* $lconf = new Connection((object) array( * 'hostname' => 'localhost', * 'root_dn' => 'dc=monitoring,dc=...', * 'bind_dn' => 'cn=Mangager,dc=monitoring,dc=...', * 'bind_pw' => '***' * )); * * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Icinga-Web Team * @author Icinga-Web Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License */ class Connection { const LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT = 0x20; protected $ds; protected $hostname; protected $port = 389; protected $bind_dn; protected $bind_pw; protected $root_dn; protected $count; protected $ldap_extension = array( '' => 'STARTTLS', // '' => '11.1', // PASSWORD_MODIFY // '' => '11.3', // Whoami // '' => '8', // Cancel Extended Request ); protected $ms_capability = array( // Prefix LDAP_CAP_ // Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223359.aspx // Running Active Directory as AD DS: '1.2.840.113556.1.4.800' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_OID', // Capable of signing and sealing on an NTLM authenticated connection // and of performing subsequent binds on a signed or sealed connection. '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1791' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_LDAP_INTEG_OID', // If AD DS: running at least W2K3, if AD LDS running at least W2K8 '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1670' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V51_OID', // If AD LDS: accepts DIGEST-MD5 binds for AD LDSsecurity principals '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1880' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_ADAM_DIGEST', // Running Active Directory as AD LDS '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1851' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_ADAM_OID', // If AD DS: it's a Read Only DC (RODC) '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1920' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_PARTIAL_SECRETS_OID', // Running at least W2K8 '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1935' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V60_OID', // Running at least W2K8r2 '1.2.840.113556.1.4.2080' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_V61_R2_OID', // Running at least W2K12 '1.2.840.113556.1.4.2237' => 'ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_W8_OID', ); /** * Whether the bind on this connection was already performed * * @var bool */ protected $bound = false; protected $root; protected $supports_v3 = false; protected $supports_tls = false; protected $capabilities; protected $namingContexts; protected $discoverySuccess = false; protected $lastResult; protected $pageCookie; /** * Constructor * * TODO: Allow to pass port and SSL options * * @param ConfigObject $config */ public function __construct(ConfigObject $config) { $this->hostname = $config->hostname; $this->bind_dn = $config->bind_dn; $this->bind_pw = $config->bind_pw; $this->root_dn = $config->root_dn; $this->port = $config->get('port', $this->port); } public function getHostname() { return $this->hostname; } public function getPort() { return $this->port; } public function getDN() { return $this->root_dn; } public function root() { if ($this->root === null) { $this->root = Root::forConnection($this); } return $this->root; } public function select() { return new Query($this); } public function fetchOne($query, $fields = array()) { $row = (array) $this->fetchRow($query, $fields); return array_shift($row); } public function hasDN($dn) { $this->connect(); $this->bind(); $result = ldap_read($this->ds, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array('objectClass')); return ldap_count_entries($this->ds, $result) > 0; } public function deleteRecursively($dn) { $this->connect(); $this->bind(); $result = @ldap_list($this->ds, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array('objectClass')); if ($result === false) { if (ldap_errno($this->ds) === self::LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { return false; } throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'LDAP list for "%s" failed: %s', $dn, ldap_error($this->ds) ) ); } $children = ldap_get_entries($this->ds, $result); for ($i = 0; $i < $children['count']; $i++) { $result = $this->deleteRecursively($children[$i]['dn']); if (!