<?php /* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2014 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ namespace Icinga\Util; /** * Provide functions to change and convert colors. */ class Color { /** * Convert a given color string to an rgb-array containing * each color as a decimal value. * * @param $color The color-string #RRGGBB * * @return array The converted rgb-array. */ public static function rgbAsArray($color) { if (substr($color, 0, 1) !== '#') { $color = '#' . $color; } if (strlen($color) !== 7) { return; } $r = (float)intval(substr($color, 1, 2), 16); $g = (float)intval(substr($color, 3, 2), 16); $b = (float)intval(substr($color, 5, 2), 16); return array($r, $g, $b); } /** * Convert a rgb array to a color-string * * @param array $rgb The rgb-array * * @return string The color string #RRGGBB */ public static function arrayToRgb(array $rgb) { $r = (string)dechex($rgb[0]); $g = (string)dechex($rgb[1]); $b = (string)dechex($rgb[2]); return '#' . (strlen($r) > 1 ? $r : '0' . $r) . (strlen($g) > 1 ? $g : '0' . $g) . (strlen($b) > 1 ? $b : '0' . $b); } /** * Change the saturation for a given color. * * @param $color string The color to change * @param $change float The change. * 0.0 creates a black-and-white image. * 0.5 reduces the color saturation by half. * 1.0 causes no change. * 2.0 doubles the color saturation. * @return string */ public static function changeSaturation($color, $change) { return self::arrayToRgb(self::changeRgbSaturation(self::rgbAsArray($color), $change)); } /** * Change the brightness for a given color * * @param $color string The color to change * @param $change float The change in percent * * @return string */ public static function changeBrightness($color, $change) { return self::arrayToRgb(self::changeRgbBrightness(self::rgbAsArray($color), $change)); } /** * @param $rgb array The rgb-array to change * @param $change float The factor * * @return array The updated rgb-array */ private static function changeRgbSaturation(array $rgb, $change) { $pr = 0.499; // 0.299 $pg = 0.387; // 0.587 $pb = 0.114; // 0.114 $r = $rgb[0]; $g = $rgb[1]; $b = $rgb[2]; $p = sqrt( $r * $r * $pr + $g * $g * $pg + $b * $b * $pb ); $rgb[0] = (int)($p + ($r - $p) * $change); $rgb[1] = (int)($p + ($g - $p) * $change); $rgb[2] = (int)($p + ($b - $p) * $change); return $rgb; } /** * @param $rgb array The rgb-array to change * @param $change float The factor * * @return array The updated rgb-array */ private static function changeRgbBrightness(array $rgb, $change) { $red = $rgb[0] + ($rgb[0] * $change); $green = $rgb[1] + ($rgb[1] * $change); $blue = $rgb[2] + ($rgb[2] * $change); $rgb[0] = $red < 255 ? (int) $red : 255; $rgb[1] = $green < 255 ? (int) $green : 255; $rgb[2] = $blue < 255 ? (int) $blue : 255; return $rgb; } }