#!/usr/bin/env sh set -o nounset pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null DIR=`pwd` popd > /dev/null CASPER=$(which casperjs) INCLUDE="" EXCLUDE="" VERBOSE=0 BUILD=0 if [ ! -x $CASPER ]; then echo "CasperJS is not installed but required to run frontend tests\n"\ "Take a look at http://casperjs.org/installation.html to see how the installation works for your system" exit 1 fi; PARAM="0" for arg in $@;do if [ ! "$PARAM" == "0" ]; then export $PARAM=$arg PARAM="0" continue fi; case $arg in --verbose) VERBOSE=1 ;; --include) PARAM="INCLUDE" continue ;; --exclude) PARAM="EXCLUDE" continue ;; --build) BUILD=1 continue ;; **) if [ "$arg" != "--help" ]; then echo "Unknown option $arg" fi; printf "%b" "Testrunner for interface tests\n\n" printf "%b" "Usage: ./$0 [--verbose] [--include %include%] [--exclude %exclude%] [--build]\n\n" printf "%b" " --verbose \t\t\t Print verbose output when testing\n" printf "%b" " --include %filelist%\t\t Include only files matching this patterns\n" printf "%b" " --exclude %filelist%\t\t Exclude files matching this patterns\n" printf "%b" " --build \t\t\t Write test results to ../../build/log/casper_results.xml\n" printf "%b" " --help \t\t\t Print this message\n\n" exit 1 esac; done; EXEC="$CASPER test" # # If build is set, the results are written for our jenkins server # if [ $BUILD -eq 1 ];then mkdir -p $DIR/../../build/log EXEC="$EXEC --xunit=$DIR/../../build/log/casper_results.xml" fi; if [ "$PARAM" != "0" ]; then echo "Missing parameter for $PARAM" exit 1 fi; cd $DIR FILELIST="" # # Default : Run regression and cases directory # if [ "$INCLUDE" == "" -a "$EXCLUDE" == "" ];then FILELIST="./cases ./regression" fi; # # Include patterns set with the --include directive # if [ "$INCLUDE" != "" ];then NAME="\(" GLUE="" for INC in $INCLUDE;do NAME="$NAME${GLUE}${INC}.*js" GLUE="\|" done; NAME=$NAME"\)$" FILELIST=`find . | grep "$NAME"` fi; # # Exclude patterns that match the include directive # if [ "$EXCLUDE" != "" ];then NAME="\(" GLUE="" for EXC in $EXCLUDE;do NAME="$NAME${GLUE}${EXC}.*js" GLUE="\|" done; NAME=$NAME"\)$" if [ "$FILELIST" == "" ]; then FILELIST=`find .|grep ".*js$"` fi FILELIST=`echo $FILELIST | grep -v "$NAME"` fi; echo $EXEC $FILELIST $EXEC $FILELIST exit 0