$result) { //return result code, if delete fails throw new LdapException(sprintf('Recursively deleting "%s" failed', $dn)); } } return $this->deleteDN($dn); } public function deleteDN($dn) { $this->connect(); $this->bind(); $result = @ldap_delete($this->ds, $dn); if ($result === false) { if (ldap_errno($this->ds) === self::LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { return false; } throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'LDAP delete for "%s" failed: %s', $dn, ldap_error($this->ds) ) ); } return true; } /** * Fetch the distinguished name of the first result of the given query * * @param Query $query The query returning the result set * @param array $fields The fields to fetch * * @return string Returns the distinguished name, or false when the given query yields no results * @throws LdapException When the query result is empty and contains no DN to fetch */ public function fetchDN(Query $query, $fields = array()) { $rows = $this->fetchAll($query, $fields); if (count($rows) !== 1) { throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'Cannot fetch single DN for %s', $query->create() ) ); } return key($rows); } /** * @param $query * @param array $fields * * @return mixed */ public function fetchRow($query, $fields = array()) { $query = clone $query; $query->limit(1); $results = $this->fetchAll($query, $fields); return array_shift($results); } /** * @param Query $query * * @return int */ public function count(Query $query) { $this->connect(); $this->bind(); $count = 0; $results = $this->runQuery($query); while (! empty($results)) { $count += ldap_count_entries($this->ds, $results); $results = $this->runQuery($query); } return $count; } public function fetchAll(Query $query, $fields = array()) { $this->connect(); $this->bind(); $offset = $limit = null; if ($query->hasLimit()) { $offset = $query->getOffset(); $limit = $query->getLimit(); } $count = 0; $entries = array(); $results = $this->runQuery($query, $fields); while (! empty($results)) { $entry = ldap_first_entry($this->ds, $results); while ($entry) { $count++; if ( ($offset === null || $offset <= $count) && ($limit === null || $limit > count($entries)) ) { $entries[ldap_get_dn($this->ds, $entry)] = $this->cleanupAttributes( ldap_get_attributes($this->ds, $entry) ); } $entry = ldap_next_entry($this->ds, $entry); } $results = $this->runQuery($query, $fields); } return $entries; } protected function cleanupAttributes($attrs) { $clean = (object) array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $attrs['count']; $i++) { $attr_name = $attrs[$i]; if ($attrs[$attr_name]['count'] === 1) { $clean->$attr_name = $attrs[$attr_name][0]; } else { for ($j = 0; $j < $attrs[$attr_name]['count']; $j++) { $clean->{$attr_name}[] = $attrs[$attr_name][$j]; } } } return $clean; } protected function runQuery(Query $query, $fields = array()) { if ($query->getUsePagedResults() && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) { if ($this->pageCookie === null) { $this->pageCookie = ''; } else { try { ldap_control_paged_result_response($this->ds, $this->lastResult, $this->pageCookie); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->pageCookie = ''; Logger::debug( 'Unable to request paged LDAP results. Does the server allow paged search requests? (%s)', $e->getMessage() ); } ldap_free_result($this->lastResult); if (! $this->pageCookie) { $this->pageCookie = $this->lastResult = null; // Abandon the paged search request so that subsequent requests succeed ldap_control_paged_result($this->ds, 0); return false; } } // Does not matter whether we'll use a valid page size here, // as the server applies its hard limit in case its too high ldap_control_paged_result( $this->ds, $query->hasLimit() ? $query->getLimit() : 500, true, $this->pageCookie ); } elseif ($this->lastResult !== null) { ldap_free_result($this->lastResult); $this->lastResult = null; return false; } $base = $query->hasBase() ? $query->getBase() : $this->root_dn; $results = @ldap_search( $this->ds, $base, $query->create(), empty($fields) ? $query->listFields() : $fields, 0, // Attributes and values $query->hasLimit() ? $query->getOffset() + $query->getLimit() : 0 // No limit - at least where possible ); if ($results === false) { if (ldap_errno($this->ds) === self::LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { return false; } throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'LDAP query "%s" (root %s) failed: %s', $query, $this->root_dn, ldap_error($this->ds) ) ); } foreach ($query->getSortColumns() as $col) { ldap_sort($this->ds, $results, $col[0]); } $this->lastResult = $results; return $results; } public function testCredentials($username, $password) { $this->connect(); $r = @ldap_bind($this->ds, $username, $password); if ($r) { Logger::debug( 'Successfully tested LDAP credentials (%s / %s)', $username, '***' ); return true; } else { Logger::debug( 'Testing LDAP credentials (%s / %s) failed: %s', $username, '***', ldap_error($this->ds) ); return false; } } /** * @param null $sub * * @return string */ protected function getConfigDir($sub = null) { $dir = Config::$configDir . '/ldap'; if ($sub !