<?php // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Tests\Icinga\Config; use Icinga\File\Ini\IniWriter; use Icinga\Test\BaseTestCase; use Icinga\Application\Config; class IniWriterTest extends BaseTestCase { protected $tempFile; protected $tempFile2; public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'icinga-ini-writer-test'); $this->tempFile2 = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'icinga-ini-writer-test-2'); } public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); unlink($this->tempFile); unlink($this->tempFile2); } public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesAreInsertedInEmptyFiles() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Section-less properties are not supported anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(''); $config = new Config(array('key' => 'value')); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals('value', $newConfig->get('key'), 'IniWriter does not insert in empty files'); } public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesAreInsertedInExistingFiles() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Section-less properties are not supported anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile('key1 = "1"'); $config = new Config(array('key2' => '2')); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals('2', $newConfig->get('key2'), 'IniWriter does not insert in existing files'); } /** * @depends testWhetherSimplePropertiesAreInsertedInExistingFiles */ public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesAreUpdated() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Section-less properties are not supported anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile('key = "value"'); $config = new Config(array('key' => 'eulav')); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals('eulav', $newConfig->get('key'), 'IniWriter does not update simple properties'); } /** * @depends testWhetherSimplePropertiesAreInsertedInExistingFiles */ public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesAreDeleted() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Section-less properties are not supported anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile('key = "value"'); $config = new Config(array()); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertNull($newConfig->get('key'), 'IniWriter does not delete simple properties'); } public function testWhetherNestedPropertiesAreInserted() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(''); $config = new Config(array('a' => array('b' => 'c'))); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('a'), 'IniWriter does not insert nested properties' ); $this->assertEquals( 'c', $newConfig->get('a')->get('b'), 'IniWriter does not insert nested properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherNestedPropertiesAreInserted */ public function testWhetherNestedPropertiesAreUpdated() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Section-less properties are not supported anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile('a.b = "c"'); $config = new Config(array('a' => array('b' => 'cc'))); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('a'), 'IniWriter does not update nested properties' ); $this->assertEquals( 'cc', $newConfig->get('a')->get('b'), 'IniWriter does not update nested properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherNestedPropertiesAreInserted */ public function testWhetherNestedPropertiesAreDeleted() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Section-less properties are not supported anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile('a.b = "c"'); $config = new Config(array()); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertNull( $newConfig->get('a'), 'IniWriter does not delete nested properties' ); } public function testWhetherSimpleSectionPropertiesAreInserted() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(''); $config = new Config(array('section' => array('key' => 'value'))); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('section'), 'IniWriter does not insert sections' ); $this->assertEquals( 'value', $newConfig->get('section')->get('key'), 'IniWriter does not insert simple section properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherSimpleSectionPropertiesAreInserted */ public function testWhetherSimpleSectionPropertiesAreUpdated() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [section] key = "value" EOD ); $config = new Config(array('section' => array('key' => 'eulav'))); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals( 'eulav', $newConfig->get('section')->get('key'), 'IniWriter does not update simple section properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherSimpleSectionPropertiesAreInserted */ public function testWhetherSimpleSectionPropertiesAreDeleted() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [section] key = "value" EOD ); $config = new Config(array('section' => array())); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertNull( $newConfig->get('section')->get('key'), 'IniWriter does not delete simple section properties' ); } public function testWhetherNestedSectionPropertiesAreInserted() { $this->markTestSkipped('Implementation has changed. Config::fromIni cannot handle nested properties anymore'); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(''); $config = new Config(array('section' => array('a' => array('b' => 