public function group($group) { $this->group = $group; return $this; } }