== null) { $dir .= '/' . $sub; } return $dir; } /** * Connect to the given ldap server and apply settings depending on the discovered capabilities * * @return resource A positive LDAP link identifier * @throws LdapException When the connection is not possible */ protected function prepareNewConnection() { $use_tls = false; $force_tls = true; $force_tls = false; if ($use_tls) { $this->prepareTlsEnvironment(); } $ds = ldap_connect($this->hostname, $this->port); try { $capabilities = $this->discoverCapabilities($ds); list($cap, $namingContexts) = $capabilities; $this->discoverySuccess = true; } catch (LdapException $e) { // discovery failed, guess defaults $cap = (object) array( 'supports_ldapv3' => true, 'supports_starttls' => false, 'msCapabilities' => array() ); $namingContexts = null; } $this->capabilities = $cap; $this->namingContexts = $namingContexts; if ($use_tls) { if ($cap->supports_starttls) { if (@ldap_start_tls($ds)) { Logger::debug('LDAP STARTTLS succeeded'); } else { Logger::debug('LDAP STARTTLS failed: %s', ldap_error($ds)); throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'LDAP STARTTLS failed: %s', ldap_error($ds) ) ); } } elseif ($force_tls) { throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'TLS is required but not announced by %s', $this->host_name ) ); } else { // TODO: Log noticy -> TLS enabled but not announced } } // ldap_rename requires LDAPv3: if ($cap->supports_ldapv3) { if (! ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) { throw new LdapException('LDAPv3 is required'); } } else { // TODO: remove this -> FORCING v3 for now ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); Logger::warning('No LDAPv3 support detected'); } // Not setting this results in "Operations error" on AD when using the // whole domain as search base: ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, LDAP_DEREF_NEVER); return $ds; } protected function prepareTlsEnvironment() { $strict_tls = true; // TODO: allow variable known CA location (system VS Icinga) if (Platform::isWindows()) { // putenv('LDAP...') } else { if ($strict_tls) { $ldap_conf = $this->getConfigDir('ldap_ca.conf'); } else { $ldap_conf = $this->getConfigDir('ldap_nocert.conf'); } putenv('LDAPRC=' . $ldap_conf); if (getenv('LDAPRC') !== $ldap_conf) { throw new LdapException('putenv failed'); } } } /** * Return if the capability object contains support for StartTLS * * @param $cap The object containing the capabilities * * @return bool Whether StartTLS is supported */ protected function hasCapabilityStartTLS($cap) { $cap = $this->getExtensionCapabilities($cap); return isset($cap['']); } /** * Return if the capability objects contains support for LdapV3 * * @param $cap * * @return bool */ protected function hasCapabilityLdapV3($cap) { if ((is_string($cap->supportedLDAPVersion) && (int) $cap->supportedLDAPVersion === 3) || (is_array($cap->supportedLDAPVersion) && in_array(3, $cap->supportedLDAPVersion) )) { return true; } return false; } /** * Extract an array of all extension capabilities from the given ldap response * * @param $cap object The response returned by a ldap_search discovery query * * @return object The extracted capabilities. */ protected function getExtensionCapabilities($cap) { $extensions = array(); if (isset($cap->supportedExtension)) { foreach ($cap->supportedExtension as $oid) { if (array_key_exists($oid, $this->ldap_extension)) { if ($this->ldap_extension[$oid] === 'STARTTLS') { $extensions[''] = $this->ldap_extension['']; } } } } return $extensions; } /** * Extract an array of all MSAD capabilities from the given ldap response * * @param $cap object The response returned by a ldap_search discovery query * * @return object The extracted capabilities. */ protected function getMsCapabilities($cap) { $ms = array(); foreach ($this->ms_capability as $name) { $ms[$this->convName($name)] = false; } if (isset($cap->supportedCapabilities)) { foreach ($cap->supportedCapabilities as $oid) { if (array_key_exists($oid, $this->ms_capability)) { $ms[$this->convName($this->ms_capability[$oid])] = true; } } } return (object)$ms; } /** * Convert a single capability name entry into camel-case * * @param $name string The name to convert * * @return string The name in camel-case */ private function convName($name) { $parts = explode('_', $name); foreach ($parts as $i => $part) { $parts[$i] = ucfirst(strtolower($part)); } return implode('', $parts); } /** * Get