'c')))); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('section'), 'IniWriter does not insert sections' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('section')->get('a'), 'IniWriter does not insert nested section properties' ); $this->assertEquals( 'c', $newConfig->get('section')->get('a')->get('b'), 'IniWriter does not insert nested section properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherNestedSectionPropertiesAreInserted */ public function testWhetherNestedSectionPropertiesAreUpdated() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [section] a.b = "c" EOD ); $config = new Config(array('section' => array('a' => array('b' => 'cc')))); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals( 'cc', $newConfig->get('section')->get('a')->get('b'), 'IniWriter does not update nested section properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherNestedSectionPropertiesAreInserted */ public function testWhetherNestedSectionPropertiesAreDeleted() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [section] a.b = "c" EOD ); $config = new Config(array('section' => array())); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertNull( $newConfig->get('section')->get('a'), 'IniWriter does not delete nested section properties' ); } public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreInserted() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Implementation has changed. There is no "Extend" functionality anymore in our Config object' ); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(''); $config = new Config( array( 'foo' => array('key1' => '1'), 'bar' => array('key2' => '2') ) ); $config->setExtend('bar', 'foo'); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('foo'), 'IniWriter does not insert extended sections' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('bar'), 'IniWriter does not insert extending sections' ); $this->assertEquals( '2', $newConfig->get('bar')->get('key2'), 'IniWriter does not insert simple properties into extending sections' ); $this->assertEquals( '1', $newConfig->get('foo')->get('key1'), 'IniWriter does not properly define extending sections' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherSimplePropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreInserted */ public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreUpdated() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Implementation has changed. There is no "Extend" functionality anymore in our Config object' ); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [foo] key1 = "1" [bar : foo] key2 = "2" EOD ); $config = new Config( array( 'foo' => array('key1' => '1'), 'bar' => array('key2' => '22') ) ); $config->setExtend('bar', 'foo'); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals( '22', $newConfig->get('bar')->get('key2'), 'IniWriter does not update simple properties of extending sections' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherSimplePropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreInserted */ public function testWhetherSimplePropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreDeleted() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Implementation has changed. There is no "Extend" functionality anymore in our Config object' ); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [foo] key1 = "1" [bar : foo] key2 = "2" EOD ); $config = new Config( array( 'foo' => array('key1' => '1'), 'bar' => array() ) ); $config->setExtend('bar', 'foo'); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertNull( $newConfig->get('bar')->get('key2'), 'IniWriter does not delete simple properties of extending sections' ); } public function testWhetherNestedPropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreInserted() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Implementation has changed. There is no "Extend" functionality anymore in our Config object' ); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(''); $config = new Config( array( 'foo' => array('a' => array('b' => 'c')), 'bar' => array('d' => array('e' => 'f')) ) ); $config->setExtend('bar', 'foo'); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('foo'), 'IniWriter does not insert extended sections' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('bar'), 'IniWriter does not insert extending sections' ); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class($newConfig), $newConfig->get('bar')->get('d'), 'IniWriter does not insert nested properties into extending sections' ); $this->assertEquals( 'f', $newConfig->get('bar')->get('d')->get('e'), 'IniWriter does not insert nested properties into extending sections' ); $this->assertEquals( 'c', $newConfig->get('bar')->get('a')->get('b'), 'IniWriter does not properly define extending sections with nested properties' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherNestedPropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreInserted */ public function testWhetherNestedPropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreUpdated() { $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [foo] a.b = "c" [bar : foo] d.e = "f" EOD ); $config = new Config( array( 'foo' => array('a' => array('b' => 'c')), 'bar' => array('d' => array('e' => 'ff')) ) ); $config->setExtend('bar', 'foo'); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertEquals( 'ff', $newConfig->get('bar')->get('d')->get('e'), 'IniWriter does not update