* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Web\Controller; use \Zend_Controller_Action as ZfController; use \Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract as ZfRequest; use \Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract as ZfResponse; use \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker as ZfActionHelper; use \Zend_Layout as ZfLayout; use \Icinga\Authentication\Manager as AuthManager; use \Icinga\Application\Benchmark; use \Icinga\Exception; use \Icinga\Application\Config; use \Icinga\Web\Notification; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabs; use \Icinga\Web\Url; /** * Base class for all core action controllers * * All Icinga Web core controllers should extend this class */ class ActionController extends ZfController { /** * True to mark this layout to not render the full layout * * @var bool */ protected $replaceLayout = false; /** * If true, this controller will be shown even when no authentication is available * Needed mainly for the authentication controller * * @var bool */ protected $handlesAuthentication = false; /** * Set true when this controller modifies the session * * otherwise the session will be written back to disk and closed before the controller * action is executed, leading to every modification in the session to be lost after * the response is submitted * * @var bool */ protected $modifiesSession = false; /** * True if authentication succeeded, otherwise false * * @var bool */ protected $allowAccess = false; /** * The current module name. TODO: Find out whether this shall be null for * non-module actions * * @var string */ protected $module_name; /** * The current controller name * * @var string */ protected $controller_name; /** * The current action name * * @var string */ protected $action_name; /** * The constructor starts benchmarking, loads the configuration and sets * other useful controller properties * * @param ZfRequest $request * @param ZfResponse $response * @param array $invokeArgs Any additional invocation arguments */ public function __construct( ZfRequest $request, ZfResponse $response, array $invokeArgs = array() ) { Benchmark::measure('Action::__construct()'); $this->module_name = $request->getModuleName(); $this->controller_name = $request->getControllerName(); $this->action_name = $request->getActionName(); $this->setRequest($request) ->setResponse($response) ->_setInvokeArgs($invokeArgs); $this->_helper = new ZfActionHelper($this); if ($this->handlesAuthentication || AuthManager::getInstance( null, array( 'writeSession' => $this->modifiesSession ) )->isAuthenticated() ) { $this->allowAccess = true; $this->view->tabs = new Tabs(); $this->init(); } } /** * Return the tabs * * @return Tabs */ public function getTabs() { return $this->view->tabs; } /** * Translate the given string with the global translation catalog * * @param string $string The string that should be translated * * @return string */ public function translate($string) { return t($string); } private function redirectToLogin() { $this->_request->setModuleName('default') ->setControllerName('authentication') ->setActionName('login') ->setDispatched(false); } /** * Prepare action execution by testing for correct permissions and setting shortcuts */ public function preDispatch() { Benchmark::measure('Action::preDispatch()'); if (! $this->allowAccess) { return $this->redirectToLogin(); } $this->view->action_name = $this->action_name; $this->view->controller_name = $this->controller_name; $this->view->module_name = $this->module_name; Benchmark::measure( sprintf( 'Action::preDispatched(): %s / %s / %s', $this->module_name, $this->controller_name, $this->action_name ) ); } /** * Redirect to a specific url, updating the browsers URL field * * @param Url|string $url The target to redirect to **/ public function redirectNow($url) { if ($url instanceof Url) { $url = $url->getRelativeUrl(); } else { $url = Url::fromPath($url)->getRelativeUrl(); } $this->_helper->Redirector->gotoUrlAndExit($url); } /** * Detect whether the current request requires changes in the layout and apply them before rendering * * @see Zend_Controller_Action::postDispatch() */ public function postDispatch() { Benchmark::measure('Action::postDispatch()'); if ($this->_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { if ($this->replaceLayout || $this->_getParam('_render') === 'body') { $this->_helper->layout()->setLayout('body'); header('X-Icinga-Target: body'); } else { $this->_helper->layout()->setLayout('inline'); } } } }