* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team * */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Chart\Primitive; use DOMElement; use Icinga\Chart\Render\RenderContext; use Icinga\Chart\Format; /** * Drawable for creating a svg path element */ class Path extends Styleable implements Drawable { /** * Syntax template for moving * * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataMovetoCommands */ const TPL_MOVE = 'M %s %s '; /** * Syntax template for bezier curve * * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataCubicBezierCommands */ const TPL_BEZIER = 'S %s %s '; /** * Syntax template for straight lines * * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataLinetoCommands */ const TPL_STRAIGHT = 'L %s %s '; /** * The default stroke width * * @var int */ public $strokeWidth = 1; /** * True to treat coordinates as absolute values * * @var bool */ protected $isAbsolute = false; /** * The points to draw, in the order they are drawn * * @var array */ protected $points = array(); /** * True to draw the path discrete, i.e. make hard steps between points * * @var bool */ protected $discrete = false; /** * Create the path using the given points * * @param array $points Either a single [x, y] point or an array of x, y points */ public function __construct(array $points) { $this->append($points); } /** * Append a single point or an array of points to this path * * @param array $points Either a single [x, y] point or an array of x, y points * * @return self Fluid interface */ public function append(array $points) { if (count($points) === 0) { return $this; } if (!is_array($points[0])) { $points = array($points); } $this->points = array_merge($this->points, $points); return $this; } /** * Prepend a single point or an array of points to this path * * @param array $points Either a single [x, y] point or an array of x, y points * * @return self Fluid interface */ public function prepend(array $points) { if (count($points) === 0) { return $this; } if (!is_array($points[0])) { $points = array($points); } $this->points = array_merge($points, $this->points); return $this; } /** * Set this path to be discrete * * @param boolean $bool True to draw discrete or false to draw straight lines between points * * @return self Fluid interface */ public function setDiscrete($bool) { $this->discrete = $bool; return $this; } /** * Mark this path as containing absolute coordinates * * @return self Fluid interface */ public function toAbsolute() { $this->isAbsolute = true; return $this; } /** * Create the SVG representation from this Drawable * * @param RenderContext $ctx The context to use for rendering * @return DOMElement The SVG Element */ public function toSvg(RenderContext $ctx) { $doc = $ctx->getDocument(); $group = $doc->createElement('g'); $pathDescription = ''; $tpl = self::TPL_MOVE; $lastPoint = null; foreach ($this->points as $point) { if (!$this->isAbsolute) { $point = $ctx->toAbsolute($point[0], $point[1]); } $point[0] = Format::formatSVGNumber($point[0]); $point[1] = Format::formatSVGNumber($point[1]); if ($lastPoint && $this->discrete) { $pathDescription .= sprintf($tpl, $point[0], $lastPoint[1]); } $pathDescription .= vsprintf($tpl, $point); $lastPoint = $point; $tpl = self::TPL_STRAIGHT; } $path = $doc->createElement('path'); if ($this->id) { $path->setAttribute('id', $this->id); } $path->setAttribute('d', $pathDescription); $path->setAttribute('style', $this->getStyle()); $this->applyAttributes($path); $group->appendChild($path); return $group; } }