nested properties of extending sections' ); } /** * @depends testWhetherNestedPropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreInserted */ public function testWhetherNestedPropertiesOfExtendingSectionsAreDeleted() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Implementation has changed. There is no "Extend" functionality anymore in our Config object' ); $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile(<<<'EOD' [foo] a.b = "c" [bar : foo] d.e = "f" EOD ); $config = new Config( array( 'foo' => array('a' => array('b' => 'c')), 'bar' => array() ) ); $config->setExtend('bar', 'foo'); $writer = new IniWriter(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $target)); $writer->write(); $newConfig = Config::fromIni($target); $this->assertNull( $newConfig->get('bar')->get('d'), 'IniWriter does not delete nested properties of extending sections' ); } public function testWhetherSectionOrderIsUpdated() { $config = <<<'EOD' [one] key1 = "1" key2 = "2" [two] a.b = "c" d.e = "f" [three] key = "value" foo.bar = "raboof" EOD; $reverted = <<<'EOD' [three] key = "value" foo.bar = "raboof" [two] a.b = "c" d.e = "f" [one] key1 = "1" key2 = "2" EOD; $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config); $writer = new IniWriter( array( 'config' => new Config( array( 'three' => array( 'foo' => array( 'bar' => 'raboof' ), 'key' => 'value' ), 'two' => array( 'd' => array( 'e' => 'f' ), 'a' => array( 'b' => 'c' ) ), 'one' => array( 'key2' => '2', 'key1' => '1' ) ) ), 'filename' => $target ) ); $this->assertEquals( trim($reverted), trim($writer->render()), 'IniWriter does not preserve section and/or property order' ); } public function testWhetherCommentOrderIsUpdated() { $config = <<<'EOD' ; comment 1 [one] ; comment 2 [two] EOD; $reverted = <<<'EOD' ; comment 2 [two] ; comment 1 [one] EOD; $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config); $writer = new IniWriter( array( 'config' => new Config( array( 'two' => array(), 'one' => array() ) ), 'filename' => $target ) ); $this->assertEquals( trim($reverted), trim($writer->render()), 'IniWriter does not preserve section and/or property order' ); } public function testWhetherCommentsOnEmptyLinesArePreserved() { $config = <<<'EOD' ; some interesting comment key = "value" ; another interesting comment ; boring comment EOD; $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config); $writer = new IniWriter( array('config' => new Config(array('key' => 'value')), 'filename' => $target) ); $this->assertEquals( $config, $writer->render(), 'IniWriter does not preserve comments on empty lines' ); } public function testWhetherCommentsOnPropertyLinesArePreserved() { $config = <<<'EOD' foo = 1337 ; I know what a " and a ' is bar = 7331 ; I; tend; to; overact; !1!1!!11!111! ; key = "value" ; some comment for a small sized property xxl = "very loooooooooooooooooooooong" ; my value is very lo... EOD; $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config); $writer = new IniWriter( array( 'config' => new Config( array( 'foo' => 1337, 'bar' => 7331, 'key' => 'value', 'xxl' => 'very loooooooooooooooooooooong' ) ), 'filename' => $target ) ); $this->assertEquals( $config, $writer->render(), 'IniWriter does not preserve comments on property lines' ); } public function testWhetherCommentsOnEmptySectionLinesArePreserved() { $config = <<<'EOD' [section] ; some interesting comment, in a section key = "value" EOD; $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config); $writer = new IniWriter( array('config' => new Config(array('section' => array('key' => 'value'))), 'filename' => $target) ); $this->assertEquals( $config, $writer->render(), 'IniWriter does not preserve comments on empty section lines' ); } public function testWhetherCommentsOnSectionPropertyLinesArePreserved() { $config = <<<'EOD' [section] foo = 1337 ; I know what a " and a ' is bar = 7331 ; I; tend; to; overact; !1!1!!11!111! ; key = "value" ; some comment for a small sized property xxl = "very loooooooooooooooooooooong" ; my value is very lo... EOD; $target = $this->writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config); $writer = new IniWriter( array( 'config' => new Config( array( 'section' => array( 'foo' => 1337, 'bar' => 7331, 'key' => 'value', 'xxl' => 'very loooooooooooooooooooooong' ) ) ), 'filename' => $target ) ); $this->assertEquals( $config, $writer->render(), 'IniWriter does not preserve comments on property lines' ); } public function testKeyNormalization() { $normalKeys = new IniWriter( array ( 'config' => new Config(array ( 'foo' => 'bar', 'nest' => array ( 'nested' => array ( 'stuff' => 'nested configuration element' ) ), 'preserving' => array ( 'ini' => array( 'writer' => 'n' ), 'foo' => 'this should not be overwritten' ) )), 'filename' => $this->tempFile ) ); $nestedKeys = new IniWriter( array ( 'config' => new Config(array ( 'foo' => 'bar', 'nest.nested.stuff' => 'nested configuration element', 'preserving.ini.writer' => 'n', 'preserving.foo' => 'this should not be overwritten' )), 'filename' => $this->tempFile2 ) ); $this->assertEquals($normalKeys->render(), $nestedKeys->render()); } /** * Write a INI-configuration string to a temporary file and return it's path * * @param string $config The config string to write * * @return string The path to the temporary file */ protected function writeConfigToTemporaryFile($config) { file_put_contents($this->tempFile, $config); return $this->tempFile; } }