the capabilities of this ldap server * * @return stdClass An object, providing the flags 'ldapv3' and 'starttls' to indicate LdapV3 and StartTLS * support and an additional property 'msCapabilities', containing all supported active directory capabilities. */ public function getCapabilities() { return $this->capabilities; } /** * Get the default naming context of this ldap connection * * @return string|null the default naming context, or null when no contexts are available */ public function getDefaultNamingContext() { $cap = $this->capabilities; if (isset($cap->defaultNamingContext)) { return $cap->defaultNamingContext; } $namingContexts = $this->namingContexts($cap); return empty($namingContexts) ? null : $namingContexts[0]; } /** * Fetch the namingContexts for this Ldap-Connection * * @return array the available naming contexts */ public function namingContexts() { if (!isset($this->namingContexts)) { return array(); } if (!is_array($this->namingContexts)) { return array($this->namingContexts); } return $this->namingContexts; } /** * Whether service discovery was successful * * @return boolean True when ldap settings were discovered, false when * settings were guessed */ public function discoverySuccessful() { return $this->discoverySuccess; } /** * Discover the capabilities of the given ldap-server * * @param resource $ds The link identifier of the current ldap connection * * @return array The capabilities and naming-contexts * @throws LdapException When the capability query fails */ protected function discoverCapabilities($ds) { $query = $this->select()->from( '*', array( 'defaultNamingContext', 'namingContexts', 'vendorName', 'vendorVersion', 'supportedSaslMechanisms', 'dnsHostName', 'schemaNamingContext', 'supportedLDAPVersion', // => array(3, 2) 'supportedCapabilities', 'supportedExtension', '+' ) ); $result = @ldap_read( $ds, '', $query->create(), $query->listFields() ); if (! $result) { throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'Capability query failed (%s:%d): %s. Check if hostname and port of the ldap resource are correct ' . ' and if anonymous access is permitted.', $this->hostname, $this->port, ldap_error($ds) ) ); } $entry = ldap_first_entry($ds, $result); if ($entry === false) { throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'Capabilities not available (%s:%d): %s. Discovery of root DSE probably not permitted.', $this->hostname, $this->port, ldap_error($ds) ) ); } $cap = (object) array( 'supports_ldapv3' => false, 'supports_starttls' => false, 'msCapabilities' => array() ); $ldapAttributes = ldap_get_attributes($ds, $entry); $result = $this->cleanupAttributes($ldapAttributes); $cap->supports_ldapv3 = $this->hasCapabilityLdapV3($result); $cap->supports_starttls = $this->hasCapabilityStartTLS($result); $cap->msCapabilities = $this->getMsCapabilities($result); return array($cap, $result->namingContexts); } /** * Try to connect to the given ldap server * * @throws LdapException When connecting is not possible */ public function connect() { if ($this->ds !== null) { return; } $this->ds = $this->prepareNewConnection(); } /** * Try to bind to the current ldap domain using the provided bind_dn and bind_pw * * @throws LdapException When binding is not possible */ public function bind() { if ($this->bound) { return; } $r = @ldap_bind($this->ds, $this->bind_dn, $this->bind_pw); if (! $r) { throw new LdapException( sprintf( 'LDAP connection to %s:%s (%s / %s) failed: %s', $this->hostname, $this->port, $this->bind_dn, '***' /* $this->bind_pw */, ldap_error($this->ds) ) ); } $this->bound = true; } /** * Create an ldap entry * * @param string $dn DN to add * @param array $entry Entry description * * @return bool True on success */ public function addEntry($dn, array $entry) { return ldap_add($this->ds, $dn, $entry); } /** * Modify a ldap entry * * @param string $dn DN of the entry to change * @param array $entry Change values * * @return bool True on success */ public function modifyEntry($dn, array $entry) { return ldap_modify($this->ds, $dn, $entry); } /** * Move entry to a new DN * * @param string $dn DN of the object * @param string $newRdn Relative DN identifier * @param string $newParentDn Parent or superior entry * @throws LdapException Thrown then rename failed * * @return bool True on success */ public function moveEntry($dn, $newRdn, $newParentDn) { $returnValue = ldap_rename($this->ds, $dn, $newRdn, $newParentDn, false); if ($returnValue === false) { throw new LdapException('Could not move entry: ' . ldap_error($this->ds)); } return $returnValue; } public function __destruct() { putenv('LDAPRC'); } }